Sombra isn't that useless

Sombra just got “nerfed into void” but NO , she didn’t : [It’s an opinion ]

  • Now , you move slower in Stealth Mode , at first she was faster then a space ship , way too easy for her to escape from a fight .

  • About the Gap-Jumps , I really have nothing to say , it’s really stupid

  • Now , people can hear you from 4 meters away NOT 2 . Really not affecting anyone .

  • You can’t contest THE POINT IN STEALTH MODE . THIS is the best thing ever . I lost so many seconds on the point only for finding a Sombra who is invisible in one corner . That let’s her contest for her whole team to arrive .

  • Now the Translocator can be destroyed by the enemies , it’s not like you weren’t camped by widow’s and hanzo’s

  • The loud beeping is very stupid , I admit .

  • The translocator has now 2 different visual effects so it makes it easy to spot mid air , but It can’t be destroyed mid air [ remember that ] .

This is a post from another guy that I inspired from [ here’s a link : Sombra is officially useless now. Thanks. 🤬 ]

Anyway , they didn’t destroy her at all , they just made her harder .


The 4 meteors thing is literally the size of a Tank. So if a healer were next to their tank they would see you,which wouldn’t be good. Translocator now must be placed far far away from enemies or they will hear those ridiculous beeps that are way too loud. You can now literally destroy a translator without even knowing.


I agree with you so hard but i would never say this bc you’re probably going to be silenced any second. I agree tho. With all of it.

I wouldn’t be surprised.

I’ll probably be suspended for ‘harassment’ or something stupid like that. They won’t be able to hide it though. All the other Sombra mains are being vocal about these issues.

It is up to Blizzard to change it.

  1. No. Not really. If a Sombra went invisible infront of you, it was pretty easy to uninvis her. 33% movement speed reduction or not. It was never a great disengage, especially in the middle of combat, with the amount of splash damage and 1 damage bullet spray in the game that’d immediately uninvis you.
  2. Flank routes are (or were) pretty important for Sombra. It’s not stupid, it’s how we play our anti-flanker flanker. Though, being able to walk everywhere does make her significantly easier. Who asked for that?
  3. This makes her have to play more passive and is probably one of the most unnecessary nerfs ever. Remember when Sombra was a stealthy charater?
  4. This is just a nerf? They literally removed her speciality (stalling points) and you’re saying this is good? Your phrasing of this just sounds like someone who didn’t play Sombra and is annoyed that an annoying hero made your games more annoying. She did her job. Not broken.
  5. This made her survivability in combat decrease because she’s lost her lifeline and is now literally in the enemy backline?
  6. Yes. Another nerf. Remember when Sombra was a stealthy character?
  7. Yes. Another nerf. Remember when Sombra was a stealthy character?

They made her easier. She can do everything she could before, but has to be more passive by default and has less impact.


This is another BIG THING. Flank routes are VERY important to Sombra’s character and now she can’t even use most of them. I don’t understand what they are doing to her.

besides making her easier

This will not affect how many use her. She will be played less.

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So firstly , you are reported . You can’t call ppl idiots on forums .

  • Read again .

  • I never said she was buffed


“I inspired from someone”

Not even correct grammar.

Not my fault that I called you an ‘idiot’ when you are LITERALLY spreading idiotic views.

This is not a buff. You admit that. But you say they made her ‘harder’ and how she isn’t destroyed.

Please explain to me how she isn’t destroyed? I really want to know, because from what i’ve read YOU DON’T EVEN PLAY HER.

Anyone can tell these are heavy nerfs and will greatly affect her.

If I get suspended I don’t care at this point. If you refuse to acknowledge this character is being ruined then that is on you.


Hmm… I was going to read through all to see if you had some valid input, but really? Using stealth to escape from a fight?

Sombra can’t use stealth to escape a fight, she gets hit while going invisible and the attempt is wasted (all without her shooting back).

If you don’t know how she works don’t pretend to know how well she works in a new build.


I want to start off by saying that I am not a Sombra player. I barely play her. In around 500+ hours on this game I’ve only logged about 10 hours on Sombra.

It actually isn’t really that easy for Sombra to escape the fight unless she has her translocator up. If you try to enter stealth when someone is dueling you, they’ll just spam around the general area and likely pull you out of stealth, leaving you completely defenceless.

How? They allow her to do her job as a flanker.

Spam damage all around the point. There’s a high chance you’ll catch her fairly easily.

This guy must be a Sombra hater or something. He is congratulating the changes.

Kinda sad.


There’s about a second where she slows down and is still visible before cloaking, more than enough time to land the 1 damage needed to break stealth.

Not hear, see. For reference, this is what it looks like Twitch

Sombra has no self sustainability without stealth or a health pack. Now, she can’t use stealth even though there are plenty of ways to decloak a Sombra, especially with the tanks.

There’s no reason for this nerf other than so people don’t wait for half a minute before Sombra translocates back. Her and Junkrat are the only characters now that can have their escape completely destroyed.

Again, another pointless change that makes it easier to keep track of Sombra, despite stealth being the whole point of her character.

She got 3 buffs (assuming you count being able to destroy her translocator as a buff) in return for 4 nerfs. This is not a buff in any way.

I didn’t say it’s stupid that they let her to jump , I said the CHANGE was stupid .

3 : Ofc , that’s pretty ok FOR ME , just enganging and de-enganging constantly is pretty stupid , without risks too .

4: This wasn’t her speciality , at least that’s my opinion . Her speciality is to delete healers by flanking . [ AGAIN opinion , some ppl are blind ]

5: She has the translocator , easy to escape if placed nicely

6 and 7 : She still can… be stealthy .

How can she delete healers? Her issue has always been damage. You don’t play Sombra at all ._.

The only character she can really ‘delete’ is Zenyatta.

Her specialty is STEALTH. Translocator can be destroyed. Try again.


Sombras biggest issue is that she is unreliable … and they made her even more unreliable.


Don’t be so sure, if he reacts fast enough he still can kill you.

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at first she was faster then a space ship , way too easy for her to escape from a fight .

Yes, not being able to use it in fights because a single shot interrupts it sure made it a spaceship worthy speed…

Now , people can hear you from 4 meters away NOT 2 . Really not affecting anyone .

See you, not hear you, SEE YOU. 4 meters, just an FYI, Winston’s bubble is 5M radius… take away 1 meter from it and you have the enormous range people can see Sombra.

You can’t contest THE POINT IN STEALTH MODE . THIS is the best thing ever . I lost so many seconds on the point only for finding a Sombra who is invisible in one corner . That let’s her contest for her whole team to arrive .

God forbid someone could utilize her abilities to at least stall capping if she is unable to make a significant impact in team fights to begin with…

Now the Translocator can be destroyed by the enemies , it’s not like you weren’t camped by widow’s and hanzo’s

No more translocator baiting, no more instant translocate and emp into the enemy team, no more using the translocator offensively period.

Sombra just got “nerfed into void” but NO , she didn’t

Yes, she was.

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She is a DPS and can barely kill anyone unless they are on extremely low health. Even then you can still get killed.

How are these changes good for her?

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Again the gap change is stupid , not her ability to do that .

And it was an opinion , and I know I said it like " I know what im saying " but I really didn’t mean that . [ just saying , if you don’t believe me it’s… your problem ]

I’m sorry your writing is incoherent I can barely understand what you are trying to say.

Are you FOR the changes or NOT for the changes?

You’re saying the gap change is stupid but then your saying that you like that she can’t contest? Or that the translocator can be destroyed?

Sombra can not use invisibility to escape fights. She will be hit by a random spray and immediately taken out and decloaked.