Direct your anger at the right place

If you read the other poster who specifically says due to Soldier’s homosexuality he and I quote.

he cares for people/innocents and will put the safety of those he loves before him;

This implies if he was heterosexual he would stop having those traits.
Rather than writing a book and mentally somersault over this admit this sort of bigotry is a two way street in this disgusting community more interested in sexual and identity politics than the actual story.

Still don’t know where this big reveal is.

Until I see Soldier and Reaper in bed or getting married, soldier is still straight far as I can tell.

Plz update K thx

its written in an 18 page short story where nothing new is revealed besides the fact that ana left a message to Phara, talon is in Egypt and soldier is gay.

That’s pretty much it. Part of me is convinced this whole short story was designed to naturally work into the conversation Soldier’s sexual preferences hence why it was put at the end of the story and they had to build up the scene where ana is so absolutely shocked to see Vincent’s face in the photograph.

I swear that acronym gets longer every day. It’s starting to look like one of those awkward passwords you need to make on those ultra-restriction based websites.

Would it feel more natural if he was seen at a gay bar? Jack Morrison is a solider. That’s who he is and what he chose to be which is the whole point. No character in this game been announced one way or another because it literally doesn’t matter.
Torb was shown with his wife and grand kids to showcase he has a family life.
Tracer got a scene giving her girlfriend a gift to show she has a significant other she cares for.
Genji is enjoying peace with his new life.
Symmetra seems to be struggling with the ends justifying the means to create a better world.
Ana seems divorced from her husband due to strain from her work. Ana and Jack reminisce about their failed relationships and why.
There is nothing unnatural here except that Jack’s choice of relationship should now define his character. A gay guy can’t work as the masculine commander everyone thought was straight.
This idea that it came out of nowhere because there was no prior portrayal of Solider 76 as a gay man is weak. People do not need to be defined by their preference.


Oh blizzard saying his is gay really doesnt effect me because i just ignorr them, he is mot gay my eyes and i will make my own backstory for him, only thing that matters to me is my ideas for him not blizzards

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I’d argue that what the creator says about their creation does, in fact, have some importance but homphobes gonna homophobe

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Now i could be wrong but are you call me a homophobe because i refuse to see a fuction character as gay and make up my own bsckstory with him not being gay?


Because to you being gay doesn’t fit his character despite sexuality having nothing to do with personality and you refuse what the creator of the character said about them to fit your idea of who they are

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It is a fictional character i dont give a damn, if i did that to a real person then yes it would be bad, but a fictional character can be whatever i feel like it to be, you want it to be gay all the power to you, i dont want it to be so soilder in my eyes is not gay, boom easy fix

Boom easy fix so you never have to consider gay people as actual individuals and not walking stereotypes. We wouldn’t want self reflection about harmful ideas or anything

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It is a damn videogame and Fictional creation grow up, lets keep fiction and reality seperated thank you

Grow up, says the person doing the digital equivalent of plugging their ears upon hearing something about their character they don’t like

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are you actually telling him what is and what isn’t alright for him to imagine?
You are essentially policing his thoughts. lmao.

Policing his thoughts would be punishing someone for what they think or forcing them to think otherwise. Criticism of harmful stereotypes is not thought policing, though I do know buzzwords are fun

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Kay? I can’t find this short anywhere tho. What am I missing?

He has complete prerogative on what he wants to fantasize or imagine and yes even hate.
He doesn’t need your permission to do it.

Yeah, which if you’ll look back at the previous comment of mine, I haven’t done. Criticism=/= thought policing. Otherwise right now the exact same could be said of what you’re doing to me

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Here you go.
The writing is pretty bad so be warned.