So the only way for Mercy mains will be satisfied

No one wants Mass Rez back the way it was. Half of the Mercy player base wants her back with Mass Rez but with restrictions like LoS , Cast-time etc.
The other half wants a rework with or without Rez in her kit.

Personally I support the half that wants the rework , whether with Rez or not.
This ability caused only more problems. It’s the only thing stopping Mercy from being changed to much healthy and fun character. It only drags her down and if it means the removal of Rez will open more slots for improvement for Mercy that I’m 100% for removing it.

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I hope youre not thinking that i think that valk is a strong ult

Im just saying its not as weak as you seem to make it to be
i do agree its still a bad ult, its not the worst no, but it is bad

Well, it’s only ability in game, that better left unused…unless you like to be target practice or to hide away from action. At the same time it’s only ability teammates will actually ask you to use, instead of your ult.

I think riot where smarter hence why they made it a single ability rather than a mass one idk I think it’ll be hard to balance if it’s on multiple targets.

Mass rez already had counterplay, and already could be used for offense or defense.

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LoL is so different with the impact a res can have…

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I mean same with overwatch hence why double instant rez was removed :man_shrugging:

double instant res was removed because it lacked the restrictions of aoe res…

It was removed, because players completely abandoned using normal rez, with slowdown and cast time. With Valkyrie being weak since rework, it was utilized mainly for those 2 resurrects in contested area.

Blizzard said, that they didn’t like, that Mercy players circumvented nerfs to resurrect that way.

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Idk, I just hate current E and as much as I like your suggestion of it but as an E?

I mean yeah, the counterplay is to wait out for it sounds good, but during that time, they can go ham on your team, unless you kill them, which will revive them again. Just imagine that pesky Tracer who got that buff from Mercy.

Because the reason why current rez is ‘balanced’ is because you can CC Mercy or kill her in time and the reaction time is enough for it since its almost 2s. If they implement the LoL idea, its either ignore or wait it out, which in this game can mean a 1 sided battle since a lot can happen within a few seconds.

Imagine trying to take down a Nanoed Rein who got that Rez buff from Mercy. THATS a nigthmare waiting to happen.

I think they can take inspiration from it, but not the entire basis. Dont get me wrong, I like the idea, but as an E, that can be a problem.


I also want genji to be fun but they nerfed him :persevere:

They could take away some of his abilities instead, make Deflect his ult, move DB to E slot and call it awesome rework.

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Make sure DB has a 2 second wind up and can only kill 1 person. ;3


In case you are legitimately curious, there is a very short answer to that question, but I’m not going to give it to you because I believe it should be relatively easy for you to find that answer yourself, on these very forums. I firmly believe it is beneficial to the general quality of discussion if duplicate threads are avoided as much as possible and therefore do not support the idea of asking a question before having checked whether a response to it has already been given. I would consider it detrimental to answer a duplicate question as it might incentivize that behaviour.

So again, in case you are actually looking for an answer to that question, I encourage you to try finding it on your own.
In case you are not actually looking for an answer, you are effectively trolling and have no business on these forums.

I hope this helps!

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what question, and who is this aimed at…

Also, Valkyrie lowers her skill ceiling.
Valkyrie takes over everything you can already do on her base kit and makes it easier, even though her base kit is already mechanically easy.

Using GA to dodge ults > Nah just valk to the skybox, or behind a wall
Relying on team for mobility > Nah, just Valk and fly yourself go where you want, who cares about weaknesses
Using GA to avoid and survive damage until self heal kicks in > valk just gives you instant healing
Learning your top priorities and improving your beam juggling to increase effective healing > nah chain beams because you clearly don’t know how to heal enough people on an already easy kit and who cares about single target heals being her weakness

I’ll stop asking for something else, when it isn’t Valkyrie taking all the skills I have learned away from me for it’s duration.

Same with E Rez, I will be happy when the thought behind it isn’t
“Safe or no?” and instead has a valuable thought process.

So essentially, I want my hero who is mechanically easy, to still have the challenges to her like she used to have, to still have to think and work hard in a game. Not have her be turned into extra easy mode because they take away thought and awareness from her when she is already an entry level hero. She needs to have some skill requirements to her, otherwise she isn’t entry level, she is baby’s first and only hero.

Being easy to use is one thing, being easy to play in all aspects of her, is not okay.




And I love that vine. I’m stealing it for future discussions. :stuck_out_tongue:

The op. Thought I had replied to it directly but apparently I didn’t… Quoted them for clarification.


this is confusing me.

I am confusion

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