So who seriously wanted 5v5?

On the flipside, Tank matchmaking is likely to be a ton better than it is now.

2x as easy to match for, with 2x the Tank player choices.

Matching over a much more narrow range of SR.

With more wins for good Tanks, and more losses for bad Tanks.

Heck, 2x easier to match for might even be underselling it, since it’s a ton more accurate to match 1 player vs 1 player, than it is to match the average of 2 vs the average of 2.

Very cute of you to assume that reducing the number of tanks will lead to more people wanting to play tank. I can tell you from experience playing League that if one role sucks, the other 4 players will wait 10 minutes to play the role they want. Especially in ranked. So, I’m very happy for this optimism. Misguided yes, but its good to see the young have such hope.

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It’s math dude.

They are starting with the equivalent of 2x the Tank players, and for every 1% of DPS players they convert to Tank it’s roughly 10-20% more Tank players.

It would be genuinely difficult to not have a large decrease in queue times.

Yeah and your bad at it. The reason why you have anyone quing for tank is that there is a 100% chance that no matter how much their team begs and cries they don’t “have” to be main tank. You change that 100% chance to 0% and the number of players willing to play tank drops proportionally to the number of people who prefer playing Hog/Dva/Ball/Zayra. Basically you created a situation where tanks have to play like rein (something that people don’t find fun for a variety of reasons in solo que) and then gave them no other outlet. Well those players will just que for DPS or Support.

So in summary instead of out of a pool of 100 players 60 want dps, 30 want support and 10 wants to tank, the pool will shift to out of 100 players 67 want dps, 30 want support, and 2 wants to tank. Now how will that improve que times?

Easy. Make Hog/ have equivalent value to Rein. And make Ball into a DPS.

Zarya is almost there, especially for ELOs where snipers aren’t godtier., just convert her matrix into “basically a barrier”.

Hog, give him the equivalent of an inaccurate Genji deflect wall, on a resource meter.

Ball. About 300hp+armor, and 20% smaller character model.

See the problem with that statement, is a simple misunderstanding of overwatch. Main tank sole job is to create space and mitigate incoming damage. People don’t find that play style fun in solo que. Period. Now I can list a variety of reasons why players don’t find main tank fun regardless of who does it but that doesn’t matter. Unless your turning main tanks into mini-bosses (which they aren’t) your better off simply removing the main tank role all together. You see before in the good ol days of overwatch back when it wasn’t dying whether someone played main or off tank didn’t matter because every player could decide for themselves what their good at. But since blizzard has decided they know what you should be playing, well roles that aren’t fun simply don’t get played. And you will wait for people to play those roles because this is the game you asked blizzard for. You begged and whined and this is the end result.

Me. Any change that puts less giant barriers of anti-fun in the game is an improvement.

  1. I doubt you read what I posted
  2. If you can’t break down “space” into its fundamental components of “relative positioning advantage” then you don’t really know what “space” means.
  3. If you think the only way “space” can be achieved is through defence, then you really don’t know what you’re talking about.
  4. A lot of the “problems” outside of what I listed really only matter with GM tier snipers. And they are going to limit themselves to meta choices anyways. So they probably need a Ban system or a Pick system, to mix things up.
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See this is why this game is failing. Feedback from players like you.

If people don’t find main tank fun. Added more main tanks in different skins who do the same job in colorful different ways won’t make that playstyle fun. Period. Like jungle is the least popular role in League of Legends currently. There is 15 different champions who can play jungle. That doesn’t change the fact that players are waiting 3-5 minutes to play the second least popular role support. So again.

Let me spell it out in a simpler way. You like ice cream but you won’t eat vanilla. If someone opened a shop with 33 different flavors of vanilla would you buy their ice cream?

More like they need less nonsense from MOBA/RPG players on how to design “Heavies” in what is predominantly a shooter game.

Especially since “Tanks” are horribly unpopular in RPG/MOBA games.

Instead you listen to people from the “Class Based Shooter” genre.

More Apex Legends and Team Fortress 2,
and less League of Legends and WoW PVP

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95% of players are dps and healers.

5vs5 makes those 2 have a better time aka keep old and new players.

Lolz. You do realize that TF2 is a class based shooter and the basis of OW… Just say “I like call of duty and have no reference for what makes a good game.”

Now changed that from 95% to 99.1% and see if que times improve.

Just goes to show how poor your reading comprehension is. Read it again.

You think Team Fortress 2 is not a class based shooter. The rest is nonsense.

I think your reading comprehension sucks if that’s what you think was written.

You also listed Apex as an example of a good game. A battle royal. A call of duty death match with extra steps and more boredom. I bet you’d play valorant if you could hit a tree standing still.

A game that ripped off a ton of Overwatch mechanics, and is seeing a strong upsurge in popularity.

Apex generally sees a small bump in players between content patches before going back to being a dead game because its boring battle royal that can’t even pull players from fortnite.

Because 3 reasons:

-Couldnt get the tank roles fixed to a balanced state without making them to frustrating or broken which lead to stale metas without a fast fix
-Couldnt fix either Sigma or Orisa without forcing DS
-Couldnt fix that tank role were less desired to play, therefore u had to much of a fluctuation in SR between tanks. U could literally get a nearly master tank and a plat tank in high plat / low dia match