(SAMITO) Overwatch 2 Has Finally Lost it

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My friend, if you maybe take a bit of your time and go read the articles pointed above you might have a pleasant surprise on how much overlap youā€™ll find between different game genres. Thereā€™s a reason every person that tries to teach how this game work boil everything down to resource management (where most of the resources are not straight up quantifiable ā€“ like space, attention, etc).

Lol, no Iā€™m not. Well at least not professionally.
I just take this hobby way too seriously.

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As I said before. To have a mix of shooter and RTS, the core design of your game has to incorporate both. Sanctum 1 and 2 are good examples of that.

Overwatch has no RTS elements in it outside of ā€œDo we position here or over there for the push?ā€.

So trying to push RTS balance onto an shooter that has no RTS identity will not work.

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You didnā€™t read the quotes, did you?

Some principles of game design are so universal that every competent game dev understands them, no matter the genre.

Like player psychology.

Just because itā€™s an RTS dev talking about it doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re wrong.

Okay letā€™s try this thenā€¦

Grey does not play Overwatch, nor has he ever as far as I know. How can someone who does not play, nor has played, give any insight to balance, how the game plays, mechanics. or anything?

He already stated itā€™s a hobby, and one heā€™s passionate about, thatā€™s cool. He just needs to learn to accept that not everyone is going to instantly agree with him, his ego is what makes me not take him serious in any capacity.

Maybe I should give him time to learn social skills enough to have a normal convo without getting mad that someone isnā€™t agreeing, or I should just plain ignore him.

Itā€™d literally be like me going to Pokemon forums and trying to tell them what their pokemon should learn, even though Iā€™ve never played them.

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Greyā€™s been playing Overwatch (and posting on the Overwatch forums) for at least as long as I have, and Iā€™ve been doing both since July 2016.

Grey and I butted heads a lot back then, and we donā€™t agree on everything, but heā€™s always argued in good faith and I respect him for that.

Heā€™s openly stated on multiple other threads the does not play Overwatch.

So once again, between the last time he played and present day could be massive, and he would be out of touch, no?

You can quit typing Grey, I permā€™d you.

Well the last time I played was yesterday, but yeah I havenā€™t been playing much Overwatch over the last year.

Partially because of work stuff, partially because other fun games, also because I expected matchmaking quality to fall off a cliff after season 2 (It did)

And beyond that, I have 20k posts on Twitter, after having about 5 last year, because I thought it was really important to make sure that Microsoft buys Blizzard.


ā€œArguing in good faithā€ does not mean insult the other person and claim they said things they did not.

I cannot respect someone who does that.

This is probably off topic, but what do you think of Quicker Play?

Honestly havenā€™t played much. Was meaning to, but I was working on rehauling the data for our Finance data backend over to Snowflake and out of Tableau Prep.

And I kind hate how Prep keeps logging out and timing out constantly.

Kind important since thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™m getting converted to full time after I deliver this.

The irony :laughing:

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I match energy and tone given. So take that as you want to.

I canā€™t justify healing passive for dps or Tank! My reasoning is simple. Team fight is over. Plenty of time to heal! Only flankers are benefitting from this!

The new Sombra are already spawn camping. Imagine now having either Tracer, Genji or any other flankers there!

How are they balancing Soldiers 76 healing station?

Dps could have 3 different passives depending on what category they belong to.

Run the ship get real joba inside microsoft

Talking about Quicker playā€¦ This thing with self healing they should let us test for a week before going liveā€¦

Nah he doesnā€™t even play the game much since hog nerfs in ow2, argues based on rts theory books in a fps game without any sort of understanding of player experience, also is more interested in politics of economics than gaming experience.

The worst thing is he is actually smart and analytical but with wrong ideology and data.

He is also on top of that a self acknowledged pharah main asking for sniper nerfs :face_with_peeking_eye:

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This is what annoys me with him, that and the ego.

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