Sombra isn't that useless

The jump is only done because it’s reliable and easy.
If you can’t reliably get through that ledge then there’s no reason to try as you’re just gambling away precious time.

So yeah, it’s basically a removed flank route unless you want to burn an obvious translocator where anyone can just melee around the drop and kill you because no translocator.

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Someones mad…
Just saying instead of a nerf on sombra(she seemed fine to me)
Tone down sym and Brigitte a bit


What are you even talking about?

Sorry wasn’t replying to u bud

Interesting, I managed to get it several times in a row, and I don’t even use that tactic, so I’m sure a proficient Sombra player would be able to get it every time reliably. :smile:
That being said though, you can make that flank route work by using the translocator if you want to safe-bet it. I definitely wouldn’t say that route is completely gone.

However I don’t think you actually need to use that tactic at all anymore with new sombra, since with the indefinite stealth and trans and trans cancel she can survive for longer behind enemy lines and harass/pick off the healers/snipers.

Says they didn’t nerf her, lists all the ways they nerf here

this is a satire piece and a bad one at that.

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Think about this. You’re taking out a complete one DAMAGE slot and you use it to pick sombra. How you’re gonna benift your team with infinite stealth and translocator? Why sombra instead of soldier 76? Why sombra instead of genji? Hanzo? Doomfist? Other BETTER DPS? that’s right. The change sombra got does NOT make her viable at all. She’s still one of the worst in the damage category.

I’m happy you’re able to still use the flank effectively! If Sombra got meaningful improvements to her character, now, that’d also be great. They buffed aspects of her kit that didn’t need buffing, then nerfed desirable aspects of her kit. The current iteration of speed feels slow and very meh. A short burst of powerful speed just feels better, ontop of being able to hit those flanks easier (the current buff meaning to allow her to travel easier makes this harder).

Because of hack and emp. For example, she destroys df, genji and tracer when they’re hacked, plus a good Sombra player is VERY low maintenance for healers.

Regarding the rework, you’re right, it’s mostly for her, so that she can survive behind enemy lines without needing to get to a safe spot for cd’s as often. Having her harassing the enemy healers means the enemy doesn’t get healing. Having her harass a widow means your widow can get an easy kill if there’s a widow battle going on. :slightly_smiling_face:

Please read my latest threat I made on my profile and you’ll see my sombra expierence on the PTR. It’s completely different

Clicks profile, sees rank, bye. /close

Stalling points using cheese, if you haven’t noticed, is being phased out. Reaper can no longer wraith form block a point, and I expect Mei ice block stalling to be next.

I can’t wait until other aspects of her kit get nerfed because they’re considered cheesy and unfun to play against (her entire character).

I agree with you so much but calling someone idiot is not nice, it makes your statement lower.

Again, point stalling not only wasn’t a Sombra specialty, Mei did it better, and so did Reaper, but it appears to be being phased out as a tactic.

That you consider it a valuable and relevant aspect of her character is clearly at odds with the people who created her.

It made her more annoying. That’s her character. If they do (or rather did) it better, and this is easier to counter, why not keep it in game?

I disagree, she has intrinsic value, and the infinite invisible and beacon allow her to pick targets of opportunity better.

It seems to me that the vision isnt a roaming harasser, instead a flanker who sets down a beacon near her team, goes to the back, once an engagement starts, get a hack in, translocate and join the fight. Once the CD’s drop, rinse and repeat until EMP, which is still one of the best Ults in the game.

This doesnt remove a damage player from the game, but it gives a potential advantage. By being not subject to invis dropping, you are not beholden to timers that force a fight or flight decision.

Because her invis doesnt drop any more, and she could simply perpetually block a point, which is absurd.

Giving her the 6 second duration of previous invis while contesting is an option.

It still breaks on someone sneezing, and now you can see her in a 4m radius. I don’t think any point is so large that she’d be able to evade for that long.

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