S76 gay...? But... Ytho...?

Okay let’s get one thing streight cause knowing people nowadays there’s gonna be one person who doesn’t even read this whole thing g before shouting “YOU HOMAPHOBIC CIS WHITE SCUM” Or something along those lines.

And I want you all to keep something in mind. This is coming from someone who wants to write stories for a living and is also bisexual

Now then.

I haven’t played overwatch since the winter update. Even then I was on and off cause I feel like it’s died out to me because lack of story and slowly repetitive gameplay. But then I suddenly see a whole bunch of people posting about soldier 76 being gay. At first I thought it was nothing because let’s face it this is the internet, if you don’t hear someone being called gay in a week or less then something’s wrong. Plus who knows maybe a new overwatch meme stepped up and I just didn’t notice. Also all the reaperXs76 fanfiction exists so maybe it had something to do with that.

That’s what I did think till I saw it on a twitter trending newspost

But anyway after that I looked more into it, found the short story, and got to reading to see what all the fuss was about.

Suddenly it hits you like a slap In the face without rhyme or reason

SUPRISE! soldier 76 is gay now.

And all I have to say is right there in the title



Like I said I got nothing against gay people. Especially being bi. But it feels so forced. And from a story writer standpoint it just doesn’t work well

Tracer was one thing. It fit her personality, it seemed believable and you even got a chance to see a bit of story between her and her lover to see how they reacted and felt for eachother

But for 76 it just… Doesn’t work.

I can’t see it.

His personality shows no signs of it, his character shows no signs of it, his lore shows no signs of it.

I’m not saying he has to prance around like so e not chick with a stereotypical gay guy voice and flashy clothing. I’m saying it sounds like a bad fanfiction or headcanon. Like when someone takes two characters that have no more connection with eachother aside from standing together in a room once and then shipping them saying they’re totally gay for eachother.

I’d expect Lucio to be gay over soldier any day.

And for those who say that it was hinted at since the tracer comic, all I say to that is for all we know that dude in the picture could of been a new hero or Liao or an old friend of jacks from back in the day.

Lord knows overwatch has a butt ton of lore and characters in their pockets that they refuse to show to the public more then once a year.

Don’t get me wrong

I’d have no problem with him being gay if it was just written better. Given more signs and backstory for it. Anything instead of just going ahead and slapping the “he’s gay” sticker on him just for the sake of “MAH DIVERSITY” which is the same issue I have with people saying their aren’t enough black people in overwatch or something (that’s a whole other story).

Long story short

Diversity doesn’t equal good writing.

And sadly the worst part about this is overwatch can’t retcon this now that it’s official. It’s already out there. The most they can do to mend the damage is release more lore explaining the relationship between the gay ex-couple to justify it more.

Even then I feel as if it will still feel like just a marketing device crossed with forced pandering to LGBTQ/SJW people. Which is sad that nowadays people feel the need to sacrifice good writing for the sake of “MAH DIVERSITY”

That’s all I have to say on this topic.

Just wanted to get things cleared up for all the people that say all those who disagree with the idea are either Homaphobics or entitled crybabies or whatever titles they use

Edit: I’m seeing a lot of people zoom in on. The fact that I said personality wise it doesn’t fit him. All while forgetting I said I’m talking from a story standpoint. This isn’t a focus on the fact that he’s gay. I have nothing wrong with that. It’s the fact that its forced in the story without adding anything to it.

I’d have no problem with it if it showed more development to the character or gave us more information on his ex.

As I said to another person, for all I care you could say Sargent hartmen from full metal jacket is gay. But if you dont give more backstory or development towards it then just… Why… Put it in there…? Sure you could say him being gay is a character information development but I mean… It’s not really useful to the story. Just seems like information we don’t really need to know so why bother putting it in.

Anyway thats my edit. Please consider I’m looking at this from a story standpoint before zooming in on the fact that I said personality. Sure I did because when so little information is gained from something like this you go looking to see any sort of signs for it in ones history or personality and it just doesn’t show.


It is actually the only remarkable thing from 15 or so pages… That is actually quite sad. And I have to agree bad writing.


Ana heterosexual…? But… Ytho…?


There’s the person who didn’t actually read the thing before commenting


God I cant believe they made Widow heterosexual

Like did we really need to know she had a husband? :thinking::thinking::thinking: pushing politics


That’s the point. And it’s Blizzard. Were you expecting good writing? I think you let yourself down with that one.

Ideally everyone would see the revelation, shrug, and move on. Instead there’s this.


because they have to distract from the bad PR they’ve been getting and from the fact this game has gotten very little content if any. they’ve had three years but this game has only gotten worse


I’ve never known what a gay personality would be, unless you literally mean the term defined as happiness but I know you don’t lol

Some people are pretty quiet about their relationships and of course get the “Well are you sure you’re not doing this for attention? You don’t act gay” and it always blew me away because it’s not a personality trait.

This is coming from someone who wants to write stories as well, I think when people say he does not act gay they are thinking of a stereotype which is just kind of boring and static for a character to be.


to advance the story telling

you know he did gay correct… those steamy romance novels in WoW

This was foreshadowed in 2016. They said there was a couple of them in 2015. They said they wouldn’t confirm it until it was organic to reveal it, and then that didn’t happen for four years precisely because they didn’t want it to come off as only pandering.

I shouldn’t have to tell you this since you’re bi, but not all gay people think and act alike. There is no gay personality.


I actually wouldn’t mind some steamy BL Overwatch stories.


Actually yes we did. As it was important to the story and furthered the plot. Her husband was a key member of overwatch one that talon really didn’t like so they had her murder him. It also aided in her character development as seen in the Christmas comic with her over his grave. Showing she still has feelings for him


And Soldier 76’s relationship shows that he is far more obsessed about duty and the mission than even Ana and Reaper. When Morrison faked his own death, he was just embracing the person he really was all along. A nameless Soldier whose personal life doesn’t matter, because all that matters is the mission.


He’s gay because he likes men


“And for those who say that it was hinted at since the tracer comic, all I say to that is for all we know that dude in the picture could of been a new hero or Liao or an old friend of jacks from back in the day.”

It wasn’t a very good hint either way. It looks like the picture of tracer and Winston with Winston’s degree that was shown in the recall short I think it was

Does that mean it’s hinting at a secret relationship between Winston and tracer?

No. It’s just an old photo of old friends.

And I know people don’t have to have a more gay personality to be gay. It’s the fact that it wasn’t eased in in any way. At this point it feels like his in game character and media character are two completely seperate people


any hero revealing their sexuality… but why tho?


Similarly, soldier’s boyfriend was also shown in reflections I believe it was. 2 years ago. A very similar picture in fact. This was a one sentence that him and Ana had where they spoke about their feelings, revealing the man was actually his ex boyfriend. Is soldier not allowed to speak of ex lovers ever?


It was eased in though. The picture was them easing us in to that fact. Reflections showed all the heroes either being with family, reminiscing about that family, or dealing with not having one. So it makes perfect sense that the photo Soldier was looking at was the closest thing he ever had to one.

That you don’t find it a quality hint is irrelevant to the fact that they did give the hint. It was factually foreshadowed, irregardless of your personal feelings on the quality of that foreshadowing.


Why does it feel forced? We know almost nothing about him? This isn’t Iceman.


They needed something to fuel controversy cause lets be honest not much people is talking about overwatch these days if its not about GOATS this and GOATS that and they needed to put it back on the map and the best way was to b8 our so called “modern journalist” full of SJWs and they got what they wanted.

BTW bastion is human now.