So 2-2-2 role que is kinda comfirmed

That is literally selfish.

If that’s forced upon competitive I’m out.


First they came for the hero-stackers, and I did not speak out – because I was not a hero-stacker.

Then they came for the role-stackers, and I did not speak out – because I was not a role-stacker.

Then they came for the off-meta-players, and I did not speak out – because I was not an off-meta-player.

Then they came up with hero bans and took away hero-switching – and by then the game had literally become an FPS MOBA.

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They are under pressure to fix GOATS asap because of the OWL.
Their Role Queue matchmaking isn’t ready yet, so they have no other choice but to temporarily fix it with buffs and nerfs.

I am pretty sure that there will be tons of balance patches right before and after the implementation to address this issue.

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Are there still folks out there denying that the dev team literally bends* over backwards to try to change the game in order to improve the playing and viewing experience of the OWL?

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Yeah, but the idea that 2-2-2 is needed to disallow 3-3 is kinda ridiculous at this point.

(And I was championing this idea 3 months ago)


good think theres apex as backup … would never have thought to switch to an EA game because of BLIZZARD incompetence to balance properly … that’s quite something

This just in, Stylosa is played.

Also, again this guy gets it

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It absolutely affects non GOATs players. If you play Rein, Zarya, Lucio, Zen, Brig, or Winston/DVA etc. Those heroes are all in lines of getting nerfed, or have already been nerfed multiple times solely because GOATs exists. Even though lower elo doesn’t play GOATs the hero balancing is being done at the GM level and that trickles down to everyone who plays any of those heroes in or outside of GOATs. Reapers buff that is so annoying right now? It’s because of GOATs. The armor changes to the game in both the last 2 patches? It’s because of GOATs. The Mei buffs over the last few months? It’s because of GOATs. The upcoming Junkrat spam buff, the Lucio nerfs, Zarya nerfs, etc etc etc all because of GOATs. All of this trickles down to anyone who plays any of the heroes involved. While most of the players don’t play GOATs, they’re feeling the crazy changes because those heroes outside of GOATs are much more or much less effective because of it.


Wanting 2-2-2 is just as selfish as not wanting it…
What itll cause is for there to always be 2 of each role but will kill meta creativity along with when all heroes are balanced for it will cause a meta stagnation unless they create heroes specifically to counter the current meta which I doubt they would do after brig. It they would have to nerf balanced heroes which is not a good option either

I only play arcade or quickplay, so far I rarely encountered a real GOATS combo in almost 800 hrs. :wink:
Maybe it’s time to split Overwatch hero balance in casual setup and OWL league setup so the majority of players don’t has to suffer from hero “adjustments” due OWL tryhard combos.
When watching OWL I can enjoy some 3-3 brawl actualy more than I ever enjoyed dive. However, we all agree that the OWL needs more different hero combos and much more diversity. I want to see that all heroes are played in pro gaming, not only the same combos of the same 6 heroes. More Sym, more Junkrat, more Hog, more Ashe, more Torbjörn (Dafran made a impressive start at least with him), more of everything and less of the same.

That’s nice and all, but do you think that asking for a 2Healer limit is realistic?

Because I think it’s kinda ridiculous.

Devs seem to have hard committed to balancing GOATs.

Why do you think asking for 2 healer limit is ridiculous?

Because the devs have committed months to balancing GOATs, what makes you think they are going to completely 180° on that, and give up?

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The Jeff Kaplan interview yesterday. I don’t think GOAT’s balancing is going to stop at all. Mainly because I think the Role Select being added is not going to happen right now, it will be a while. But, once that is ready we will likely see tremendous balance changes to most if not all heroes. It can be a really good thing.

I strongly think 2Flex-2Heal-2Tank is better.


817 posts


Wanting 2-2-2 is just as selfish as not wanting it…
What itll cause is for there to always be 2 of each role but will kill meta creativity along with when all heroes are balanced for it will cause a meta stagnation unless they create heroes specifically to counter the current meta which I doubt they would do after brig. It they would have to nerf balanced heroes which is not a good option either

i see where you coming form but my selfishness is for the team … i carry about team organization more than want i want play so im giving my own self toxicity by forcing my self to play a role im not all that great with mostly a lot

see there a different… playing want i want because this what im good at vs playing what the team needs to so i can protect or heal them in need so we can have a better chance to work together

2 Flex, 2 Heal, 2 Tank will still just be GOATs or at low elos a Reddit Lucio or Flanking Moira being in a flex spot so they can run around pretending to be dps. If you regulate the game with 2/2/2 it will allow the best hero balancing we will have ever seen in Overwatch by miles. This is not a bad thing that is happening. It will help them game, and the game needs it right now.

2v2v2 is apparently much easier to balance.