Shame doomfist is getting nerfed

So you want sombra to remain in F tier forever?

I don’t want her buffed solely to counter Doomfist. I want her to be viable in other situations outside of Doomfist-countering. If she receives a buff, it should not just be solely, “Okay, now you can counter Doomfist better” because every other hero would get screwed more.

And no, I’ve been vocal about continuing her bug fixes before buffs.


where’s the patch notes? i cant find it and can only see the one on reaper’s shotgun spread adjustment.

Im looking for it too… It sounds too good to be true.

By this logic we should nerf mei too.

Best she can do is CC or wall you. She’s slow, can’t oneshot you without a 50% damage boost, and her abilities are designed to be avoidable by things like positioning and shields.

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Probably people to also realize he’s incredibly counterable if they’d bother to swallow their pride and switch instead of insisting they’re “good” enough at their main to just outplay him.


Sombra is already not F-tier.
She actually turned out to be a lot better than expected.
And like Sombra has the potential to be a really oppressive hero.
She needs to be balanced to the rest of the heroes, not Doomfist.
Because Doomfist is too good, not Sombra is too bad.

What does 1.95 pickrate in GM says about Sombra? The hero is trash right?

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Maybe if you pick all of them at once.

His abilities are already too consistent to be this powerful.

I’d have him redesigned too.

Well, there is Bastion with a 0.08% pick rate.

And I’d argue that Bastion is closer to balanced than Doomfist is.
(They are just on the opposite end of the spectrum.)

Or just one… I mean I do it pretty easily with just Sombra.

Now that’s a statement from someone who doesn’t actually play Doom and only complains from the other end of it. Trust me, his abilities are nowhere near “consistent”.

Oh yeah? Please tell me. I’d love to hear how you’d re-coughnerfcough-design him.

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That “nowhere near consistent” is still too consistent.

Let’s just make him a re-skinned Soldier.
Everything about this hero was a mistake.

Oh so you just want the game to not work for Doomfist. Glad we’re clear on that, you don’t want fair and balanced, you want free kills to pad your ego.

That’s what I thought. Maybe try learning to play the game before you complain about things that aren’t even that strong.


The only thing historically balancing his abilities out were bugs.
So since you don’t want to reintroduce those, his abilities need to be much harder to land, and/or their effect massively reduced, or just redesigned entirely.
And actually I don’t want to be a free kill for Doomfist.

“my hero is not OP, everybody else is just bad”

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It’s not confirmed to be going live or even on PTR Jeff said they’re testing things internally and they might bring a RP nerf to PTR if they see fit. It really doesn’t need a nerf, since it’s literally the most high-risk-high-reward ability in the game, but we’ll see

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Actually no. His abilities are balanced out by the fact that he has to pick between damage or mobility. If you’re playing correctly he should be able to get at most 1 kill and then also be killed. If you’re playing WELL he shouldn’t get the opportunity at all.

I can 100% guarantee you the character was not designed with the intent to be that he only functions properly if he bugs out.

“That guy killed me! It’s because his hero’s OP! Nerf it so I don’t have to think!”

He still has many, and if they alter anything now they will likely bring in new bugs. Historically speaking, the most sure-fire way to make any of his abilities a buggy mess is by reducing hitboxes. Before they increased RP’s hitbox, it was a common occurrence for the DF to literally just phase through their target.
And there’s no such thing as a “free kill” for DF. He literally has to throw himself at the enemy and burn cooldowns to get kills consistently. As such, the best way to counter DF is to stay near allies who can shut him down, since his all-in nature makes him most effective against stragglers out of position


Bastion is literally the worst hero in the game I have no idea how a 0.08% pickrate indicates anything even within the same solar system as “balanced”

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Bastion is under appreciated. Like he is kinda bad, but not as bad as people think he is.