With Sombra gaining traction in OWL and GM, i’m afraid Sombra might be in the sights of a nerf since we all know Sombra is boring for those OWL big bucks, and I’d rather that not happen for a third time.
So, shameless grave bump? Yes. Yes it is.
UPDATE So, Sombra got a “buff”…
…And, she got a nerf slapped onto her as well. Not to sound like “They didn’t choose any of the buffs I wanted!”, but this seriously doesn’t help her kit, at all
So, unfortunately, this thread shall go on.
Since Sombra is now effectively a throw pick again, its time to throw some age old suggestions into the ring.
Change movement speed from 5.5 to 6.0, the same as Genji and Tracer.
Opportunist now allows Sombra to deal an extra 10% damage to hacked targets.
Since Sombra is more or less defined as a “flanker”, “infiltrator”, or a “Scout”, the downtime between a failed hack run should be trimmed to make her less of a weight on her team. Her increased speed would allow her to reach locations faster, checkpoints quicker…the list goes on. It would be a QOL change that would help her.
For the opportunist changes, this would increase her damage without sacrificing any part of her kit for a form of burst damage. It would give Sombra the necessary damage she needs to be an effective DPS.
Hack is no longer forced into a two second cooldown when shot.
LOS changes reverted, but adjusted to half of their values.
Hack speed reverted to previous patch speed (Its .65 seconds now. Old speed was .8, which allows for more reaction time.). Damage threshold of 10 added.
With the current hack speed, its nearly impossible to react to unless you manage to get her coming out of stealth. . But, in multiple moments and examples, hack more often gets screwed over by LOS, or with the rise of heroes like Moiras orb that can randomly just tickle her once and put her hack down for 2 seconds in a team fight. 2 seconds is a LOT in a fight.
The problem with the new hack speed is that no one can react to it.
The LOS change really only benefits Tracer, who can simply blink out of a hack and was mainly done at the time when dive was extremely popular out of fear it would invalidate her.
As for her slow hack speed, this would actually allow people who are in the process of getting hacked to react to Sombra hacking them. If they ignore the hack, then they are punished by being hacked, or if they’re unable to aim in time. Sombras base hack speed was fair, but it had its issues, such as one damage cancelling it from a stray Moira orb, or a D.VA bullet, which is why a damage threshold would make her hack feel more secure. Any hero will be able to do 10 damage in the time it takes Sombra to hack, making it fair for both parties.
Sombras camo no longer lasts forever, but is instead on a meter that lasts roughly 10 seconds if continuously running. The meter recharges slowly whilst in camo, but only if standing still.
The meter depletes quickly if shot, revealing Sombras location momentarily, but it will not knock her out of stealth unless the meter is low enough.
Stealth meter takes 8-9 seconds to fully recharge back to full. It can be used at anytime.
Sombras speed while in stealth increased back to 75%.
These changes will not only make Sombra more versatile assassin/flanker/infiltrator, w/e you wanna call her, but it would make her much more dangerous when she pops in and out of stealth. This would allow her to be on the field more rather than translocating away and repeating the redundant, mundane process of setting up again.
Damage threshold of 10 added.
Only a second to use translocator if manually destroyed.
Reduce cooldown to 4s once more.
Allow it to stick to surfaces such as walls/ceilings
I’ll more than likely get a lot of flak for this, but the infinite translocator is kinda nice. Though, what I dont like is the fact one damage is enough to stop her trans-locator in the middle of an escape, especially from a stray D.VA bullet, or any bullet for that matter. I dont have much to say about translocator, as other parts of her kit are in dire need.
Oh, and one more thing…
Sugar skulls appear above enemies in PvE, but not for players? A skull is a lot better visually to see how much time you have left on a hack rather than the wavy barely seeable lines on a hacked target. WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET AHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGHHH
OVERALL, these changes make Sombra viable on her own, but is still strong when synergized with a team. It will make her feel better to use, more smooth on the field, and will be amazing for those who know how to use her.