Yea, it seems every time there is a rebalancing, more people leave. Why they think reducing tanks to 1 will turn that around, only Blizzard know.
It’s difficult, but possible to find two tanks, with loot box and coinage incentives. Finding one tank won’t be twice as easy, it will be 10x harder. Because really no-one will want to play tank unless they really, really, really turn them into actual tanks, not the easiest target on the battlefield they are now.
Just my 2c, but personally, when 5v5 is rolled out, I will stop playing tank. Can you imagine the grief the team will give you if there is only one tank and you choose Ball?
There was a lot of theory crafting about it being an answer to queue times, when Blizzard confirmed that 7v7 wasn’t going to be a thing.
It got talked about. There is a lot going for it, in THEORY, but in practice I think it isn’t a good plan, but, then again, neither was Tickets, and we got them too.
When they put out the single tank expCard it sounded very much that there majority of devs want the game to stay with double tank, Jeff as the most prominent figure.
Jeff leaving could be very much a sign of the devs defendin the core identity, “the old Blizzard” lost the battle
If we dig a bit deeper: Jeff was not just our friendly neighborhood game director, but also in a high position with a lot of power and influence. He was the one who fought for us that OW2 doesn’t turn into the CoD model, which can’t be easy if we look at ActiGreeds history
So either the higher up ran with the idea of 5v5, because they maybe deem 6v6 as not economic viable, due to the costs of fixing it like over 1 1/2 year development of role queue, or the higher up from the OW team overturned him.
Neither of these option are a good outlook for us consumer
The changes they have shown so far are pretty out of touch. They’re compensating tanks that lost a ton of damage mitigation in the form of losing an a tank partner… By increasing the damage output of tanks and in some cases reducing damage mitigation further like with rein’s shield.
I’m not opposed to 5v5 as a concept but the balance they have shown so far is pretty horrible.
I recall seeing a couple 5v5 threads. And by couple I mean 2 or 3. All with the same idea - ‘‘it’ll reduce dps queue times’’.
You guys do know where that 1 tank player, likely the offtank player, goes when he doesn’t want to be the one and only tank? To the dps queue. And I’m sure some main tanks won’t be too happy to be the one and only punching bag, either.
I’m a bit unsure overall how I feel about 5v5. Besides the fact that they really should not make more tank players quit the game, when there is so little of them to begin with.
As I understand it, the only real reason for 5v5 is that Blizzard can’t find any other way of reducing the ridiculous queue times. No one really asked for it, they just can’t come up with any other solution.
Personally I was cautiously optimistic about 5v5 until I learned that they’re apparently going to be changing and reworking a lot of heroes, not just the Tanks but also DPS (and Supports I presume). Apparently even Sombra’s Hack is getting a rework, and as a big Sombra fan that’s not acceptable to me. If that’s really the case then I’d rather have them go 2-3-2 instead, or keep OW1 and 2 separated, or just revert Role Lock. Queue times were never a problem until they implemented that.
Probably the worst thing they could do. The problem with tanks now is that they are the easiest character in the game to kill (with the possible exception of Hog, but even then). This is simply because hit-scan, splash and projectile weapons increase their firepower as a function of the target’s size and speed. Tanks are slow and large, so every player in the game can hit them.
If they want to reduce the number of tanks to one, they should armour them better. Leave them slow and large, but give them some armour. 600 health seems like a lot, but without armour, that can be burned down in less than a second. The only tank that has true armour is Ball with his adaptive shield, but the cooldown is too long.
The developers are suffering from the sunken cost fallacy and have decided to push role lock no matter what. Let’s be clear. Role lock is a failure and only works because it has been propped up by priority passes and buries all of the modes away from the main page. For the same people who wanted role lock, I think you’re selfish and your chickens are coming home to roost. All of this role lock sorcery just so you can selfishly force someone to play the game like you want them to. It’s sad when you think about it. Once 1-2-2 comes into play, you role lock people will finally understand how it feels to have the game fundamentally changed right beneath your feet. Enjoy!
And no one wants to play Open Queue which should highlight how much the community actually WANTED 2/2/2. They wanted to be given a team of people who can play the required roles at the required skilled level of the game and not randomly have a 3700 DPS in a 3k game because he always ends up going Tank but the moment he is allowed to DPS the entire game breaks.
This is a typical American mindset (I’m American, too, no shade thrown). Listen, role lock may be nominally popular in the West, but it doesn’t mean it is popular worldwide. This should not need to be repeated but: not everyone plays the game as you do, not everyone enjoys it the same way as you do. Also, I beg you role lock people to remember that we open queue people enjoy the game as it was originally intended; we, unlike you, aren’t coming up with new rules from whole cloth and denigrating you as not being a team player for not immediately getting on board with those changes. Thank you. Enjoy the 1-2-2 changes!!!
If more than 1/3 of current tanks move to DPS or support then q times will be longer after the switch, not shorter. And given that 2/3 of tank players are offtank players that play MT only under sufferance, or not at all, it seems more likely than not that this will be the outcome.
Precisely. If I were to deliberately design a game change to break the game completely (rather than the previous three half-hearted attempts), 1-2-2 would be my suggested solution.
One can only assume that the intention is to kill the game off. It would be great if it was open-sourced (of course it won’t be), because then the community could fix it and turn it into a great game. Or many great games.
Flanker DPS players? Widow players? Quite honestly everyone else is a loser in this. The solo tank players are losers even if their heroes get buffed because even if they play a stronger hero than others the experience is way more miserable than playing with a tank buddy. Quote the outcome of the solo tank experimental from this that basically nobody liked. I haven’t really found any tank/support players who are actually happy about these changes and even when they’ve said so they’ve admitted to just having an edgy opinion for the spite of it
Maybe I want to be the center of attention for once, the pillar that brings the whole team down when collapsing. Both healers pampering me, snipey girls taking shots at anyone trying to touch me.
My voice line output will be as high as ever. All my years of being a selfish Dva and a vexing Winston will finally pay off.