So 2-2-2 role que is kinda comfirmed

stylosa new video when he was speaking to jeff, jeff kinda said already comfirm 2-2-2 and and tbh the only reason right now 2-2-2 isnt in yet if im correct… jeff said because it takes alot of time to (re)make (recode) the match making system and he also said if he launch the system now dps players will take alot of time to get in to a match and having people work on it now to make the system better… so basically they are working on it and finding ways to make 2-2-2 role que be better

and for all the people saying they don’t like 2-2-2 after that video tbh your mostly selfish of your own desires and not caring for the the team mostly… plus jeff said having 2-2-2 will make the game way more easier to balance the game

having a all flex meta is so unorganized (especially when my games barely have people talk on mics)


So what you are saying is, players cannot be trusted to make their own unusual compositions, and instead must be force fed the safest cookie cutter available.

I have no issue with 2-2-2, but I also find enjoyment in heal team 6, or all DPS comps. The game is fun to me regardless.

Also, would you kindly link the video where Jeff “kinda” confirmed 2-2-2?


here is the interview. :slight_smile:



2Flex-2-2 is drastically better than 2-2-2.


I don’t mind in QP but in comp it’s rather annoying to win or lose to some idiotic 4-5 DPS comp or tanks that get salty because not getting healed that one time and instaswitch to soldier as some sort of statement etc.

Now I have no issues to play with tripple or quad DPS comps but having wrong picks is much less forgiving compared to 2-2-2 and if you don’t swap off you’ll just stagger by being picked off for the rest of the game. It would better with some sort of structure.

I’m a DPS main that flexed insane amount of Ana and Hammond this season, managed to get to diamond, better to pick something that makes sense in terms of winning rather than ending up tilting everyone by having a 3-4 DPS line up that is terrible.


I think they should have UnlockedQ and RoleQ for Quickplay.

UnlockedQ would satisfy the excessive DamageRole demand, while keeping queue times in RoleQ decent for DamageRole.


Go play No Limits :slight_smile:


You are still missing the part in which we all hate GOATS and want it removed, since 3-3 is impossible to balance.

The game was originally no limits. Blizzard limited that too :frowning:

Like I said though, I have no issue whatsoever with 2-2-2, I’m just trying to explain that being forced into a specific comp feels like a double edged sword.


The best solution I saw so far is to add another hero slot and force 2-3-2.

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GOATs got some major nerfs and counters this last patch, and if that’s not enough, devs will do more.

Also, do you really think GOATs affects anybody besides really high tier players?

Correct. The pull to ‘I dont care what the team needs, I hanzo.’ is too heavy.


Yes, because by existing -as you are aknowledging yourself- several heroes will get nerfed to avoid 3-3 being meta.

Those nerfed heroes will become trash outside of 3-3. You saw it with Brig, and now it’s happening to Lucio.

That really sucks for the majority of players that get affected by this, yet don’t play or encounter GOATS.


So are we discussing a fantasy land where devs are going to stop balancing GOATs, after making dramatic changes?

Forced 2-2-2 solves two different problems:

  1. In lower ranks, it’s super frustrating to get 4-5 dps comps with no one wanting to tank or heal. Too many games are lost on the hero select screen.
  2. In higher ranks and OWL, stacking of similar abilities (i.e. role stacking) becomes too difficult to counter, similar to the problems presented when hero stacking was allowed. This problem is only going to get worse as more support/tank heroes are added.

More importantly, Overwatch doesn’t feel like the class-based shooter it’s supposed to be when dps heroes are pushed out of the meta.


Everything about this is right. I would also add, that item 2 presents a balance issue to Blizzard that is inherently impossible to solve without hard locks on healing being ‘unstacked’.

Yes. That is exactly right. The playerbase has had their chance and look at the utterly broken state that “Competitive” Mode is currently in. Player choice needs to be removed and funneled into a more structured system. It will improve the overall quality of the matches, particularly at the potato ranks. Not to mention it will ease the burden of Hero balance on the Dev team.

I do agree however, that this should not be implemented into QP. However, for Comp Mode? Yes please.


Literally the 5 dps in qp matches outnumber the 2-2-2 supporters. The DPS aint selfish.

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i doubt its confirmed at all actually…in fact to me it came across like “yeah we understand why some people would like it (ourselves included)…but here are the reasons why ultimately it wont actually end up happening”

and even if it did it would be so long from now that im honestly not excited over that particular part of the interview…