I'm actually genuinely sad (NOW HAPPY!)

Being a bit over dramatic here, Soldier’s voiceline came true for me in the worst way.
“I’ve died a Hero, and lived long enough to become the villain.”

He was my most played hero out of “all modes” with 109 hours and in comp with 29 hours and my most played DPS (these career stats on here are no where near accurate to the stats when you view on xbox and i havnt been able to change my avatar for months lol). I was all set to learn the new gun and play him out, but I cant physically cause of bad headaches and motion sickness using his weapon now. So he’s been offically retired by me and not by my choice and the worst part is I have to face him… and cant play him. Like damn this sucks…

I been here since season 4 and Ive been through so many of the changes first hand and I never could have expected this. Like what am I supposed to do take some pills anytime I want to hop on him? It a crappy feeling losing one of your favorite characters this way, its not like the torb or sym reworks either you cant adapt over physical sickness and just git gud when your vision gets blurry and you want to throw up, Though a friend of mine who was missing a couple of fingers stopped playing Overwatch after sym lost her noodle, since that was his only hero he felt on fair playing grounds with.



I don’t expect they will leave him like this.

Too many people can’t play the hero in this state.

Like you don’t want your game making people sick, that is one of the worst outcomes of a change you can get.


I have a feeling that soon enough his shakiness issue will get resolved. I think the next experimental if they manage they might have the hotfix for him there. If not ptr then


As someone who has flare ups of arthritis and needs to prioritize using my hands for work, I loved that Sym was a fun non-aim reliant hero that I could be crafty with. And then they ruined her, and now she’s trash.

I mean I guess technically she doesn’t give me a headache to play, just a heartache. Not much different really.

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well what did they do to soldier? i never play him so idk

change how his gun fires. the part thats crippled me is its like firing roadhogs ult anytime you fire his weapon. It too much flashing lights and screen shaking for whole minutes on end. Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if this wasnt the most seizure inducing thing in the game since Moira’s orginal ult which was pretty much a digital acid trip.

oof, yeah that sounds like a very unnecessary and stupid change to make, hopefully they revert his rifle or fix the issue shortly

yeah like im playing ctf blitz as soldier right now and i feel the pressure in the back of my skull about 2 minutes in.

Edit 3:23 left gotta switch its hard to focus

I like how soldier was designed to be the hero anyone can pick up and understand, and he’s the tutorial character…

And now he has a gun with a learning curve nobody wants to deal with because it’s a change that occured 4 years in, and you have to re-learn the character

A gun with a mechanic reserved for another hero’s primary (Baptiste) but more like Hog’s ult because you need to hold it down, a mechanic no primary has making him a bad tutorial for the game

You can’t compensate for recoil while playing as effectively as before on console

It’s a bad change. It was made with good intent, I see what they wanted to do, but there are so many reasons for it to be reverted. I just hope it’s soon



Heavy Pulse Rifle

  • Reduced camera shake to make recoil feel smoother

Thank goodness they took this seriously and put in a hotfix (first time we needed one of these that wasnt balance related) it’s sooooo much less nauseating and I can play sugar daddy again!

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I dunno, I don’t get the hubub… there are far more visually chaotic characters…

yep big difference, feels so much better. great to see a good fix released in just a matter of days.

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It isn’t a visual chaos thing.

It is that a lot of people are sensitive to fast, movements, visually, which don’t match up with their own body.

It is why shaky cam isn’t used as much in movies now.

yeah alot of chaotic scenes these days are limited in run time and they usually toss in stable dialog moments to give viewers a break.

yes but not on the scale of basically playing in a earthquake or with Whole Hog running whole match. In fact even whole hog is less shaky then how soldier was, this g̶u̶y̶ “snowman” shows it best in comparison to other heroes.

Call me ignorant, but it doesn’t seem that bad and it’s probably even less so in actual combat.

That being said, I get that this must be shake vs movement in general, because OW has a lot of characters where there’s more actual camera movement, not just shaking, than on Soldier.

So, I will admit that I can understand how some people might find it… how they do but at the same time I have to shrug and say “what?”. I guess I just thought there’s a lot more going on in OW that would induce such feelings than just… that.

Not that I am here to tell people what they’re physically experiencing isn’t valid or anything lol

i mean your not wrong, your probably unaffected and cant tell. It’s like how some people can go on a boat and 100% be fine while others feel ill cause how the rocking water plays with their perception and center of balance, and a small portion of those people cant get over it.

Like I never had this problem with gun shaking in other games i can think of in 20+ years of gaming or on boats, but I think it’s because those other games are slower and/or usually duller and not as vivid. All the combined rapid movements and bright colors of enemies that was causing me migraines cause your trying to register all that at once and the whole time your screen is going ><><<<><><><><><><><><><<>><<>

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And they have patched it. You noticed before I did.

I’m glad :slight_smile:

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