(SAMITO) Overwatch 2 Has Finally Lost it



I appreciate Samito for pointing out symptoms of problems. He’s really good at that.

But his takes are based on the idea that Roles need Equal Impact.
Which is basically rejecting the idea of Equalizing Popularity between Roles.
Because those are basically mutually exclusive to each other. You can’t have both.

Which is basically saying he wants them to deliberately make Queue/Matchmaker issues like 300% worse, on purpose. And he thinks that’s a legitimate serious take.

But again, he’s great at flagging down problems. He just could improve his understanding of what the goals the devs are after.


Basically Samito described the effect of passive on teamwork. Individual agency and magical teamwork can not be successful together. To better understand the game i think that Aaron needs the help of former OW1 players like Hawk and Danteh who understand how does teamwork functions.


I didn’t watch the video because it’s cringe as hell, so forgive me if I’m missing some context but…

aren’t they basically intending to do that?

Queues are currently not an issue, whilst the game isn’t particularly fun for a lot of players. They’re intending to make the DPS more self sufficient which will inherently make the queues worse because people really want to play non-awful DPS.

With self healing, dps q-times will increase along with support role but tanks q-s will be the lowest.


The way I see it.

Samito wants less AntiBurst defensive mechanics, and less in-combat Sustain.

The way you get there is

  1. Less burst, particularly AntiTank burst (I.e. Bastion Sentry, Hanzo Arrow+StormArrow)
  2. More out-of-combat sustain
  3. AntiNade nerf

But he’s concerned the devs won’t do the second half of the solution.

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Sounds like he’s correct then?

Nah, it’s more like the devs are saying their intentions, but Samito isn’t trusting it, due to the devs dropping the ball so much in the past.


What is he gonna quit again?



Hmm so what was the issue? It seems a fair take, and these streamers have to be mad about something or else they’ll not get views.

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The issue is not even them adding self sustainability for heroes but they will do it badly as usual, you can already see the lunacy with them adding it for tanks too.

They will have to design it properly in a way flankers and snipers dont benefit too much of it and i main tracer hanzo and i know this.

Then our eagle leader pharah main falcon will make essays wanting to nerf them.

They are just ruining the game so that minecraft people will play.

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Well, it’s understandable.

But just kinda a matter of devs actually delivering on what they said they intend to do.

And yeah there’s a good amount of rage baiting, but that’s good in it’s own way.
Sets expectations low, so you can surpass them later.
And it’s a bunch of “Streisand Effect” advertising for the game.

And then right at launch, when the “sky isn’t actually falling”, you get a whole new batch of content creator videos on “Wait, this is actually pretty good. Way better than expected”.

I am so thankful those people are not balancing the game. Those top 500 players all forget that they play a version of the game that is not balanced around. Its balanced around master and GM (and top500 is just a minor portion of GM).

Tank passive works and need to stay in place.
Support passive is mostly dramatized and while strong, not a problem.
DPS passive is a joke, because there is no good passive that works on all DPS without breaking them.

In Samitos case: he just does not like 5v5 and still thinks 6v6 had less problems lol

Let him rant. He plays/managed Minecraft so we should not care less.


You are absolutely right. Obviously everyone wants the game to feel better; however, it also needs to be functional. That is the number one priority.

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Tbh I want this as well. Like with Jeff long term goals were clear-- pve, but now…what are their long tearm goals? It feels like they dont have such

People keep saying this but when I play tank is the longest queue for me. Dps and support are tied for shortest.


The fundamental fallacy of your theory is that you’re begging the question at the end because it’s what you want to believe, not because it is. Your second statement is not necessarily true, and so your conclusion is similarly false.

You’ve created a dogma around this theory based on what you believe to be the intentions of the devs, without being the devs themselves. While that is a fine road to go down, stating it as the objective truth is a mistake. Looking down on others as you have done repeatedly before is a symptom of your error.


The support passive is literally the best passive in the game by a long shot, that’s why they’re giving it to everyone, it’s the only passive that has any impact. The issue is not that you can’t give dps a passive that doesn’t break them, last season was the first season in ow2 where dps queues were instant from plat to top 500,
it’s the fact that giving everyone the healing passive is pointless because the cast of heroes is so diverse that some heroes will just benefit from it way more. This is a massive buff to heroes like sombra and a completely non existent buff to someone like Rein

Already is for me, DPS and supps are 2-3 min, tank is almost instant.

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It’s wild that you don’t understand that to be viable long term a game needs to be fun. Queue times are great and all but if people quit instead what exactly was the point? It’s not a good thing to make the most popular role feel so awful and unfair to play that all of those players stop queuing as often which then makes queue times balanced. That’s a bad thing.

Games need to be fun and huge imbalance between roles makes some roles feel horrendous to play. You can’t have a role be better at everything than another and expect the weaker roles players to carry on playing.

They’re clearly having player retention issues and are now throwing ideas at the wall instead of addressing the elephant in the room: Dps is not fun to play anymore despite being by far the most popular role for the entire games lifespan because they’ve given support far too many low effort tools that negate everything dps can do. Neither is tank once again largely due to supports controlling what they can do along with 5v5 exacerbating counterpick issues.

If you think that hasn’t impacted how often those players actually want to play the game then I don’t even know what to say. Right now only one role is fun to play, it’s been allowed at the expense of both of the other roles and nothing will improve until Blizzard address the issue.