Seoul Dynasty vs. San Francisco Shock - OWL Grand Finals - FINAL

Who do we think will win? Vote in the poll!

Super & Smurf? Will we be getting the Super Hog?

its likely, he might even play winston so they can switch between hog and winston comps

might watch it eventually but go Seoul(unlikely but still)

which patch is this on?

I believe the full live patch. It has been a full 2 weeks since it went live.

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thank you very much, i am still a few weeks behind in my overwatch league viewing so i got a bit to catch up but cant wait to see the current tank meta on this patch(from what i heard its a pretty good patch)

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how do I watch on the app? I can’t find a watch button this app is so convoluted,.

It appears to not be live yet on the App. It may not be live there until the match starts. I will keep an eye on it and see what happens.

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Poor Reinforce, going straight for the water bottle after eating whatever Veggiemite is.

Oh dear, they are doing a taste challenge thing right before a huge game? Low key pretty cringe. If they had to fill this much time they shouldn’t have started the stream so early.

It’s not there for me either at time of writing, but it usually takes somewhere between five and fifteen minutes to turn up. And when it’s put up, it can often fail to load until another few minutes have passed.

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Same, it seems to take its sweet time on there :confused:

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Dunno who I want to win anymore, I have favorites scattered across the teams. Guess I’ll just hope the games are good.

Also production clearly has their stuff together lmao

vegemite is awesome but you need to spread it thin on toast :stuck_out_tongue: tastes horrible otherwise

Alright, I’m here…I could get hit by a bus via this match and I would be good…hoping for a great match.

Albeit, I hope the matches are quick at least for today, cos I have to get to class today…

Worth noting that the tracer skin and spray seem to be for watching on oct 10

Think all we get today is tokens - THINK

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Oh yep you are right, only on 10/10 (that makes my job harder on Saturday).

Also app is up now…so you can pop that on now

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Watching OWL streams feels like waiting 200 hours for the games to actually start