So who seriously wanted 5v5?

Or basically

  1. Couldn’t make Tanks more desirable without strongly buffing them
  2. Couldn’t strongly buff Tanks without causing overly oppressive Tank compositions

I always wanted 5v5. 6 is too many players for a game like overwatch.

Maybe you have perfect terminator eyes than can see the targets even with all the vfx mess and a super computer to process everything happening simultaneously but i and some other mortals dont.

Me, I rather deal with one bad tank then two.
I don’t want this game to be decided by what and how your tanks are playing and its very difficult to work around.

At its peak popularity OQ had half the population of Role Queue (combined) in the East. Meanwhile in the West (US and EU) OQ had 1/15 the population of EITHER RQ mode so about 1/30 the overall population. It was less popular than mystery heroes. So yes when you take the total population you can easily say the majority swiftly accepted because those numbers are peak popularity numbers and they do not impress.

Edit: One of the likely reasons that it was more accepted in Eastern culture though is due to a cultural shift where people are more willing to accommodate in order to help make the team work which does not exist in the western culture as it is more “me first” whereas the East is more about the unit first.

Overwatch 2 going 5v5
Valorant is making a 5v5 mode
Bungie started work on a new hero shooter, which I bet dollars to donuts will have a 5v5 mode too, at the very least.
What does the industry know that we don’t?

They probably think this is going to be a much easier way at balancing characters. Tanks have always been too strong in one way or another, even having their own metas without the use of a single dps. We’ve had double shields, orisa hog, rein zarya, dive, double bubble (winston zarya) GOATS and it goes on and on. Tanks have always been and will always be the strongest characters in the game. Whenever you take down one tank in this game, its extremely easy to steamroll.

I do wonder though, removing a tank also means more “tank diff” toxic mentality. Losing your tank in a fight means you most likely wipe since there is no other tank to aggro, dps will probably be targeting tanks at all times rather than supports in order to get an easy steamroll. Reaper might actually be meta? All of this just sounds bad. I rather take a different tank meta every few seasons over the 5v5. Im still looking forward to it but I have my concerns

Oh they will. Because dva , roadhog exist.
And dps players like em

blizz released new heroes that make tanks hate the game, over and over, and most of their tank balance has been anti tank player.

the players have never been the issue.

I remember when people thought 2/2/2 will save this game? What you just said has the same energy.

Honestly, I completely forgot about this… Damn…


This very much yes tanks is not a popular role, but the tanks in this game are washed out.

Dva is probably the one fun tank along with ball, who was gutted badly.

Nobody wants to play Hufflepuffer, sad barista, stockjaw beamer, grunt with hammer.

Tanks needed variety.

Supports needed variety, Blizzard didn’t deliver.

Also they bled players last year cause no content since echo.

Since when is a requirement to making a game better that the community asks/realizes it needs to happen?

Hint: The answer is never.

Probably regurgating stylosa without Steve jobs quote huh, people can be successful while spouting nonsense.

Almost every game listens to community esp PvP games with alphas betas.

I saw some suggestions like 6 rosters with 132 141, 7 rosters with 232, or even 9 rosters with 243 but never something reducing the rosters.

I’m not regurgitating anything, I actually work in software development and understand you have to make “unpopular” (even though we’re dealing with a vocal minority here) to make the product better in the end.

Nice try though.

Which doesn’t equal developers having to wait for the community to suggest something before being able to implement it.

That is not what you said, you said community views and feedback is not requirement, which would be a bad way to develop even a potty stool let alone a software or game on 2021.

I didn’t contradict myself either, I only reinforced my point.

Your average player/user isn’t smarter than your average designer/developer who is educated and most likely has many years of experience.

You always take a temperature check from your community, but you certainly don’t form your requirements from them.

Well the thing is that tanks are still the bottlenecks of the teams regardless of the fact that it’s the weakest role in terms of hero value in the game at the moment. Opponents playing a full fledged synergy comp while your tanks are “just playing for fun 4head chill” can mean that you’ll get bottlenecked out of the match entirely. If for example a rush comp takes an aggressive safe spot and hard hugs you with a Lucio as soon as you walk 100 steps away from the spawn, but your tanks are a flanking Ball while Hog struggles to do anything at all when the opponents engage, you’ll just wipe until you lose and DPS can’t out pop-off that ever. Getting bottlenecked out of games is really common nowadays to a degree where the message of the topic isn’t exactly wrong. And that’s coming from a tank player

That is honestly the only redeeming quality of having only 1 tank that I can see as a tank player. Everything else is pretty much extremely disheartening.

Lower queues? I already have 30s queues.

Tanks are easier to balance? They already are if they’d just stop favoring Sigma over Orisa, Rein over anyone else and any off-tank over Hog; and just focused on just balancing all tanks around their realistic potential in high tiered gameplay regardless of what that tank is or what players think about them.

Supports have less to heal and can focus on you easier? I don’t really think that this is true since there’s half the amount of tanking, peeling and therefore they’ll be just as busy but just in a more chaotic environment which makes healing more impactful and harder especially when letting 1 player die (especially your tank) loses teamfights even worse now

Also I’m sus of the playmaking potential or importance even rising at all. It may sound counter-intuitive, but when you consider how much the game changes fundamentally into a more deathmatch-like gameplay the impact of tanks diminishes (aside from only Hog) drastically. When the gameplay has a massive change like this it’s extremely speculative that the tank diff will mean more when we aren’t sure how deathmatch-like the game will become and how tanks will be accustomed to that. I do believe that the tank diff will be more prevalent, but not to a considerable degree because of this

Also since I play with stacks almost all the time nowadays as the solo gameplay experience due to matchmaking and player behavior issues is absolutely miserable, I can no longer share a role with my usual tank partner, meaning that I’m pretty much forced to drop the role that I like to play if I wanna play with them. This is why I haven’t really played besides grinding the event cosmetics and probably will quit the game afterwards until OW2 becomes pre-orderable :frowning:

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5v5 imo is Blizzards attempt to make the game playable for it’s shrinking base.

Ow is kind of complicated and not everybody wants to play a game with so many things to keep track of at once. While being dived or cc’ed or whatever.

I’m not sure ow2 will bring in tons of long term players like ow1 did. prob lots of people for a bit until the next big game drops and people go there.

I think 5v5 is for when that inrush of players dies off and the q times get bad again. Needing less tank players should help that. But who wants to be that single punching bag?