Soldier changes make me vomit .. literally

I’m so sad. He is my favorite dps hero. But the most recent changes make him absolutely unplayable for me. 2 min of vertical screen shaking, new recoil, makes me dizzy / sick. I tried another 5 min, and almost vomited :frowning:

I understand it’s easier to aim, but it’s not really helping.

I don’t know what to do now. Does anyone have similar symptoms?


Maybe they need to remove the sideways recoil or reduce it to minimum

i had the same effects

It’s not mentally healthy to have that much shaking in a video game, might even be seizure inducing ive never had this happen in a video game before even stuff like call of duty where most guns shake a bit.

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Sounds like you’re getting a kind of motion sickness. Basically you need to tell your brain that the movement is normal and okay as it’s probably failing to deal with what it expects to happen and what is happening on your screen. You’ve likely had years/hundreds of hours to condition yourself for what to expect when you shoot with soldier and now its different. I had similar when using laggy head tracking on a familiar racing game before but never anywhere else (VR sickness is a bit different)… try playing with plenty of breaks, chew gum and if youstart feeling unwell stop, at least for a good while. Hopefully you can get used to it otherwise there’s not a lot else you can do AFAIK.


I forgot to add ensuring that you’re playing in a well lit room and not too close to your screen.

Take a bucket.

Joke apart, check if you removed motion blur and reduce the field of view, there is a possibility this changes make the problem a little better.

This is a problem is different for people and there isn’t a precise way to resolve it.