💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

So apparently i’ve been stripped of my level 3 forum posting abilities, after having been silenced due to mass flagging.
(I posted the wrong opinion, i learned my lesson)

This is gunna be fun.

(Which also means i probably can’t edit the OP to this thread due to it containing links.)

Remember, it’s not just flagging, the flags have to result in reprimands. A million flags on one comment is still only one infraction.

My may just have had your “number of posts viewed in the past 100 days” fallen below

There’s so many requirements for level 3 trust level.

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You would think that, but i know exactly what happened.

Though it’s kinda funny, i can’t discuss disciplinary actions, as that might somehow seem like free speech.

It’s happened to me in this thread’s history before too.
You get one person mad enough to flag every post of yours they see as breaking the CoC, Next day you’re silenced and a week after you get level three back.

It’s like “recieve 20 likes” okay, not so hard “Read 500 Topics created in the last 100 Days” WHAT?!? Has there even been 500 topics made in the last 100 days? That’s basically reading ALL the topics.

Yeah, I was lvl 3 until about a month ago. I got a summer job and literally didn’t have enough time in the day to read that much.


It’s been about a year now since this thread was posted.

It’s held everything from in depth conversations about Bastion, to discussing what pet Chibi should get.

We accomplish something with the November buffs, even if it’s not everything we wantted.

We used to be extremely active, with at least 150 replies a day, all mostly from a small group of people. Most of those people have understandably moved on, but a few of us still remain.

I just want to thank all who participated for this wonderful year.


ima look for my bastion buff concept and post it here just to act as a bump and to throw a new idea i havent seen arround

i dont think ive ever talked in this thread actually, and i main bastion too lol


for this past year i wouldn’t exchange it for anything

i might have mostly moved on but i will be around to be the old man of the thread, and see what the future happens.


Seems well thought out. One question though: Does it have a cast time?

it does not and it favors the defendef

Its meant to a reactionart defense that requires a lot of skill to use

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I can see the barrel of the gun hide like it does when bastion is reloading.

cute :moyai:


I do like the idea of a barrier but draining the self-repair resource seems a bit off.

The barriers being tied to two resources.

It is both a duration tied to the resource meter on a 1:1 ratio, each second the barrier is up the resource meter loses a second
 and the HP of the barrier as well is limiting it. The barrier has two separate limiting factors.

Like, when does the barrier’s HP reset or recharge? As you’re pressing e to activate it on and off to have the barrier block damage and it’s health is going down when is it increasing in HP?

Considering that, why does it have to be 400HP let alone 500HP?

A barrier of only 1HP would stop the entire 120 damage of a Helix rocket. Even a 1HP barrier would stop all the damage from a point blank DVA ult. Also stop a roadhog hook, ana dart, flashbang, brig bash, discord orb, mei freeze and sombra hack.

This has got me thinking again about what could replace Ironclad’s damage reduction with bonus armour, how about instead of +100 bonus armour, a personal barrier of only 100HP. So the consistency is the barrier is kept up by one requirement: by barrier HP not going below 0HP. And that barrier health is recharged by expending self-repair resource.

But bastion would still be able to shoot and reload while this barrier is up, it’s up by default in sentry mode.

This is the way to compensate for bastion’s vulnerability in sentry mode without him having too much synergy with healers. Healers can’t help with barrier health, this makes bastion most unlike a tank who has a deep health pool healers can pour healing into the whole time its losing health from 600HP to 1HP.

This would give Bastion effectively 400HP yet not for the purposes of synergy with healers. This is just transferring strength from Bastion’s health pool (Damage Reduction of Ironclad) to another form of protection: a personal barrier.

There’s a big reward for Bastion repositioning once his personal barrier is shot off might as well exit then re-enter sentry mode as entering sentry mode instantly grants Bastion a shield without costing time nor resources. It’s a freebie for repositioning, not a “shoot hole in radiator” type “encouragement”.

Compare and contrast with +100 bonus armour:

Winston has a ghost of a chance now as his melee attacks and tesla cannon ignore barriers.

Orisa and Dva would have a slightly quicker TTK.

Roadhog will not have an easy a time hooking bastion, the barrier will have to be shot off first which may be done with his right click if close enough.

Ana won’t have it so easy, she’ll have to shoot off the barrier first and no more easy anti-nades either.

Somba’s hack will have a huge problem as Bastion can break it just by turning around but if she can just spray into his crit-box then she can frag Bastion in 1.05sec.

Zen’s orb volley wouldn’t be much less effective, leaving Bastion at 210HP rather than only 117HP. Fair as Zen’s orb volley is way too easy to use on Bastion.

Reaper and Torb’s right click would be mostly unaffected.

McCree would be unable to kill sentry bastion with only 6 revolver shots and need to shoot off shield before flashbanging. Logically, 6 shots from torb’s left click won’t be enough.

Pharah will still need 4 rockets it’s just they’d all need to be direct hits. Widow same number of hits to kill.

Junkrat would no longer kill sentry Bastion so easily with only 3 nades (or 2 names + mine)

Hanzo will need 5 storm arrows rather than only 4 to finish off after a 125 damage arrow. Similar increase in TTK with Soldier using helix rocket and Ashe just shooting her gun.

Just to give the option to use it to block normal damage and make it useful even outside of specific cooldown baiting

Mainly its to punish its mis usage and to not make bastion unkillable

Could buff the overall resource to compensate

Uhh, not sure what you mean by “normal damage” can you give an example of where 400-500HP really matters?

Like, heroes just pouring in damage onto Bastion’s 500HP barrier while Bastion isn’t shooting back?

Yet this is basically giving bastion a Brig shield. I mean functions so similarly to her shield, give up attacking to block 500 damage, it’s just it can only be up for 4 seconds at a time.

Yet there’s a logical problem with Bastion in sentry mode giving up attacking in the face of the enemy for long periods of time: how is that ever a good move?

It’s just passing your turn to do anything, sure they can’t damage you but you can’t damage them. They can reposition but you can’t. Zen can charge up an orb volley, heroes reload, or just shoot off the 500HP shield.

This strategy doesn’t really seem to be worth it.

You can’t even use this time to heal, it’s just delaying the inevitable.

You said the example yourself, the zen volley

He charges up, and you hold out your barrier to block then shoot back

Its more useful than you imagine, youd be in a damage race with current bastion, with my idea you can shoot until he fires then block

Its like a weaker DM, dva cant shoot through it most of the times, DM is not useless by any means either, this is a waterd down version of it

The hp is relative, could be 300-500 i dunno it would need tests

But it could be also useful to help you duel a pharah by blocking her rockets or buy time for a junk to stop shelling you, etc

Or just stalling for time as you retreat to your team

Its endgame now huh? Welp, it was a nice year and a nice place. I wont be ready to say goodbye to this place, but its time is coming. All that is must go. All that was must be remembered. It will take its place with the titanium thread and the capybaras hideout. Its almost time and the countdown has begun. I prob wont be active when it comes, so this is my final heartfelt goodbye. It will be in my native language as its truly important to me. Adeus megathread. VocĂȘ me ajudou a encontrar Ăłtimos amigos e me salvou da completa solidĂŁo. Embora nĂŁo seja mais ativo aqui, saiva que vocĂȘ Ă© de suma importĂąncia para mim e que nunca vou me esquecer dos momentos bons que tive aqui. VocĂȘ demonstra o que realmente significa ser um main bastion. E isso Ă© muito importante para todos nesse fĂłrum. Espero que lembrem de vocĂȘ e que se lembrarem, seja com bons olhos e da mesma forma que eu lembrarei de vocĂȘ. adios
 mi querida amiga
 my dearest friend
 minha querida amiga
 Te extrañare
 i will miss you
 sentirei saudades

Pelegard P.H.I.L


Pedro H. I. L. “The endbringer”.

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Au revoir, amigo. But don’t worry there will be a second mega thread when this one will be full.

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Then why 500HP?

5x48 would only deal 240 damage, discord can’t apply with damage to shields.

Interestingly a 100HP shield would block 144 damage of that orb volley. As after the first 2 damage orbs there’s still 4HP of the barrier left and that blocks the 3rd damage orb.

The thing about orb volley is it’s so easy for zen to execute on Bastion yet to react to orb volley requires quite implausibly good reaction times to very hard to read stimuli.

Having the orb volley leave Bastion at 210HP is a much fairer response.

And then what?

He just shoots off your shield and you’re no better off.

You’re not really any better off in this “damage race”.

I had proposed a similar idea but with a distinct difference, it combined self-repair and barrier to one function on the same button. So a personal barrier would be raised while using self-repair, so that could at least in theory give you some advantage in a damage race as your health is increasing while their health isn’t increasing.

But I went off that idea as it’s a bit messy having too many resources, the barrier is dependant on both resource meter and the barrier HP.

DM is very different:

  • DVA would be using DM while moving often to a better position
  • it totally negates attacks no matter how strong even if DM is flashed on for an instant
  • It’s area means it also covers allies who can shoot from safety

Not much good in sentry mode.

It’s going to be weird if this is effectively only ever any use if you’re already in recon mode.

You shoot back at him, now that he cant brust you down instantly?

im not understanding whats your issue with this,

is it too much HP? i dunno, my thought process was this:

  • See how much HP each shielding ability does

DM: Infinite
Reinhart: 2000
Orisa: 900
Winston: 600
Brig: 500

Then i went, which is the closest to what i have


Then i said, Ok, Brigs has infinite uptime and she can technically “attack” while its still up (using shield bash) and heal while its up

Meanwhile, bastions is limited uptime, and he cant attack, nor heal while its up

so i figured it was fair to give it the same HP as brigs shield, seeing how limited it was,

Another comparision was defense matrix,

Defense matrix can block infinite damage, and has a 2s uptime and a 1s cooldown,

Bastions can block limited damage, has a 4s uptime (i think?) and a 0s cooldown, its also instaneous,

thats how my comparisions went

Sure, its meant to block important cooldowns like a hook, but give it more hp just so you can use it to block other stuff as well, otherwise the ability would be useless unless there is one of this abilities toblock with it

Yeah, but when you do start shooting back at them you aren’t any better off than if you’d just kept shooting at them.

Well those are all tanks.

Those shouldn’t really be factored in the average.

Brig is such a contentious hero.

Brig’s shield is (barely) justified in other ways to address how support heroes were getting focused down way too much and they needed at least a compromise in attack for surviveability.

The problem with 500HP shield or anything close to that is it just encourages Bastion’s dependence on healers, the only possible value of “wait, stop damaging each other!” with raising a barrier that both:

  • stops you dealing damage, and
  • Stops you taking damage.

It’s just an opportunity for allies to heal you, this isn’t helping Bastion be less dependant on healers and operate more flexibly in a team without any necessity for a pocket.

Now if Brig raises her shield to get healed up what’s the result? Well only 58DPS limited to melee range, that’s just not the same as Bastion almost going to 0HP then raise 500HP barrier to give him time for ana to pour in heals.

It’s the wrong sort of synergy, it’s reinforcing bunker comps and not helping Bastion spread out.

Well it’s very VERY likely that will be the case.

The combined pickrate of all the heroes who have some sort of powerful CC/debuff ability that any barrier would block (like ana’s sleep dart, or Sombra hack) adds up to about 30% (across all of comp because people don’t respect QP).

That logically means that any given player has a 70% chance they won’t pick any of those heroes. But you need to get lucky 6 times for each slot, there’s only an 11.8% chance that none of the of the 6 slots on the enemy team will have any of those heroes.

But that’s just the rough-n-simple approximation of at least one, not how many.

I do like your idea of a barrier though, it’s just when it should be up and for how much.