Sinatraa: "I think when 2-2-2 came out it definitely killed it for me."

Nah. He’s a pretty big name, so they’d go with him.

He could say “Zenyatta is OP” and people would fight and die agreeing with him.

I remember this guy hating on having to constantly play Brigitte pre 2-2-2, so dunno if I should believe him or not

Sinatraa and people like him are the reason why role queue had to be made. If you open his profile and check his season stats before role queue he played almost exclusively dps and Widowmaker. He’s one of those who instalocked dps and forced others to always fill in tanks and supports even if they were dps mains too.

So he is annoyed that he can’t have faster queues and instalock dps and force others. He’s also annoyed you can only duo queue in GM, aka he is annoyed he can’t stomp others by stacking. Literally the opposite of good competitive behaviour.

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Or given another name, the paying player base?

RoleQ is amazingly popular, EVEN when OQ was new, and people were trying it out, which would have been the height of its popularity, it STILL didn’t pull numbers close to roleQ

The stats in Korea for Competitive Open Queue were impressively close to Competitive Role Queue considering it’s in the Arcade.

Also in that region, interestingly, Quick Play and Quick Play Classic get almost equal playtime.

For reference:


role q should not have been added to owl or high ranks

All these DPS mains complaining about queue times just points out how many players had to play Tank or Support pre 2-2-2 against their will to support those DPS who wouldn’t flex if they wanted any chance of winning.

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Erm, ok? You liking it or not isn’t particularly relevant to what I was saying :man_shrugging:t2:


Shame they only released one day. Wonder if it’s representative for most days or if you see weekday/weekend specific :thinking: I’m still pretty surprised that comp is higher than qp!

I know, it is super interesting but… Korea is still pretty small as far as overall numbers go.

I’m keen to keep OQ. But I know that roleQ was more popular.

Goats meant that roleQ was absolutely 100% had to happen for OWL, and the higher ranks.

nice long answer… sadly tho we have to agree with this… and ppl… really stop comparing numbers between role q and open que…
in an interview there was an end note… higher elo, and pro players (not all obviously) would prefer open q… this is ~10% of the playerbase… and lower elo players (not all either) would prefer roleq… this is why I don’t understand why we even want this an esport game if we listen to lower elo players… I mean fine devs can listen to them but why they remove something that pro players would prefer… and now devs realized the mistake but it’s too late… they could work on LFG (or crybabies should actually would use it) or they could add roleq next to classic comp… OW was introduced itself like you can change any hero in any situation you have a freedom to change comp etc… now you are way too limited in every way… devs working their way back slowly but idk if it can help…

Sure, it’s a job, but it does have a propensity for it to attract unlikable narcissists into doing it for a living.

So every youtuber.
Got it.

Nerf AOE healing/heal stack => No more goats.

Nerf speed boos stack => Goats RIP 2020

There wasn’t a lot of healing stacking going on in goats.

The Lucio was on speed pretty much all the time.

Nerfing speed MAY have done it, but it would have totally ruined ALL deathball play, and that wasn’t a good plan either.

It had tons of healing and stupidly broken speeds with both Brigitte and Lucio.

Well, everything about Brokette was broken :smiley:
Stun, damage combo, shield, heal, speed, armor :smiley:

Sinatraa I think used the excuses of 2-2-2/Hero Pools to justify one thing: he had done it all and lost interest. Valorant is “new and shiny”, and has potential for at least as much money if not more and has more carry potential which he in particular liked. In time, Valorant will have its issues I assure you. I’m not saying that 2-2-2/Hero Pools didn’t impact his decision, I think they clearly did, but I think his main issue is not what the OP is making it out to be, hes just trying to use Sinatraa’s comments which are better expressed in a tweet and listening to other players describe his actions which makes clear a deeper malaise existed.

Is there value in his feedback? Sure. Does it mean that 2-2-2 should go away? I don’t think so, OTOH, I think Hero Pools are in general not working out and are contrary to OWL in particular as pros must spend 10+ hours a day honing on one signature character.


Korea is the region most impacted by long queue times.

It’s also the region that produces the most talent for OWL.

Role Queue seems comparatively less popular in EU and KR. The poll I conducted in the EU forum also reflected this.

It was stated in the post I replied to that 222 is good for support/tank players like me

It actually hasn’t been good for many support/tank players, including me