So...Echo isn’t Hero 31 either

The only potential problem I see is what happens when you play her on Junkertown? That, AND she had datamined voicelines saying

”Play of the game!”
”Time is running out for the defenders.”
”Time is running out for the attackers.”

Wow, I didn’t know she had that much datamined info? Ahh man…that makes me loose hope since it looks like they have possible plans for her? :frowning: Hopefully this is scrapped and not going to be used for future reference. I rather her a playable hero aha

Maybe if they add her on JT they get rid of her voice or someone new takes over?

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Or maybe they are developing a Junker based gamemode wait they forgot about those

I mean they are just voicelines they can always be removed,they trashed the whole Numbani airport for Doomfist.

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Could be that they explain it away with Her having left pre recorded messages

the next hero will probably be the talon tank from anubis then junker queen as dps hero (although i wish she was also a tank)

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It’s 100% safe, Josh Noh works in Geoff’s dev-team.

Here is a thread, where Josh talked a bit with the forums:
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yeah but if you place say zarya alongside characters like reaper, Mei and bastion you would think shes fits right being a big chunky dps class.

echo could be a tank a fat amount of shield health, or have ability based defenses.

to be honest I think the support looking nature of her is just a red herring and shes actually a glass cannon high dmg dps character with a possible chance on a fakeout on being a tank like i descried above.

So? Isnt it a good thing to have people who dont look like things. Bappy doesnt look like a support outside his colour scheme. I would like a varying appearance of roles rather than, female support, mean dps and big boi tanks. I think she could be a really interesting tank with multiple floating shields and her abilities are formations for them, and she could even have a counter attack.

Just a reminder that in one of Jeff’s interviews with fran he did say that it was surprising/interesting that everyone seems to view Echo as a support

To me that says she’s just as likely to be a tank…but she could also just not have had any role yet (at that point)…who knows really…just wait patiently

For now baptiste looks cool can’t wait to try him out

Jeff: nerfs goats
Jeff: Releases a support
Goats: gets stronger and harder to kill
Jeff: nerfs baptiste
Jeff: Releases a new tank
Goats: Becomes yet harder to kill
Jeff: Why do I even bother

Or Echo ends up being a DPS and outraging everyone

It’s kinda like artificially giving more views to these Overwatch youtubers/influencers to keep views up on people covering Overwatch stuff. I’d rather the my actually use their damn official forums for that stuff.

Not that it’s a bad idea from their standpoint of course. Just inconveniences me in that I have to rely on the grapevine quotes and hope they’re correct (cbf watching through an entire video on this crap =_=“ ain’t nobody go time for that)

Already thought she wouldn’t be.

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I would be inclined to agree, but isn’t part of being a tank having a large(ish) hitbox? I think it would be really interesting to have her focused around providing shields, and that definitely supports a tank’s kit, but she’s real small. Maybe if we give her like 300 or 350 health instead of 400 and up?

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Both of them was the big reveal (If we count B.O.B. all three of them) But lets be honest, in the cinematic Ashe was just an old memory to fight against while Echo was the center of the whole cinematic. The crate, the reveal, how McCree said that OW needs her more than him.

could use 2 new tanks, it’s the least played role in the game

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I hope Echo is a support but chances is that she’s an off healer support type.

Hero 31 needs to be a main tank next.

Actually we could use 9 new Tanks.
There are 16 DPS and only 7 Tanks after all xD

No complaints about that

Thats part of what interests me. If she was a main tank shed have lowish health and that would make her A. not work with goats. B. Completely unique from the other main tanks who have high health. I know she looks like a support but honestly, I would prefer to see more heroes looking different.

Plus from what i can tell, Echo does look a little bigger than mccree so she still does have the somewhat large hitbox, similar to zarya.