So regarding the Sombra changes

So with the new Sombra changes announced I would like to give my opinion on the changes.

I am a low masters Sombra main with over 250 hrs on the character and in my opinion the changes are not really going to do anything for her. Hear me out:

While the infinite stealth and translocator time can be nice, it is really not needed. After the duration of the translocator’s duration got upped to 20 sec, I have never really found myself having the timer run out unless I, the player, threw it before I had to hence it being my mistake and not the character being underpowered in that aspect. (E.g Window on Hanamura)

Now the infinite stealth is neat and all it, as well, is really not needed. If it takes you more than 6 seconds to get behind the enemy lines with the current speedbost you are probably just using it too early. Also with the speedboost being reduced to 50% some of the jumps used to get behind enemy lines are going to be inaccessible.

Now onto some possible changes that could actually do something for her, and would put her in line with other dps. Having at least one of these changed would be nice in my opinion:

  1. Go invisible faster

  2. Get out of invisibility faster

  3. Reduced spread

  4. Faster reload speed.

  5. Get elimination for emp’d targets (Quality of life).


This is exactly my thoughts from a former Masters Sombra main (when I used to play comp) to another.
The changes are nice… but not really necessary. Nobody really asked for infinite either mechanic. I just wanted her to stop being clunky to use with a hack that actually worked.
But since we’re talking about things that aren’t really necessary, I wish they’d remove the 2s cd on an interrupted hack. It really doesn’t change anything because if you were being shot at, hack wasn’t going to complete anyway… so why even have this weird nerf in the first place?


But do we really need unlimited duration? I mean… who even gave then that idea? Is this yet another thing Blizz is doing their way, not considering feedback (not if would be surprising)?


They said that they were doing tests, that’s where the idea started.

This is why I’m bummed out by it.

Wish they would let it have the 75% speed for 3 or 4 seconds then go to 50% speed. :confused:


yeah, it’s kinda dumb

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Yes, these. Maybe micro buffs like you can reload while translocating un-invis, etc. A second or two extra to the invis would be nice, but indefinite invisibility for less speed and no contesting? Please, no.

The infinite translocator was also unnecessary and just lowers her skill ceiling, which I don’t think any sombra wants since infinite translocator is just something else for people to complain about. The translocator was fine, more or less. This just lets Sombras get anyway with too much, which I don’t like. Being able to cancel translocator, though? Niiiiiceee. If the developers actually do read this comment/this thread and thoroughly consider what the Sombra mains desire, I could die happy.

And for the love of god, please fix all of her bugs.


We are sure of those two changes to her kit. But there might be more we dont know about. Just wait and see what they cooked up for her and then judge.

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Rrrrright. The tests.
Nothing can go wrong there ;p

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So true!:heart_eyes:


This is true. In practice you won’t stay invisible forever anyway. You have to deal damage, hack, do something so you don’t waste time and one stray D.Va pellet is enough to turn you visible. So trading that for objective stall is straigh nerf. While she still doesn’t have enough reliable damage to kill.

Translocator, you have to be careful with how you use your kit. If you fail your throw, get better at throwing. I’m not sure how I feel about those changes but I’m more inclined to no, untill I try out the cancel mechanics myself. In theory it sounds clunky to have to turn around AND press a button which is not part of the standard rotation. Console peeps are already out of buttons if I’m not mistaken.

Id rather have the infinite stealth and translocate.

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Someone have the source? I don’t want to watch some BS 10 minute long YouTube video that has crap third hand info.

it’s somewhere on a forum post, dont have a link though…

Maybe they should fix her bugs first and then touch up the rest of her kit

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Or just i dunno revert her but blizzard has never heard of reverting before i guess.

Sure. These changes started by seeing how far we could push the duration of her Stealth and Translocator abilities. As we pushed them out, it allowed her to play more and more as an scout/infiltrator for your team and also allowed her more time to pick and choose when and where she popped out to ambush her enemies.

So now she has infinite duration on both Stealth and Translocator, but we had to solve a couple problems that were caused by these changes. For one, she needed to be able to destroy the translocator, or it would often be stuck in some place she didn’t want it to be. To that end, you can now destroy it by looking towards it and pressing the Interact key. Also, Stealth giving you 75% bonus movement speed forever was… a bit strong. This bonus has been lowered to 50%. In addition, she can no longer contest objectives while in Stealth, since she that would just be super frustrating with infinite duration.

These changes are really interesting for her as now she is in complete control over when she reveals herself, allow her to time her hacks better for her team, or go for a back line ambush during a critical moment in a team fight.

I guess that was more than a hint. :thinking:

From geoff goodman himself on the large sombra post somewehre in this forum . Cheers!

This isn’t a buff and it’s not what she needed … i just hope there are more changes to her …. better ones.


yeah same:sweat_smile:

I kinda see the new infinite changes as qol things, you don’t have to micromanage Sombras time anymore, or get wasted runs and then have to go through the rigmarole of setting up her translocation, running to position, not finding a useful strategic opening, running out of time and then having to repeat the cycle all over again or waiting for translocater to exit cd to try over. This is more one and done, and gives her more time to scout for her team and position at her own pace instead of on a clock. I also always hated timing my dps against the translocation timer, because running out on accident usually means death, so not having to split my attention between shooting and the countdown let’s me focus better.

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