Shame doomfist is getting nerfed

Shame on everyone who cried for DF to get a nerf. This is really unnecessary and really shouldn’t happen like this.


Yep, its a real shame that cry babies get what they wanted.

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Only to rocket punch (the ability players have complained about since launch)

Plus they said it was small tweaks to chill it out a little. So I’m guessing knockback has been reduced or removed tbh.


Did you see Agilities on him? He got away with so much that would have killed any other hero.


What else do you expect when you make a hero extremely obnoxious to play against?


Doomfist needed a nerf. When people are losing even in Masters/Grandmasters. They go Doomfist to abuse his one shot.


I think it’d be interesting if they reduced the momentum of it by a lot, maybe bring down the damage a tad so he can’t one-shot 200-HP heroes, but reduce the cooldown as well. He’d have a harder time getting in your face, but once he’s in range, he can pummel you with punches.

Hey, man. When they RUSHED to nerf my two characters the first patch after launch (Widow/McCree). I became entitled to whine about heroes I did not like. That is the stage Blizzard set. Bye Doomfistio!


You’re right…he should have been straight up deleted


Where does it say he’s getting nerfed?

Revealed on Emongg’s stream for Ashe at Blizzcon 2018. I bet it’ll be on PTR with Ashe

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I see, thanks.

Ok, so he is a great hero, but he does have some fatal flaws (in his favor), the major one being stunlock and short cooldowns. His uppercut stuns your body in midair, going a set distance, and not letting you control your hero, giving him an easy time predicting shots/aiming abilities. This alone is okay, but it could be better. The thing that really puts him over the top with it is that you can lock them into a set position where they need mobility to get them out. Just today, it got a Doomfist a quad kill. All he did was slam (miss), but then hit three people on Lijang shrine (the one with the bridges and whatnot). The stunlock prevent Lucio, Wrecking Ball, Roadhog, and Ana from getting out. I was Hammond, and I just used my hook so I was screwed. The issue was, no one could use air movement to get back onto the platform. We were locked in our position, giving him a team-wipe.

The cooldown issue applies only to Rocket Punch. People have always been complaining that you can oneshot 3/4s of the roster. If the cooldown on this was longer (say one or two seconds max), he’d be a lot more tame. The only issue I see arising with this is him ending up trapped with no abilities at all, and no ammo.

I would propose these changes to balance him out.
Ammo count increase to 5 (was 4)
Rocket Punch cooldown increased to 5 (was 4)
Increased max charge rate (does not increase damage)
Ability to hold max charge increased to 2 seconds (was like 1 or something)
Removed Stunlock from Uppercut
These changes let him do more damage with his primary, so that he isn’t as helpless. The uppercut change lets enemies control movement after being uppercut, so that they stand a chance after being hit. The cooldown increase on Rocket Punch makes it so that he takes longer to use, but he now has to hold the charge button down as well. This makes him take longer to have a full charged shot, but in turn he has more time to aim before he is forced to launch.


I dont think thats a good warrant for Dooms nerf though. A lot of my mains got nerfed, but I dont use that as an excuse to have other heroes nerfed :frowning:

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In Emongg’s stream, Emongg brought up how Doom players usually play him and Jeff said that they are looking to find a way to slightly nerf him.

I enjoy playing Doomfist for the playstyle, not the 1 shotting, and I’d love to see his damage come down but have all the CDs dropped by a second or two so you’re more engaged and constantly doing something

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Can someone link where he’s being nerfed?

And he deserves to be nerfed. He has a one shot combo yet can get out of sticky situations with more health than he went in with. He’s basically almost always 300+ hp, and with Brig in the game it’s really easy to survive with him.

I haven’t played OW in a long time, and recently just start playing it again on the start of Halloween event.

Where does all these cry for Doomfist nerf come from? Did he ever get buffed or something?


I think he became meta because of the Widow/Hanzo nerfs and now he is being slapped in the face with nerfs. Soon we will be not meta like he used to be, but even worse than his f-tier days because he will get nerfed heaps. This is like the opposite of a power creep.

They gave him +5 more shields per ability hit and increased speed on his ult. So now from landing one combo slam+uppercut combo he’s 320+ hp, and if he has ult it’s a free teleport anywhere on the map. Combine that with the fact that Ana who has no limit on how far she can heal and Brig who has an instant overheal + armor ability are meta, and he can get away with so much more than he used to.

Also, since shields are prioritized over armor, if Doomfist has armor from Brig’s ult, he can constantly have a base hp of 300+ if he plays it right. Even his ‘counters’ can no longer handle him - he doesn’t die to the Hog combo, he doesn’t die to McCree even if you land flash + 2x headshot + melee, Brig can stun him, but he can escape easily, etc.

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