So...Echo isn’t Hero 31 either

Unless she’s a tank then I don’t really care. Gib more tanks pls.

Why tease Echo if they were just going to make us wait another year? I don’t understand. The big reveal of Blizzcon was Echo. Why are we being forced to wait at least a year for her?

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You want another Baguette? No thanks, one is already one too many.

No, the big reveal of Blizzcon was Ashe and Bob, not sure what you watched. They were also clear that they will eventually bring Echo, but they wanna take their time with her story, so don’t expect her too soon.

“I don’t have much info about Echo” “I don’t think she’s next hero”

So not a 100% no, i guess. Still hoping.

(Thanks for sources <3 )

You’re being way too literal about his wording.

"I know we’re definitely gonna make her a hero at some point…"

Means she isn’t in development as of right now, and heroes take longer than 4 months to develop, so don’t get your hopes up. :slight_smile:

That is great news, I am not fond of her design and with Ashe and Baptiste, we are on a hot streak. Just one ranged hit-scan tank and we should be Gucci.

I remember they also said the she was in development, but when they have created Ashe, they prefer to finish Ashe. (Post-blizzcons live?)
And they should have her voiceline or some voiceline too (Italian Live with Newman, the lead of sound )

And yes, still hoping, but not so much. It’s always Blizzard.

They never said that. You misunderstood something.

Voicelines really don’t confirm anything. Junkerqueen has voicelines since almost 2 years now and she isn’t a hero.

They clearly said that Ashe wasn’t intended to be a character when created. And they was working on someone. And they were talking about Echo in live. Why saying it if it wasn’t related to Echo?

She has them only because in Junkertown.
You don’t listen Echo anywhere in the game

Man, go and find a source, stop making stuff up.

It’s true they shifted their focus on Ashe but they never even mentioned Echo as the character in development at that point. it was probably Baptiste they were referring to, as he was the next hero. The only thing we’ve heard about Echo so far from 2 different developers (Jeff and the guy from the interview posted in this thread) is the same thing - they want her to be a hero eventually, they WILL make her a hero eventually, which implies she isn’t a hero yet and they haven’t even started working on her…

And Newman lead of sound that said that was amazing working on Echo.

Well, later Echo will be released in the game, and earlier OW will die :man_shrugging:
Echo is intended to bring a “big lore content”, and the game deperately need it to attract people.
(After almost 1 year of nothing)

Didnt they say that they have 6 heroes in development? Baptiste was included in those 6 so Echo could be the next.
She is already on a cinematic and it seems she was “sleeping” for quite a long time so either we have a lore cinematic from the past where Echo did save the OW team or … we have a Talon one (yes!).

She could very well be in development already. Orisa and Doomfist were in Internal Testing back during the first Winter Wonderland Event. Devs have gone on record to say that at any given moment the next three heroes are in IT.

Aside from that, they’ve also said the next 6 heroes are being worked on


I believe you but I ask anyways Jaku lol

If that’s trueeeee

prays for JQ

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*cries in Echo main


For Orisa and Doomfist I believe there was something at a Comic-Con in San Diego where questions about Doomfist were asked. Shortly after his inclusion

As for “three heroes in IT” bit, that’s WAY far back on the Old forums I think. I can try to find it, but it could take awhile

Ahh I am confused still lol :sweat_smile:

It’s ok, you don’t have to find it I believe you, but I mean, was there something recently said that Echo isn’t hero 31? I know she needed more time so odds are it’s true, but it could still be possible she might?

I just want a tank lol

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Oh that? Yea, an interview with Joshua Noh on some German YouTube channel I think

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I’ll try to look for it. As far as the interview went, was it with Jeff or Geoff with this youtuber? I don’t know if the German youtuber is a reliable source.

Is he a leaker?

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