Sombra BlizzCon Skin

Look through Wyomingmist posts

Here’s more proof

did, but still doesn’t prove it was out right when the Blizzcon items came out or announced.

So have to go with the burden of precedence, when no Blizzcon exclusive has ever been available again.

If something was updated later with that information, that’s something different.

Here is the full details in regards to the BlizzCon 2018 promotion and why Demon Hunter Sombra is now available as a skin in this year’s Halloween Terror Event:


Its a footnote. Footnotes can always be added later. So still not enough proof. sorry.

It was advertised as a timed exclusive, get a blizcon ticket and you got it earlier then the rest of us.

Now time has passed :man_shrugging:

Let people enjoy the skin.

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I wouldn’t say that, no. They simply departed from their usual policy and said unlike the other stuff, Demon Huntress Sombra would eventually come back.

But it has been exactly one year, so by this point people were wondering if it would ever happen.

Too late… is MINE now

Well it may matter to some of us. I mean im strictly a Sombra player. However, not really a big deal because the Demon Hunter Skin I don’t use anyway. I noticed when I do, for some reason the enemy team usually has an easier time finding me or “seeing” me, so I don’t think its a good skin for game play anyway.

There are other goodies that came with the ticket that were exclusive, and the Sombra skin returning was clearly communicated. This is your own fault.

You did get exclusives. Not blizzards fault if your not using them in those games.

you’re salty

but are you mexican

anyway why are you complaining it should have been a MOIRA skin

and they said it would be available in base loot boxes at a later time

such noob noob

Thank you for the clarification! :slightly_smiling_face: