Sombra isn't that useless

The best we can do is start a storm on the forums and hope that Blizzard changes their minds, opting to listen to Sombra players instead? Idk. So regarding the Sombra changes

can you put that in mightys or fitzys discord

ty lol

Probably , even if they realease them , she will get changed , so many pro players and mains will give too much hate to let it in the game .

I only Discord with my WoW guild (even though I’ve not played WoW for months), but feel free to take it there.


16 charactersss

Can we just leave this post ?

Only good thing I see aside from cancelling translocator is that I can go invisible and spam voicelines.

But they’ll immediately see me because it went from 2 to 4 so…

Just set your notifications as “Mute”

i didnt get the full argument of this thread, but just a note, if youre getting the opinion from someone who puts their ‘life’ into a character, they probably know way more if shes good/bad/useless. Im sure you didnt mean to come across how you did to the people here, but just a reminder, dont ignore their opinions.

Have a good day everyone, i think this thread has concluded


Now , you move slower in Stealth Mode , at first she was faster then a space ship , way too easy for her to escape from a fight

. . .

About the Gap-Jumps , I really have nothing to say , it’s really stupid

It’s a huge nerf to her mobility. Really not needed one

Now , people can hear you from 4 meters away NOT 2 . Really not affecting anyone .

You pretty much can’t move through choke points without someone noticing you. 4 meters radius is almost as big as Winston bubble:

Worth to mention, that 2 meters radius (Sombras reveal range) is just as big as Zarias alt-fire splash radius.


This is actually a good change considering that she can now be invisible pretty much forever, except the fact that now you can spot her in 4 meters radius from her, which is like half of the point area.

Now the Translocator can be destroyed by the enemies , it’s not like you weren’t camped by widow’s and hanzo’s

You miss the point. On live servers everyone who translocator camp you can be outplayed. Just throw it somewhere, wait for that Hanzo or Widow to start camping it, get close to them and shoot some headshots.

Now you can’t do that because they will just destroy it and move on.

The translocator has now 2 different visual effects so it makes it easy to spot mid air , but It can’t be destroyed mid air

Thank god they can’t. That would be way too much

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I do agree that infinite invis + contesting would probably be OP. Maybe? I don’t want the infinite invis, though. And I do want the contest. It’s Sombra being annoying.

Which flank routes can’t she use?

You have literally zero idea how to play Sombra, and this is a pretty pathetic attempt at trying to convince people that these changes aren’t nerfs.

Due to the speed reduction she can’t make certain gap-jumps without using the translocator.

The detection range was increased from 2 to 4 meters so it is easier for other people to see you. I went on Anubis and was constantly being detected when going around enemies and such. I also had issues on Hanamura using the window (now I just use the translocator) and various areas on Point B

One of the most prominent examples are - YouTube. There’s others, of course, though.

I like these changes.

I too like to see other people’s favorite stuff getting demolished. I also like see houses get burnt to ashes and families losing their homes…

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She can actually still make that jump! :smiley:

I tried it earlier, and couldn’t. And now, after excessive spamming, it’s pretty inconsistent. Sliding across the next part and getting onto highground is also pretty shaky. Not a fan of this still, + other jumps.