Soldier 76 recoil - feeling deezy and strong headache

I must agree with this. I only played one match of Junkenstein as Soldier and didn’t get exactly nauseous but there was something that just felt jarring/wrong about the recoil. It was kind of… woozy. Made me wonder how much worse it’d become in a “real” match with opponents having more wild moving patterns… or would it be better with more downtime between shooting. Dunno. Didn’t feel like playing another match as him at the moment. Maybe I’ll get used to it or maybe I don’t.
The feeling was curious because I’ve played other games with recoil and it never had the similar effect.

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Just to chime in , I have had no issues with this but I’m sorry if others have ! If this Is an issue please fix Blizz!

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144 hz on 27 inch monitor

Headaches (uncommon for me) 2 days in a row after playing new soldier. Fades after about 20 minutes playing someone else or not playing. Haven’t experienced this with other fps with recoil (like Destiny)

Dizzy, nauseous also.


For everyone saying “you are not used to recoil” or “have you played other FPS games?”

Yes. I have.
My BF has played videogames his whole life, he is GM with Soldier. He’s been playing him since season 3, he is been one of the best players on PUBG.
He was the best player locally on Counter Strike, and he never experienced any of these issues, until now.
As I already said, recoil is not the problem, you can get used to it easily, is the screen shaking that is causing this very unpleasant feeling.

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Thank you everyone for posting here. I don’t have new information at this time, but I have done everything I can to bring this to Blizzard’s attention.


That really blows Zai. That means you can’t play any fps games . honestly that sounds like it really sucks. :’(

Thank you very much for trying to help! Tbh I never thought this post was going to get this much attention, so I’m very grateful. ;;

How come there was no mention of this while it was on experimental card?

Thats the weirdest part. The screenshake on experimental card was not as bad as it is on live currently, which is something that was mentioned in a few videos talking about this subject.

Just checked, every Hero with a auto rifle or gun has the same animation. Tracer has that even faster. Orisa , Baptiste and Widowmaker.

To add to this I’m someone that suffers from arthritis/bone loss, and I find just generally having to move the mouse back into place from keeping the recoil steady. to be a bit of a painful experience.

Be it that I understand theirs heroes like Tracer and Genji that require a lot flicking around, so this is fine in general if this was kept this way.

it’s that I wont be playing a lot of soldier because of this.

To be frankly honest, I personally suspect the Experimental card did not get a lot of attention considering it only had the Soldier:76 balance change. However as others have mentioned it didn’t seem as bad when they tried it on Experimental.

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I’m having very similar issues.
I feel deezy and my eyes hurt, I also feel a strange feeling on my stomach (like when you are about to throw up).
Its like when you try to read something on your phone on a roadtrip while the car is moving way too much.

I’ve been playing videogames since I was a kid, not only on PC but on console too. I main Soldier since season 3, I’ve spend 935+ hours on PUBG, I’ve played a ton of COD, Battlefield and CSGO and I’ve never had this issue before.
The recoil is not a problem, its something I can get used to because of the past experiences, the issue is (as the post says) the weird shaking on the screen when I’m playing him for at least 15 minutes.

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Why I Hate The New Soldier Buff In Overwatch - YouTube I made a video comparing the recoils. Soldiers is unique.

Gonna get drunk and try this later, sounds fun.

Revert all those latest Soldier: 76 changes and instead, allow him to reload while sprinting. That’s the only exact QoL buff he needs.

You found my topic yesterday here’s link to it and another topic i bookmarked

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also most other games dont have such bright vivid visual effect, usually in call of duty etc. everything is shades brown, green or white, here though its a flood of colors and a sensory overload as your trying to comprehend all the screen shaking and other particle effect flying around.

The effect is so pronounced and janky it’s really hard to miss, meanwhile for tracer the effect feels more natural and it’s very minimal in comparison and almost goes unnoticed, as it should.

When your whole screen starts to jitter like that and not just the edges, to the point where terrain is seemingly moving around you when it’s actually not, no wonder people are getting motion sick.


Lets hope this helps:

Heavy Pulse Rifle

  • Reduced camera shake to make recoil feel smoother


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