Sinatraa: "I think when 2-2-2 came out it definitely killed it for me."

That’s because they’re playing Valorant now

My point…

20 cars for some reason

I wonder what his thoughts would be if someone asked him if the number of hours pros put into the game contributed to his current outlook on the game? I mean before 222 was put in the game we had pros leaving OWL and most of them mentioned the fact that when it came to scrims and practice it was not uncommon to play the game for 12 hours a day, if memory serves correct plz feel free to correct me if that is wrong. At any rate if I had to play OW as much as they do I would probably burn out on the game in less time than he did.

He dont represent me and he dont represent many of us.


Just a few more OWL ‘pros’ required to leave and MAYBE Blizz will start fixing the game the right way.


It’s coming dw, many pro players have hinted toward leaving OW.

What’s the big deal really? he wanted a game where he would be able to compete freely and overwatch simply wasn’t it, Valorant on the other hand fits him much better as well as several others who might follow him, you people are acting as if there aren’t other pro players out there salivating to be on the spotlight, pros who do enjoy the format and even hero pools

the reality of the issue is that not everyone will like overwatch forever, specially when a game like Valorant is creeping up, some of the OW pool will inevitably move over there and that’s fine, OW will always have a significant playerbase and if that also happens to vanish, what’s the big deal? it’s not up to you or anybody on this forum to assess game development strategies, devs know what’s going on and they will act accordingly, if the game dies, what is it to the lot of you who simply come here to complain even though you don’t play anymore either way???

222 sucks when you have people who actually play to win. 222 Is great when you have people who see nothing wrong with 0-4-2, and complain at someone else to tank because they themselves don’t want to switch.

That is the issue. In OWL, you probably dont need to enforce 2-2-2. But on the ladder, you do, because of how people act. At least in lower ranks.

And, when you take into account that people in higher ranks can function just fine without 2-2-2, yet still bounded to it, AND have high queue times on DPS, I understand why people are upset.

The wrong people are being punished. Enforce 2-2-2 in bronze-gold. Those are the ones that need it the most.

Overwatch as a whole needs to be seriously re-worked and re-balanced

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I don’t want them to listen to one singular person…is he paying for all of our copies of Overwatch? No, he’s not. He’s not even the only OWL player that matters either lol

Don’t care who he plays, how well he plays, or what team he’s in, no one player’s input should dictate balance.

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I like 2-2-2, open queue just feels like garbage.

Hero pools, on the other hand…

Honestly I dont think it has much to do with him leaving. How ever if we see whole orgs start leaving for other games OWL will dry up and while the casual player may think “big deal I wasn’t much about it anyway.” it will be a huge financial loss for acti/blizz. Kind of the same thing that happened to hots and we seen how that just went away over night.

If your curious nerd slayer put out a video on it in his death of a game series.

I mean dont get me wrong this is a making of blizzard’s own plans, but I would hate to see another Blizzard IP get mothballed because of the forced E-Sport imploding on itself again.

I agree that if the OWL dies the game will stop being financed, that’s honestly pretty basic but you also have to take in consideration the fact that blizz has several IPs who are still going somehow, believe me, blizz won’t be making things for free anytime soon but that’s the catch, if the OWL dies, they will come up with new ways to earn money from somewhere else, most likely the people who want to play the game, they could make skins purchasable or do that whole battle pass thing

The possibilities are infinite really but my point is that it isn’t up to us to figure out how to keep OW afloat, it’s theirs, coming here and saying “oh 2-2-2 killed OW” “oh Sinatra leaving means the game is dead” is honestly just inflammatory and far far from truth, if you don’t want to play, fine, don’t play, let those of us who do enjoy the game we love

and if you happen to love the game and feel like it’s the devs fault you don’t anymore, then you need to do further self inspection because those idiots have been working on this for more than 6 years and each and every article out there show the passion they have for this game, not saying they don’t make mistake but boy do they work hard to fix them and keep their real playerbase happy


Agree. But just for science I asked around in bronze and I asked around gold and I asked around in plat/diamond if ppl new Sinatraa and what they thought of it.

Nobody ever heard of him in Gold but in Bronze (which for me is all smurfs) everyone knew about it and considered it a big deal. Turns out OWL seems to resonate with low bronze and diamond+, but not much in between. Based on a sample size of 5, but ya know.

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Very true. I only mention owl imploding because unlike all their other e-sports they jumped into the deepest end of the pool. I mean outside of all the money for prize pools and all that didn’t they also build a coliseum to play the games in? Might be remembering wrong. Which could lead to major money that while I am sure blizzard would survive I am just not sure what they would look like after it all.

And you’re right it is up to blizz I just see these types of threads as someone taking another angle to try to point out a flaw in something they dont like. But at the end of the day like you said it is up to the devs. :slight_smile:

No doubt they work hard. My only real frustration with them at times is the way they get an idea and think man that is so cool and they put it in the game before they think about the impact. But usually after the frustration I remember they are devs and that kind of stuff is in their nature, and sometimes it does work out well lol.

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Good riddance. Never liked him anyways.

I have yet to find one game dev that don’t like the game they work on. Some might hate stuff like upper level decisions, or management, or work conditions, but the game itself is always loved by everyone that is involved in the craft.

I know some people that worked in friggin shovelware, and they still like the unpolished mess they are forced to publish before it’s at an acceptable level of quality.

Right, but Supports/Tanks generally require something other everyone picking Damage for them to work best. That synergy in OWL was what lead to the introduction of role queue. It also has the benefit enabling Unless you’re a Mercy/Lucio one trick or a flanking Support.

So yeh, works great for these roles but you may not like it if you’re a flex player or prefer specific roles for maps etcetcetc.

Can we just stop taking these pro player’s words and treating them like they’re the literal written words of God? They’re allowed to have opinions about the game and feel a special way. Just because they feel like it doesn’t mean anything. Please just learn how to form your own opinions without parroting what these “famous” people say.

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Oh look, a pro streamer/OWL member said that 2/2/2 killed Ow, i guess we should believe him becuz hes super good at the game and us players are garbage compared to him.


his issues are him being too good at the game.
overwatch keep killing casual players, hence the lower and lower overall playtime.
bunches of players that only queue for certain roles.

dunno about what’s his real issue besides 222 queue time too long for games which most “DPS” faced. so from video alone he just disappointed about 222 normal queue time that dev killed it by not listening to more casual players lol.

overwatch can be the most competitive game in the world but if it loses its original flare that attracts everyone into the game, and make the game boring and a chore to play, there is no point playing the game lol