Sombra isn't that useless

I misread a previous post, I believe? Deleted it. That was sarcasm, anyway. Yeah.

I wonder why people respond to “opinions” with this much hate lol im going to delete it myself if you guys want

we arent being hateful, and no, you can have opinions, but we will call you out when opinions are wrong. Every sombra main or everyone apart of a sombra mains community knows how bad sombra is atm, and that these changes are more nerfs than theyll ever be buffs

You’re just so sensitivitie it is sad. You reported me because I proved multiple times you are wrong, along with everyone in this thread.

These changes are not good for Sombra.


Don’t backpedal.
This is not an opinion

That’s an statement.
Feel free to delete your mistake

some people don’t know that you can have an opinion [ I don’t want to give names AERXihu who is 100% sombra main ]

The last thing she needed was “making harder”. We’ve gone through months of “she’s a high skill hero” “no one knows how to play her” and related BS. That in itself made her unusuable and useless, so at what part of “making her harder” makes her better?

She sucks on live, she sucks even more on PTR.

And it was an opinion , and I know I said it like " I know what im saying " but I really didn’t mean that . [ just saying , if you don’t believe me it’s… your problem ]

you can have an opinion, but dont be surprised when you get called out on it by people that play that hero for basically a living. Mighty is thinking of quitting sombra its getting to that point


“i don’t want to give names then mentions my name”

What? Stop being so angry that you are WRONG. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but that doesn’t make them right.

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You called me an idiot . Please stop it was sarcasm

Guys, I’d advise you to stop the fight before the thread gets locked down.

Let’s just agree that how Sombra is now, is in no way, shape or form acceptable and move onto trying to get Blizzard’s attention about the matter.

I know ill del in like 10 min the post .


Ok sure. Just backpedal and act as if it was a joke. You were being completely serious. If I called you an idiot and you got angry I wouldn’t be apologizing. You really just ignored everything I said along with others and then admitted to reporting me.

I’m done arguing. I’ll just move on to another thread to discuss the changes.

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When mighty is about to quit sombra due to how bad she is on the ptr, when he and other sombras have endured all of the stuff they have for almost 2 year, that probably means that sombras insanely bad

So… I shouldn’t be insulted by insults lol

Sombra has been cursed ever since that ARG.

100% they won’t realease the changes anyway , way to stupid

you underestimate blizzard.