So, why did you stop using the forums

Most discussions are speculation, balance, or some random topic. Not much to discuss nowadays…

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I started playing FFXIV and going through the Genshin Impact (and now also FFXIV) subreddit(s) is more interesting and less straining on my sanity.

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I was having fun for a while, similarly spending at least an hour a day reading on all the nonsense, but the forums, as I’ve come to realize over the past year or so, are a place where angry players come to vent, and angry and stupid players come to make a donkey of themselves. It’s just not quite as entertaining anymore reading the same kind of posts over and over. There’s a lot of great forumers, but not enough to create a great forum. There’s just too much negativity, and joining the forums was probably the worst thing I ever did for Overwatch. Suddenly I’m thinking of what the meta is, and how my favorite hero is apparently trash, even though she’s got my highest win percentage. And don’t even get me started on the fallout anytime Pride or anything remotely related to the lgbt community come up. Suddenly it’s getting flagged for trolling or spam, meanwhile actual trolls and spammers with no manners have their posts left alone

The legendary Mercy main returns, I missed ya

I’ve been lurking around occasionally. Just not very active.

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If you wanna lose your time on the forums I highly encourage you to take a look at my post and share your opinions towards it:

I really tried my best to make it as clear as possible and put a lot of time and love into it. Have a nice day :wink:

same, I’ve been trying to stop, but dam this place is surprisingly addicting

Nothing posted here matters.

Blizzard are going to do whatever the F they want, and that’s dictated by what OWL players say.

terrible moderation. worst community management ive ever seen.

Just open a thread about anything even remotely political. You’ll have your 400 replies pretty quick :slight_smile:

I realized that my time spent here was just a waste.

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There’s no common ground. There’s rarely many meaningful discussions on these forums that are worth having discussions around. Its generally “I think this game is XYZ” followed by people going “That sounds like a you problem, the game’s not XYZ, its actually QRS.” This happens regularly around here and it seems like even with all these theories and ideas floating around I’ve rarely ever seen these post amount to much outside of frustration. And the amount post made vs the amount of interaction has to be 1 in 20 post.

I still visit out of habit… but I’ve said it before… and I’ll say it again:

These forums are seemingly designed to stifle any actual conversations or discussions that might take place. From the “tier” levels that determine if you can post links or videos, to the limit on how often you can post in your own thread (if not enough people have responded).

These forums go through phases where people just all complain about the same stuff… lately it’s been cross play, smurfs and mccree… although the mccree whining is starting to switch over to genji… again lol.

If you take the time to make a thoughtful post no one reads it or replies, but if you’re in here complaining about something the thread will last for months.

I’ve stopped using the forums becau…errr, wait…aren’t we all using (reading and/or posting) the forums right now?

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I still visit the forums often. But it just became REALLY boring to see the same exact topic get overdone. Seriously, can we NOT have a “nErF/dEleTe x hErO” for a day?

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I’d get banned if I said cuz apparently freedom of speech doesn’t extend here. Can’t call an idiot an idiot on here without being banned for a week so I stick to Twitter

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Same unfortunately….

I’m slowly migrating to the Reddit though. People there are much more competitive and it’s less toxic (from my experience thus far).

Everyone more concerned with improving rather than blaming smurfs or the match maker

I mostly vibe in the comp forums providing strong reminders to “git gud.”


Honestly the reason I prefer the Reddit. Much healthier community.

Now do you think i am xavvy or sunset?

not really. you can be asked about your favorite skin and then get downvoted to hell… so healthy.

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I have to be honest, I’m not sure I understand the upvote/downvote stuff.