The state of Sombra's gun -

I was skimming an old post a moment ago, and I came across this post. I thought it was a great post, and wanted to put it here for everyone to read:

That was TeaVice, and it’s a sobering post because of how accurate it is. Some heroes get so much more value from their weapon, even if you are not that great. I can spam high damage shots and get a kill now and then out of sheer luck, but that’s not the case with Sombra. With Sombra’s gun, even when you’re at your best, you’re still only just okay.

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Makes sense, she’s more of a situational utility hero. She doesn’t need to destroy fatties with her primary

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I dont think her gun needs changes, but her hack. I think Sombra should be able to do an extra amount of damage to hacked targets for that duration.

That way her kit synergizes

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I wish Junkrat couldn’t, that’s what got him into this mess.

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The reason why people play Sombra shouldnt be her gun but her hack and EMP instead. Stop asking for buffs for a character already a cancer.

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People are being absolutely ridiculous when it comes to Sombra. You can’t just buff her gun to make her the ideal assassin. Look at her kit:

  • becomes 100% invisible
  • can instantly retreat
  • stops all active abilities

If you buff her damage too then she’s going to be a nightmare below mid diamond.


let me ask you this.

how is it fair in anyway to have perma invis, and hack which shuts down enemy abilities and passives completely, and to have high damage? That sounds like an overloaded kit.

if they up sombras damage, they would have to lower her health to tracer health.


the only way it would be balanced is to lower her health to 150, and even then she might be way too strong

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She would be too strong. It would basically be like having Soldier 76 instantly appear behind you. No sound, no warning, just shows up.

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not only that but she then takes away your abilities.

Imagine if tracer could take away your abilities. that would be a nightmare, and is basically what the op is asking for

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This is a perfect example of the community not knowing what they want. This change would make it impossible to play Zenyatta, Mercy, Lucio and Ana. Things would be extremely oppressive in the backline.

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Her gun is fine. It’s a versatility weapon like S76’s gun. It’s good for anything and has good burst damage but isn’t great for everything.

The only thing I want them to change is somehow add momentum when she uses her transponder while in mid flight.

Yeah i don’t get why people want a gun buff lol. Her gun is already basically a stronger Tracer gun, and she has good utility

If that happened then we would have yet ANOTHER tank buster. She can throw out crits so damned easily a full clip into hogs head with little effort while hes hacked takes him down below 300 or close too it. Give her any kind of damage buff and she will melt tanks. Guaranteed.

She just needs to be able to use it more than once per engagement.

Yea but hog is already a massive ult charge

Buff Sombra and I’m leaving Overwatch.
She’s already cancer.

Sombra was one of the heroes I picked up instantly after launch. She and I just clicked. Sombra’s gun has a low individual damage, but with a high rate of fire and a high ammo count, it compromises her low damage. Sombra is a highly useful utility to your team, but she isn’t afraid to go down without a fight.