Sinatraa: "I think when 2-2-2 came out it definitely killed it for me."

“Everything just sucked about it.”

Sinatraa for anyone unfamiliar was the OWL 2019 Champion/MVP and OWWC 2019 Champion playing for San Francisco Shock and Team USA.

Listen to your MVP, Blizzard. Forced 2-2-2 sucks the fun out of the game for many of us. Keep Competitive Open Queue as a permanent mode.

Now as a tribute, some of his best matches:


I’m sure if he said he loved 222 people would be disregarding him


Keeping competitive open queue doesn’t just improve the game for people who don’t like 222, but also for people who do. I admittedly haven’t played in a few days but when I did play, the queue times seemed like they had improved by having open queue siphon dps players


I like 2-2-2 and I don’t really see a problem with keeping the open queue


Put OQ on the main page, and let me queue for all of RQ and OQ…and play Workshop games in the meantime. 0 downtime and everybody’s happy.


“straight up just lost passion for the game. idk what the real killer was for me but maybe it was 2-2-2 lock maybe it was bans im not sure… i just know it was hard for me to log on to play and i didnt have fun in scrims/ranked at all”

Dude said maybe. Not certainly.


It’s also worth mentioning that he also (on a previous stream) mentioned that he was frustrated that he couldn’t log on and play with his friends, ostensibly because of the 2-player group limit in GM. Point being, it seems like he’s quite frustrated by a lot of stuff, not just 2-2-2 as Hulk is trying to make it seem.


How long until Your Overwatch or whatever other overwatch youtuber makes a video on this 180ing their own rhetoric?

Soon I expect.


Did you not watch the clip?


At least 10 minutes as well to cash in on that sweet, sweet revenue.


Here come the anti-222 crowd out of the woodwork like if this means anything lol.


Did you not read the statement I linked above?

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I did, and that was prior to this statement in the clip

I have read the Twitlonger and he cites 2-2-2 as a possible explanation as to why he got tired of OW. In the clip, he confirms that 2-2-2 was a contributor.


News flash overwatch has been going downhill for a looooooong time


Basically queue times. Which is the same reason people quit in other games. Maximillian, who is a prominent figure in the Fighting Game Community (FGC), complained one of the biggest killers in fighting games are the waiting times between matches - and those were only like 30 seconds to a few minutes, which kill it for players in those communities.

He also lists some grievances that are prominent in those games, which I think applies somewhat here:

  • Proper training modes.
  • Proper options for practice. (only recently has training mode been slightly revamped)
  • Proper tutorials.
  • Decent online (good netcode, roll back, particularly for fighting games but I’m sure is true here and was the foundational focus for a game like Valorant).

To paraphrase his video from months ago (his version of “state of games”), he adds, the ability to keep playing immediately. He asks, when you play someone, how much time do you actually spend in a rank match, looking for the next person (or in our case team), and having the whole process complete itself? How much time do we spend looking at menus, loading things, going back and doing that process over and over again?

He brings up he likes the game Teppen because when you lose a match you feel frustrated and just want to get right back into the next match as soon as possible, and within seconds you found another opponent - and you’re right back in a game. This causes that game to feel addictive. But nowadays instead we spend a lot of time in fighting games, looking at menus and not playing.

I know developers are aware of this, I’ve noticed they’ve been doing some strategies to shed times in our games. In OW its cutting a few seconds from hero select or end game cards, or reducing overall match times by a minute or so. But generally it’s really a huge issue when players can’t play for an hour after a five or ten minute match.

I’d really recommend watching his rant on it titled I Absolutely HATE This In Fighting Games - Max’s Rant on MATCHMAKING. I can’t share links here sorry. It might not fit 100% with FPS games, obviously we have a team format with generally more flexible hero selections, but I still think there are some important similarities and lessons we can learn from other games.


Indeed, but he later goes on to talk - in no uncertain terms - about his stance on 2-2-2 on his stream.


Lice lies in the title lol… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

The actual quote was “I don’t know what the real killer was for me maybe it was Hero Bans, maybe it was 2/2/2 role - lock”… Even he isn’t sure if the above reasons are actually that major and especially if they’re the only ones that pushed him to make this decision. Finally, let’s not ignore the fact that he has already been recruited for a Pro Team for the new shiny toy that is Valorant…

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Imagine thinking that a system where every team doesn’t have 5 DPS running rampant begging for healing from one healer is a bad thing


Yeah buddy because that’s totally what went on in the OWL before role queue. Why even say something so stupid?


I’m not fond of 2-2-2 either, or at least how it is now. Would love to queue into two roles at once, so I can switch from, say, tank to DPS in the same game.

I say this because I’m tired of Hogs and Balls. I rather play a third tank that’s a shield so my team can actually push forward, or a hitscan to counter Echo and Pharah when we have a Junkrat and Genji.