Shame doomfist is getting nerfed

Everything that comes out of your mouth is just wrong, huh?


You can have a fair selection of heroes in a game.
Doomfist is as far away from fair as it’s possible.

The most consistent way I’ve found to counter Doom is to not stand by yourself in the middle of nowhere literally just standing near a single other teammate usually cuts the Doom’s chances of successfully killing me by about half. On the other side of the coin, I cannot tell you how difficult it can be to land Doom’s abilities when the enemy isn’t just standing still the practice it takes to properly lead the punch to accommodate for its velocity and distance is something I still haven’t been able to consistently accomplish after nearly 5 months of practice on the hero. Also, Slam has an awkward hit box that’s very long but quite skinny, and Uppercut’s hitbox is practically vacuum-sealed to DF’s front

How? His application is limited and he’s literally the easiest character to feed with in the game. Stay near allies, listen for grunts, and keep track of his location and cooldowns and he’s literally a non-threat

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Well, he has 3 CC abilities for one. Then he has ridiculous burst damage, ridiculous mobility, with high health pool, big ability hitboxes, and an ult that makes him literally invulnerable, and then one shots you.

Oh, and outnumbering heroes is not a counter.

RP- stuns (50-100 damage impact, 50-150 damage wall)
Slam- no stun (49-125 damage)
Uppercut- no stun (50 damage)
Hand Cannon- 11 pellets, 6 damage per pellet
As I said before, RP literally throws you at the enemy to get a kill. With such a large hitbox, you have to manage your cooldowns extremely well and you have to be very careful with when where and who you go after. The hitboxes for Doom’s abilities are (again, as I said) not actually that large, and I’ve missed plenty of punches, slams, and uppercuts because I was a handful of pixels off the target. Before the hitbox increases, the enemy could literally touch DF’s model and it still wouldn’t hit. “Insane mobility” is relative (especially compared to heroes like Hammond and Genji) and is highly dependent on map geometry to function. If DF lands his ult in the middle of an enemy team, he must be very careful to make sure all enemies are within the interior circle of the reticle, otherwise risking being immediately slept, stunned, or even just focused as soon as 0.25-second period of invulnerability after he lands (where he can’t move, which is actually a 0.50-second period) ends. Even then, it’s usually used as a retreat option since it’s kill potential is too inconsistent.
As for multiple teammates with you not being a counter, this is a team game. If you want to heighten your chances of survival, you need to be with your team. Like any other hero, it’s incredibly unwise to engage as Doomfist on a group of enemies, since he can only effectively deal with one character at a time. Furthermore, if you wish to consistently dispatch the Doomfist before he can land a blow, any sort of CC will do the trick, or you can learn his very predictable mobility trajectories and simply dump fire into his enormous hitbox before he can get too close (this is my preferred method of dealing with DF).

You know what IS necessary? A Sombra Nerf.

Remove all shields if this braindead hero misses an ability as penalty and I’ll be content.

It still locks your movement…

Slam has a 7m long hitbox. It’s not large, it’s GIGANTIC.

It’s also an ability that can kill heroes with literally 0 counter play, and thus needs a redesign.

And Doomfist is the most independent hero in the game.

CC counters other CC heroes too, and Doomfist conveniently has 3.
Like people say McCree counters Doom but it’s really the other way around.

They are not predictable at all. He has 3 he can use in quick succession, all of them are very fast, and behave in a very odd way, that’s not present in real life.

His hitbox is not that big to justify his very high health pool, especially when you consider that he is a burst dps.

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complains about a hero that is clearly OP, backed up by facts, statistics, and endless proofs
‘Oh look here go the waaaaaaaaa’ing crybabies ruining things with their baseless whining and crying’

What’s truly pathetic is people act like this every time an OP hero gets nerfed. People just can’t accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, people besides themselves can be right.

You wanna know what’s pathetic? Crying about x hero seems to be 100x better than learning how to deal with x hero.


Then neither does Mercy, Moira, or Rein. Doomfist isn’t the only one who wouldn’t belong in a classic FPS. Luckily this isn’t an average FPS.

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Oh trust me, I do not want Moira in the game as much as you do. She in her current form does not fit.

And, you’re right. This isn’t a classic average FPS. Its below the criteria to be called “First person shooter”. Just about the same when it comes to the MoBA criteria too.

overwatch trying to be the jack of all trades but a master of none and even fails at that.

Where ,where does it say its getting nerfed? I wanna see ! Sounds too good to be true.

I always seems to agree with you opinion. Are you = me?

If I used the same logic as Doomfist mains does:

“Rein is so easy to counter, all you need to do is to wait for him to charge into your team and then you kill him. Charge is so easy to avoid and he’s so weak when he got no teammates around him”

I mean if you know how to counter him easily I don’t think you play him like that but rather around it?

This game not being an average FPS is the point of my comment. You need to take the standard rules for first person shooters and throw them away because if we go by those, then almost every ability in the game doesn’t belong, let alone several heroes. If we start saying “this hero doesn’t belong” then we might as well say “this ability doesn’t belong” and then just make this a CoD clone and stop calling it overwatch.

You do know that logic is used on EVERY hero, right? Not just by Doomfist mains. People complain about Widow? “just counter her with x or do y” People complain about Junkrat? “just don’t walk into his trap 4head lul”

You make it sound like everything that happens with Doomfist on the forums is something new or something the mains of him created when it’s literally been like this since the creation of the game.

The difference is that the more mobility you got the easier it is to play around it. I mean Zen can’t only do so much about his position given a period of time while Doomfist has 3 different ways of escaping an unfavorable situation. If you know what counters you on a mobility hero it’s much easier to avoid it than on a hero with less mobility.

And there’s situations on other heroes where you know exactly what a Doomfist is gonna do and when he’s gonna do it but you don’t have the mobility to evade it nor the damage(in practice but also not too seldom in theory ) to kill him off before he kills you.

And I’m saying it is failing trying to be above and beyond average. Its below that.

And you need to take the standards of MOBA games and throw them INTO the mix. Excluding them like you do just shows that you only think of OW as another FPS. At least I have the decency to include its “Multi-part” game(Being not just a FPS but a moba too at the same time).