I wanna see some DPS diff meta where you win by having the better dps player in a team, ynow I wanna lose a game and say oh that dps really was good, instead of oh man their tanks are better at holding up their barriers than ours pffft …
I’m silver, had a bronze tank and an unrank versus two golds. STREAM ROLL.
We need role average mmr not team average.
It’s called, playing Bastion
I had this too (mid/high plat), with bronze tanks. Awful.
Role matching would make for some funny match-ups.
Silver/Gold/Plat tanks, Masters+ DPS, and Diamond supports would be a thing.
Edit: Imagine playing a tank at a gold level (with a Diamond border) and getting flamed by Chipsa. Live the dream.
OWL stats back that up for balance overall.
IBM is a sponsor, and they’ve been using their Watson AI to analyze all of the stats.
Interesting! And main supports are lower than DPS. Marginally lower, but still lower.
I am a dps player and it’s not every single game. Yes it is the majority of them but supports are also the problem. I play a good amount of support as my secondary role. I also play some tank.
But tanks do easily have ten times the impact of a dps. The majority of games are tank diff and as a dps that sucks making your role not fun just because their tanks can shut you down with little to no effort.
Well looks like they did use the watson stats after all. Just heard the “your overwatch” perspective and agree, the tank combos - some work “too well” - Rein / Zarya. Which always boggles my mind why MY tanks dont match the rein / zarya we go up against…
Now with only 1 tank, super tank combos will be a thing of the past.
Happens in my bronze games.
Enemy Reaper with 82% kill participation at match end.
We get the Widow that can’t head shot stationary targets…
I’ve been both haha.
But I tell ya it’s having dive tanks on defense versus a rein Zara.
Every pre-teen who keeps saying “diff” lacks social skills and they’re the ones who throw games. I love that irony.
Most DPS players seem to not even have ally health bars turned on, which is why they make stupid comments like “TaNkS yOu NeEd To PuSh In” while I am 100 health and our Moira is losing a 1v1 with a Torb turret.
So that’s a healer issue. You can’t create space because a combination of your Inability to push forward while using shield and natural cover. (Bad tanking)
And then your supports are not healing you. (Dps Moira)
No the two most impactful roles are failing while the dps is watching the clown fiesta.
I don’t play dps as much as I used to because tanks and supports more so tanks have far more impact. As for supports. Baptiste is busted.
There’s plenty of damage in OW that can’t be blocked by a shield, not least the hammer of the enemy Rein who is guarding the choke. You can’t handwave that away as “bad tanking”.
to be fair, the moira shouldnt be losing to a torb turret. and the reason dps tell the tank to push is because the dps need space to do there job, space that only the tank can give them.
the healer keeps the tanks alive so they feel confident pushing up, the main tank creates space and forces the enemy team to rotate which makes it so the dps can frag (any fraggin done outside of this is a dps hard carrying your team. they effectively remove the need for a tank if theyre getting picks without them) then the dps and off tank peel for the healer so she can keep everyone including the tanks alive.
this is how overwatch is played in its most simple form. most tanks in id even say up to most of plat dont have even a vague idea how to play there role. they dont try to lead the team in they dont pick the right tank for the situation and they’ll just sit at choke and hope and pray to be carried.
so yes if a dps is telling a 100 hp tank to push there dumb. but also the tank shouldnt be 100 hp at a choke nor should a moira be losing too a torb turret. you dont even have too kill the darn thing half the time too make it useless but even if you did the tanks and supports are more then enough too kill it, let alone the dps. whom you can call out to kill it (tho ill be real, id fault the dps for not killing it quickly if theyre playing a burst ranged dps like soldier or hanzo. others are alot slower and take ALOT of dmg from trying so they’ll usually avoid it)
tho point is, its everyones fault if you lose. but the tanks do get extra blame for being op
Don’t sleep on turrets bro. I tried to kill one with my monkey ult once and it turned out way harder than expected.
So now we go back to more tanking issues. You can’t engage the rein properly and your other tank isn’t playing the correct tank. Zarya. To allow you to just swing into the enemy rein and bully him.
Still goes back to tanks.
xD tbf monkey isnt exactly ment to be the one to kill it. zarya, hog, rein(can help), orsia, sigma and dva. are all fairly useful at destroying it. dva is INSANE at killing it. hog can burst it, zarya and melt it. then you have zen/ana/mercy(ive done this one personally) bap ect
but also you can just not be in its line of sight is what i ment. if the moira is tryin to kill the turret its entirely on them for dying. they dont do enough dmg as moira, if a support wants to dps they should go zen and just delete ppl, suprisingly effective at taking out bastion and torb turret.
That’s because I was behind it, hammerin’ away.