Shame doomfist is getting nerfed

This game not being an average FPS is the point of my comment. You need to take the standard rules for first person shooters and throw them away because if we go by those, then almost every ability in the game doesn’t belong, let alone several heroes. If we start saying “this hero doesn’t belong” then we might as well say “this ability doesn’t belong” and then just make this a CoD clone and stop calling it overwatch.

You do know that logic is used on EVERY hero, right? Not just by Doomfist mains. People complain about Widow? “just counter her with x or do y” People complain about Junkrat? “just don’t walk into his trap 4head lul”

You make it sound like everything that happens with Doomfist on the forums is something new or something the mains of him created when it’s literally been like this since the creation of the game.

The difference is that the more mobility you got the easier it is to play around it. I mean Zen can’t only do so much about his position given a period of time while Doomfist has 3 different ways of escaping an unfavorable situation. If you know what counters you on a mobility hero it’s much easier to avoid it than on a hero with less mobility.

And there’s situations on other heroes where you know exactly what a Doomfist is gonna do and when he’s gonna do it but you don’t have the mobility to evade it nor the damage(in practice but also not too seldom in theory ) to kill him off before he kills you.

And I’m saying it is failing trying to be above and beyond average. Its below that.

And you need to take the standards of MOBA games and throw them INTO the mix. Excluding them like you do just shows that you only think of OW as another FPS. At least I have the decency to include its “Multi-part” game(Being not just a FPS but a moba too at the same time).

I was commenting off the fact that you said he didn’t belong in this game since it was a first person shooter. If we add MOBA rules and such, then he’s perfectly in line with being able to exist in the game.

Nah he doesn’t. If we reverse it then yeah I could sort of see it working but not when the game is in its current form.

Then that’s where we’ll have to agree to disagree.

Maybe the nerf will only be on his rocket punch cooldown. I still think a full charged rocket punch should oneshoot people and not be nerfed.

However, I think sometimes the ability bugged. I remember his rocket punch killing me even though he didn’t really hit me (he was in the air above my head). So I don’t know… Maybe this nerf will be a bug fix like Genji’s deflect hitbox ?

I also recall Doomfist’s rocket punch not killing me even though he fully charged the ability and sometimes it would kill me would kill me even though he insta-used the ability, with me being full HP.

To me, Doomfist still looks a bit unfinished / buggy. I hope he won’t get a big nerf, just a fix instead.

KWell since they want to appease the whinning masses then i guess it time to complain about every hero in the game i dont like so they nerf them i guess the millenials & under win again in the whiny as f*** class.

It’s a joke they buff the character who dont need it & nerf the ones that don’t

The only way any nerf to Doomfist is okay is if they make it so his Meteor Strike is one quicker to drop & when it does it has absoloutely no cue where to make it viable to use & get kills if his damage get a nerf


I agree. He’s barely getting some pro play now, and people want him nerfed to oblivion. Because so many people were complaining, I thought he’d dominate the pro scene, but OWWC showed that it’s WAY, WAY far from that. I noticed that Agilities, who by the way was calling DF EZCLAP, kept on switching off to Brig because DF simply wasn’t working! Same story with many other players who were running DF. I think this was especially true in the semis and the finals.

Another thing is that Hog is getting a massive buff, and Hog will counter DF to the point of possibly making him a niche pick again. So what I don’t understand about Blizzard is why they give heroes these double whammies. They did this with Tracer as well with the Pulse Bomb nerf and the Brig introduction.


Hate to say it ppl but this is the OW cycle, very few heroes were touched without a crap ton of complaints. Complaints got us ana nerfed, mercy overbuffed, nerf-buff cycle, roadhog nerfs and buffs, bastion changes, symm 3.0. etc


Yeah, I agree he shouldn’t have been nerfed, rather simply deleted from the game uwu

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when a hero is overpowered they get changed

if they are underpowered they get changed

if no one complained we would still have fan the hammer mccree and scoping abusing widow here


Wouldn’t it be kinda cool though to experience it the other way around though? Side noted of course.

And no. I don’t disagree with your agreeing. I agree with the agreeing to disagree of us disagreeing.

I forgot about FTH mcree, and you know what for the first thought I was thinking it wasnt really that bad back then. Then I realized it was but because it was so far back and there are other issues now I had that thinking, which is so prevalent on the forums. Like Roadhogs 1.0 hook.

did you forget bastion with shields? how fun was it to get denied doing anything when enemy bastion was just sitting in a corner with his personal shield

widow could quickscope before instantly dealing 300 headshot damage as fast as mccree firerate, sure its fun for the widow but not fun for everyone else

roadhog used to have very high damage, he was essentially a dps hero back then with 6 second cooldown hook (which is why triple tank even worked back then)

This situation feels a lot like when Hog got nerfed. Dive meta took over after that. Doomfist is one of few surefire ways to knock Goats comp around. If he gets a significant nerf then Goats will become the only meta comp.

If that happens, the only way to fix it will be harsh nerfs to tanks or substantial buffs to DPS. Neither of those are good options for the game or community. The Devs need to be very careful with how they handle upcoming balance.


Yeah, all things that would get 50+ threads today.

Yes, Symmetra called to say the same thing about her auto-lock primary.

Doomfist tuly does not need any nerfs, Blizzard just needs to try strategies to encourage people to understand their game more deeply rather than nerfing balanced heroes that the player base does not put in the effort to try to understand how to play against. He is designed in such a way that if you buffed literally anything about him he’d completely domimate the meta. Conversely, if he’s nerfed in any way his viability will virtually disappear. 4 seconds on Rocket Punch is perfect because it’s his main mobility tool and allows for the high skill requirement he has in order to get value, and decreasing the damage will make life really hard for him too, as his main job is to get picks and he’s unrelaible most of the time anyway. It’s either get value or feed with Doomfist. So Blizzard needs to be careful with nerfing him. Out of any hero, he’s the one that’s easiest to overtune or just outright delete based on his design.

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