So...Echo isn’t Hero 31 either

Tough kumquats buddy, guess we can always hope for Blizzcon


Well, Echo looks kinda support-like.
We could really need a new tank next.


You’re not wrong there


I think echos a tank. And i refuse to budge on that

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That’d be kind of awesome.

I was working on a Tank/Support Concept with an interesting method of healing, but I was informed that sharing bits and pieces of a concept as sorts of previews/teasers was an idiotic idea, so it kinda went in the can

I liked the previews man! Even during my month long ban Id come on every few days to see what youd tagged me so i could show support

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Who confirmed that? I haven’t seen anything about that.


A developer by the name of…Joshua Noh?

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Joshua Noh


I’m grateful! I started putting qoutes from my next Hero Concept on the tail end of one Hero, if you hadn’t noticed

Thanks for the source.

Anyway I’d like them to also post things on forums. I’m not going to give views to youtubers at random or that I don’t like.


I did notice, i for one love the teasers, its like tryna guess the next overwatch hero, except its guessing your creatives pieces!

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Yeah, I get your point.

And how should you know about a small German OW-youtuber, who conducted the interview (for real in that case).

I just don’t like to make a statement without a source, so I linked the interview.


Hehe, sorry about that, I totally forgot to add in the link, not that I’m Level 3 anyway

I really don’t want another support/tank hybrid. I mean we all know how that went. Although Blizz can always prove me wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

I find a good thing from the devs to involve creators for these interviews anyway, they should keep doing it.

Yet they should also add the infos somewhere on the official forum too even if it’s a link to the video.

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YouTube links should work also at level 2 iirc.

Dude my dreams are broken. I wanted Echo to be a tank using force fields and sound waves and futuristic sci-fi stuff :frowning:

We could have a second support release again. Like Moira + Brig…
Or Echo is a Tank that can also heal.
We don’t have a “Healery Tank”.
We have Brigitte that is a “Tanky healer”.

I could imagine Echo as a tanky support based on shields. Something what Sym supposed to be.