(SAMITO) Overwatch 2 Has Finally Lost it

Ooh, full time? If that’s a good thing for you, then I hope you get it.

I’ve played an afternoon of quicker play games but have yet to experience it on attack (got stuck on defense the entire time). The faster respawn time is actually brutal for Mercy, since it makes her rez even more situational than it already is. I haven’t been able to rez anyone unless they were close to me when they died, since their souls now fade too quickly to raise anyone that died far away.

Other than the Mercy bit, my main takeaway is that Quicker Play makes stomps even more brutal and harder to come back from. It would’ve helped if the devs had also sped up ult charge rates.

I don’t mind his ego it lets me take.pot shots often😂

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Good luck to you dude , really wish you the best for the job :+1:

(Obviously I’m wishing you for selfish reasons :face_with_peeking_eye:)

I’ve done both, and what I’ve noticed is that on certain maps, it gives an advantage depending on where you spawn in the map.

With reduced spawn times, it makes attacking a little more broken at the start (Say King’s Row for example), but by the time you’re at second point, it’s more broken towards defense.

The entire experience though is Snowball Simulator 5000.

It’s totally possible to have these but they need individual hero implementation and tuning not blanket role passive.

I doubt they will ever do that everything is a bandaid on top of another now

You keep referring to Battlebit like this but it has even fewer players than Overwatch on Steam lol. 9k 24-hour peak. It peaked at around 90k and dropped off hard.

Don’t get me wrong, that’s great for an indie game. It looks great. But you’re massively overselling how successful it is.

Are you just reciting their marketing material?

Here is the problem I see with this. Why should the game be based around a small minuscule number of players. We’re not even discussing top500 players. You see top500 get wrecked by Pro players. Balancing this game around the top .001% is irrational. Especially when this games competitive integrity was gone a while ago. Probably well before OW2. I don’t think Overwatch is popular enough to only set your eyes on balancing for .001% of a playerbase.

I’m referring to the fact it actively stole population directly from Battlefield and CoD.

They also have a complete working anti-cheat, and working filters that prevent toxicity.

It is a small indie game, but it was super successful for what it is.

Compare it to AAA titles, and of course it’s not going to stand up, but on an indie scale, it was highly successful.

Wish moderation was better here. People shouldn’t be able to just topic body a link to a video and nothing else. It’s lazy and not even thought provoking.

He’s right though. I remember people putting their trust in the devs to change the tanks that needed changing to fit in a 5v5 setting… and we’re still a long ways off of that being finished.

Like, at the pace we’re currently going, it’ll be 2026-2027 before the changes needed to make self-healing function work without messing up balance, again, and idk how many people are going to stick around that long.

He’s justified in thinking that. But we get to see if the devs actually deliver on what they said in 4 weeks.

That said, the types of talking points the devs have been using line up pretty well with what I’ve been asking for.

Fixing how it feels against "Problem Heroes"

Please stop nerfing sentry mode and delete the stupid bouncing sticky nade instead. Or revert the pointless rework entirely and give me back the REAL bastion.

TBH, it’s kinda inevitable at this point with how much the devs have said they wanna deal with Burst. Better off figuring out what compensation buffs you want in return.

Especially bring back the old ultimate. Why they replaced it with the trash they did I don’t know.

Edit: I do know. They are terrible at balance and design.

The thing is queue times drives people to quit.

More so though… an unbalance queue time, means the matchmaker has to push more and more towards getting the people who are waiting the longest into games, rather than picking the best people for those games.

Matchmaking is already a bit dicey, so, making it worse? Is that really what we want to be doing here?

I am sure they have compared the retention rates between the times when DPS was basically riding over everyone else in queue subscription to now.

I do, and I am sure that they have as well.

If your retention rate for say, supports is worse than DPS, then you will continue to lose supports at a higher rate than DPS, and the queues will shift more and more and more until you start losing DPS players to queue times.

Now you are losing supports and DPS both at a higher rate. So it is ultimately worse for DPS retention anyway.


A change I’d be interested in seeing is global damage nerfs, like pretty drastic 20-35% but all damage applies a heal reduced state onto characters that can stack to higher and higher% the more it gets applied/the more damage is done, and also lasts longer when re-applied. But also make it fade fairly fast in general, like, for one instance of damage, .25 seconds, at cap, 3 seconds.

Devs get to keep “the game is balanced around anti heal” without it being balanced around one character.

It takes away the issue of burst damage on tanks being insane while also making them killable under sustained fire.

I think if you just nerf raw in-combat sustain, then supports will just be incentivized to only heal to keep up with damage, while if you make it a reduced heals applied for a duration, supports will consider doing other things instead.

Samito understands Overwatch a million times better than any of these developers. Preach, Sam.


To all tactical shooter fans who want this game to feel boring as any other tactical shooter and fail just like Gundam Evolution all i can say is: GO AND PLAY VALORANT OR CS2.

We don’t OW to become: a game without teamwork, a game without roles, a game without unique hero abilities and a game without identity.


Starting to think we’re the odd ones out for thinking that way Karai. Sure feels like it.


After reading all the comments one of the players expressed his feelings for wanting this game to become just like Valorant. It won’t be hard to find him and it will be really tragic if Blizzard doesn’t give him any credit for his bright ideas. :rofl:

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