So 2-2-2 role que is kinda comfirmed

I play flex/support, so a role queue won’t affect me much personally, but it WILL affect the vast sea of people who would rather dps. And I worry that if this becomes a thing, people will start quitting after a month or two of being tired of long queue times.

That is a valid concern that I’m sure they’ve considered. The game being regulated may also bring back a lot of tank and support players as well, though. It’ll be interesting to see how it all unfolds if/when we get the role select.

Sometimes you have to put some type of structure to overall improve a game. Be it irl sports, or video games.

For instance in football (us). If you do not know football, you might think anyone can catch a pass. In reality half of the offense is ineligible to receive in order to create balance and structure to the game.

The offensive line (lets call them the tanks) can not even step past the line of scrim during a passing play, much less catch the ball, or its an illegal play.

This provides a balance so the defense is not overwhelmed trying to cover them as passers along with covering everything else.

The point is, structure can make the game better in the long term.

They can provide more interesting tank mechanics (and make them more dps’y), as well as doing the same for heals.

tl;dr Structure in a game can be good, and in OW 2/2/2 can make tanks and heals more fun to play w/o making DPS useless.

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That pretty much sums it up. So far, players have shown horrible restraint in creating comps that make any sense.

You’ll still get to do weird comps in QP, just not comp.

Its not confirmed, all Jeff ever did was say he was a fan of it, and he sees a lot of benefits and believes overall the community is ready for it.

I expect some form of role queue in comp, not in QP or arcade.

Thank god for no no-limits in comp, that was just ridiculous.

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My hope is they roll out some changes to tanks and healers to make them more interesting for dps to play.

2/2/2 lets them get more interesting.

Heck, it may even let them throw in more heal mechanics for dps.

Yeah, but with 2-2-2 you only get:.

  • 2DPS-2Tank-2Heal

2Flex-2Tank-2Heal is way better, because you get:

  • 2DPS-2Tank-2Heal
  • 1DPS-3Tank-2Heal
  • 1DPS-2Tank-3Heal
  • 3Tank-3Heal
  • 4Tank-2Heal
  • 2Tank-4Healer
    • For those Batiste+Ana+Mercy+Zen+Orisa+Roadhog comps, with 312% a damage boost :stuck_out_tongue:

Hence why I said structure can be good. It allows for more design freedom for tanks, healers, and dps.

If they did not provide restraints to downfield lineman, the forward pass would break the game and every play would be a pass because you could not defend against it.

If they put limitations on comps, they can a lot more creative with toolkit design w/o heroes breaking the game.

Is 2/2/2 the answer for OW? I dont know. I am not good enough at the game to say something like that, but it has a big possibility to bring some interesting ideas and designs to the table for all roles…

I mean, that has somewhat of an argument. But it’s it worth having 3-4 Rein equivalent tanks, but only one team composition?

I think so, but I take my opinion with a big grain of salt because I am really only 2-3mo in OW and at silver elo lol.

How about the game just plays itself for us and we just sit and watch? I think that’d be pretty cool and organized.

Feels like the variety would be wasted, as one Rein-style shield tank would be outright better, and the others wouldn’t get used.

Gotta have the combination of unique, but also worthwhile choices. Not just “more choices”.

Awww yeet! OW should have had this from the start. Triple (or more) of any hero class is just dumb and obviously effective.

As a tank main, 2,2,2 is all I ever wanted in comp. If there’s a way they can implement it in to competitive but make it very easy and seamless, like maybe a tick box as you’re queuing for comp, if you select it, you’ll be grouped in to a 2-2-2 comp, and if not, you’ll just queue as it is now, with no limits to what comp you can use. This way players who want 2-2-2 like me can queue for that, and those who want to run goats etc, can queue for that.

I hate watching GOATS, and the only solution to it is buffing a particular hero that in turn makes him more powerful in other unintended situations, or comp limits.

Its just gonna keep getting worse, or they will have to neuter tanks/heals and no one will want to play them.

Thats really the choice imo, and I prefer the 2/2/2 method.

So, basically little if any impact over what we have. Nice try.

The difference being is that there’s no 1Tank or 1Heal, for 3to5DPS comps.

It’s the difference between removing a bullet from an arm, or chopping off the entire arm.

Which really solves very, very little of the problem we have though right?

It’s the difference between removing a bullet from an arm, or chopping off the entire arm.

Removing the bullet isn’t going to do anything about the gangrene though.

The problem with hero stacking is the ability to nullify certain heroes weaknesses by stacking their synergies.

Zen is easy to dive, so stick him with the two best peelers and he’s a DPS machine. Brig needs to fight to be good, so stick her with Lucio and she benefits being a melee hero, and stick her in 3 support comps and she doesn’t have to worry about her downtime. Lucio is Lucio.

Likewise, give Zarya a comp that makes it very easy to gain charge and very difficult to die in (meaning she can pretty much always keep her charge), and she’s going to pump out way more damage than Blizzard ever intended her to.

2 DPS 2 Heal, 2 Tank is good for the competitive format specifically because it removes the ability to stack tanks and healers to minimize either the weaknesses inherent in the class, or the individual hero.

Making the DPS spots into Flex would miss half the point of a role queue.

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Hmmm… I am thinking the arm must go, but that’s me. If allowed to continue it will just strangle the head its attached to at this point if its not severely restrained.

I still say the better solution is character bans. If Jeff’s intimation they were working on something like this is true, it explains why they kind of ignored the whole character ban system. It really makes me think people like Jayne got wind of it and were attempting to appeal to Blizzard in vain for a different approach. Per match character bans would do so much for the game and still allow for creative comps… but allow players agency to stop cheese comps and obnoxiously broken ones like GOATs and its hellspawn offspring comps…