So the only way for Mercy mains will be satisfied

that actually sounds really good.

Oi! That was my suggestion! :rage: and yeah do it!

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Deadeye is literally the most underwhealming ult in the game, with even less consistant kills than tracers pulse bomb

Shhhh, no that was KnalxReapers!

But yeah, if this form of rez was implemented, Id be up for it.

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Itā€™s locking on a lot faster now. 200 hp hero has around 1 s, before McCree can deal instant kill damage to them.

i feel like weā€™re not even playing the same game.

Mccree has windup time, and soldier doesnt oneshot

:angry: i actually went into details in multiple old posts about it zilean can cast it on himself so Mercy shohld be able to do that too.

So, you want ultimate, that gives whole team second life, while not requiring them to die together?

I think its underwhelming because of CC and the amount of counters in general.

If they have a or any form of CC, they can fā€™u up.

But deadeye is still good imo, especially against that pesky Pharah.

Not itā€™s a single rez i want it on e

You mean the piddling heals that donā€™t matter because any kind of focus fire or literally any offensive ultimate whatsoever completely shreds through them as youā€™re unable to do anything but watch your team die?

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soldier ult does 171 DPS. so just over 1 second. itā€™s really not that long babe.

Then itā€™s just annoyance casted on flanker, not anything significant.


anything but that literally.

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Easy solution then, donā€™t make it a res, make it a consumed buff that restores half of your health on death.

If the core kit of Mercy being an extra 75 HP on Tracer breaks the game then this game is unsalvageable.

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Thats the only real good one you can get with deadeye, aside from a mercy flying

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Idk, iā€™d rather they just keep in on an ult.

Because imagine the Mercy does that on a Pharah or a Tracer, because oooof.

Also, I already find current rez on E annoying to fight. Ive had instances where I manage to headshot (outsnipe) a Widow as Mei and in comes the Mercy.

I just think something as powerful as bringing someone back to life, should remain an ultimate, something you have to earn.

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It has a risk of being used to farm healing then.

You should be happy, that Mercy didnā€™t do same with combo you used.

It actually has a counter play rather than just go in and press E and have someone protect youā€¦ imagine how creative you cam be with it and can differentiate between a good and a bad mercy.

Counter play: enemy team has two options either kill and wait for them to rez or ignore the player that has the casted ability on them for an interval time.

Mercy has to decide whether sheā€™ll use it offensively or defensivelyā€¦ she can cast it on the flanker or the tank or even anticipate when the enemy might go for her and save it for herself.

Much better than her current rez.