So 2-2-2 role que is kinda comfirmed

GOATs doesn’t affect 95% of the playerbase.

Well GOATS is only lil of the problem… its match making aka… im forcing my self to play a healer because everyone else pick dps (aka 1 - 4 - 1)

The heroes nerfed, buffed, changed, buffed again, nerfed again etc. That’s ALL because of GOATs. It doesn’t only ‘buff or nerf heroes at GM or higher’. It does effect us. The state of our game balancing right now is all because of GM/GOATs. The game is balanced at the GM/OWL level.

And they aren’t going to stop doing that, so acting like they will doesn’t make sense.

okay think about it this way… if we was in sliver do u think we would be playing goats… NO! we would just pick whoever we want GOATS is a Master and above problem including pros

Reapers nutty healing right now? That’s because of GOATs. The junkrat spam buff that’s coming? It’s because of GOATs. The armor changes in the last 2 patches? GOATs. Playing GOATS has nothing to do with the point I made. The heroes are buffed/nerfed regardless whether you’re playing GOATs or not. When you see a reaper run up and murder your entire team at Silver and his healing is so high that you can’t kill him? That’s because of GOATs. It has nothing to do with the GOATs comp being played. It’s the hero balancing is solely being done based on GOATs. Those heroes are all played at Silver too, just not in a GOATs comp. We’re ALL affected.

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i mean yeah but what that has to do with unorganized comps… since seasons 1… GOATS a think and all but… i just want organization lol

2/2/2 brings organization. It regulates the game, it removes the problem where you have 5 dps mains in a single game all refusing to swap. It makes the game much easier for Blizz to balance so all of our heroes can be viable because they don’t have to worry about funky 4/2 or 3/3 comps etc. It’s a great thing for the game overall. The only issue of concern is the Que times increasing, which I’m sure they are working to address as they’re designing the new MMR/SR system.

Cool story bro.

But it’s a fantasy of pure illogical imagination that devs are going to stop balancing GOATs and give up if they’ve gone this far

For finding enjoyment? Odd flex.

Who said they were giving up on balancing GOATs? We simply said Jeff Kaplan confirmed in an interview that they love the 2/2/2 and have people working on that as we speak. Nothing else was said except GOATs has caused a ton of weird balancing on heroes trying to nerf it.

You mean the part where he said he loves 2Flex-2-2 on LFG on Emongg’s stream?

No, he did an interview yesterday with Stylosa. Overwatch Jeff Interview - Role Queue and The Future

I could timestamp the 2Flex-2-2 if you want as well.

Again, do you think it’s realistic that devs would practically redefine the entire game meta to deal with GOATs, then just go ahead and disallow GOATs?

It was not confirmed, not even kind of. Watch the entire segment. He said that while he is a fan of the idea, between the resource costs to make it happen, not mention the scope of work, and the queue impact for damage dealers, it isn’t happening anytime soon.

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I think that’s more of a “if we can think of a good system that deals with the DPS queue times, we might do it sooner”.

  • Jeff: “I am a huge fan of 2/2/2 comp and we believe this is the accepted way to play the game.”
  • Jeff: “I think role queue is a great idea.”
  • Jeff: “It took over two years to write the matchmaker, and if we want to pursue a role queue it will take months and months to implement a role queue, and we have people working on this now.”

So, to put this into a simple summary: Jeff: We already have people working on this. But, it’s going to take a while. You can find the entire summary script in the General discussion here: Pinned Stylosa: Jeff Kaplan on 2/2/2

He also mentioned the time and budget resources that would be needed for it. Meaning: do they have the investment to make it happen in the near future. He made sure to mention that.

Why because he is not complaining?