S76 gay...? But... Ytho...?

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read on the forums


beause she is phara mama is she was not then we would not have justice raining from above.


“And for those who say that it was hinted at since the tracer comic, all I say to that is for all we know that dude in the picture could of been a new hero or Liao or an old friend of jacks from back in the day.”

As I said, it’s not a very good hint

Refer to the picture of Winston and tracer that looks nearly the same


Though I personally have no problem with the reveal, I can understand and partially agree that the OW story structure doesn’t lend itself to make reveals come out more naturally.

In a way I kinda see the lack of backstory (or the mystery surrounding heroes like S76) as a benefit because it allows these kinds of reveals to happen without feeling forced. If he had a more detailed backstory besides what we already have then maybe it would’ve felt forced. But considering there is very little story to begin with, I don’t find this reveal to be out of place.

Do you care that Blizzard has revealed the sexuality of Widowmaker, Torbjorn, Ana etc in the past?

Why are gay people just not allowed to be gay without having to conform to stereotypes? Not to mention you’re assuming Soldier is gay to begin with, he could just as easily be bisexual.

The only reason Soldier doesn’t fit being gay in your head is because you’ve created a vision of what you assume a gay man to be, which hint, isn’t true in the slightest.


Fair enough.


All I can really say is next time they do something like this I hope at least it shows with a bit of backstory or at least has some development before the sudden conformation of being gay.

As for the whole “it doesn’t fit with his personality thing” is why I say it feels forced.

Tracer was one thing. She seemed like soneone who’d be bi or gay or something like that personality wise so it didn’t need much explanation. Therefore the comic showing it gave us enough Information about the two to not really ponder it as much as what’s going on now.

Where soldier it just doesn’t seem like it would fit his character. And the fact that the only hint or backstory regarding it was an old photo from 2 years ago makes it even less believable.

As I said I’m fine with him being gay.

I just wish they put more story to him and his ex boyfriend before revealing they were gay. Like how at first you see tracer and (I can’t remember her name) and they appear like room mates till you see how they act with eachother and get a fair idea of their feelings thus making the “she’s gay” suprise more believable

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It was confirmed in a tweet from Michael Chu that Soldier is gay.

What exactly are the personality traits that show someone is gay? What should be included into Jack’s character to make him more “reliably gay”? I don’t get this part at all.

I don’t think that the writing of the story was great, by no means. It was decent, but overall could be much better. I don’t like the “reminiscence” parts too (in general, not only here). But the mention of him being gay is just one of the details in the whole story that could be expanded at some point in the future.

It feels like an opportunity for more related stuff, just like it does with every bit of lore they give us.


That makes some sense! I can see where you are coming from with what you said about tracer and her girlfriend appearing as roomates. I dont really think this would be an appropriate leeway for the tone of the story but I can better understand and respect your view!

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Been gay for years.

I find it very difficult to believe that you’re actually bisexual yet still think that being gay is a distinguishable trait.


the only “forced” vibes i’m getting is that the reveal of his sexuality is the only valuable thing you can draw from the story, if you even put a value on that. the rest of the story is static.


in real life people just are gay. literally no reason for it. Perhaps he just is because they wanted to represent more walks of life. Im sorry that your stereotypical views limit your ability to “see it”.
And its funny to complain about it being bad writing when it doesnt contradict anything, and there’s basically no writing at all lol. It was a nice short story that gave us a good deal of background on both soldier and Ana (mostly Ana).


It doesn’t matter if someone is gay or bi or streight or whatever in a story.

It matters when its forced in like that.

A characters relationship can say a lot about them or add a lot to their character.

Widow killed her husband, even after being corrupted by talon you can see in reflections that she still has some feeling towards him. That’s development between the two

Torb besides from Brigg existing to further Reinhardt’s character/lore a bit has relation with his family though not much is known about half of his like 12 or something children he does care about Brigg and also considers rein a part of his family. We also know his family has some connection to mercy. Chances are the rest of the og strike team as well. It has had chances to develop

Ana has a strange relationship with her husband in the sense she appears to have some sort of grudge or vandetta against him shown Ih The in game interactions with pharah. Thus developing her character more and adding onto it.

Tracer might not of had any hints to being in a relationship to what’s her face but it showed the true connection between her and developed her in a lore way that shes one of the reasons why tracer fights. And that she has a genuine care for her.

Did you notice the key word here?


In the short story where all this started, jack suddenly finds an old picture we knew little to nothing about (refer to the bad hint thing I spoke of) and suddenly it shows that he’s an ex boyfriend

Yeah it does show that he put said ex aside for the mission but I mean… We already get the idea that 76 puts the mission before home life the first time we see his backstory and just his character in general

You could say it adds to his character in a he regrets what he did to said ex. But that’s not really a good development point.

I’d want to at least see some sort of flashback on the story to get a feel between the twos relationship and how they react to one another before just jumping towards the whole “he’s gay thing”

As I said in my post I wouldn’t have a problem with him being gay if they just put more writing into the twos history and gave a better reason as to how it develops the story and his character as a whole


So your issue with the writting would be the same even if the ex was a woman? So your issue isnt actually why is s76 gay ;A; like what you’ve said sounds like valid critisism and thoughts I just dont know how him not being gay would change anything about what you’ve said.


That’s fine. It was stated in the story.

Im not judging it for the soul reason of his personality.

Take note In that statement I say “you don’t see it lore wise, character wise, or personality wise” the lore wise is an important aspect. Everyone here seems to be zoning in on the fact that I said personality and not the fact that I also said lore.

You can be Sargent hartmen and be gay for all I care as long as there’s a story behind it. A story behind everything is necessary


Because that’s what overwatch is

A story.

You cant just have a movie with a rich family or dictator or bad guy and not have some kind of story behind it all

If you do then there’s just a 90% chance it just won’t be all that appealing or interesting.

Keep something in mind, I’m not looking at this from a personal look on s76 standpoint. I’m looking at this from a story standpoint. And from a story standpoint it just seems like something they threw in just cause.

Sexuality has nothing to do with personality, there are plenty of gay men who show absolutely no signs of being gay. How would his character otherwise show sings of it? Despite you saying that you don’t expect him to prance around, it really seems to exactly what you need to believe that. As for his lore, this is his lore? I mean, he has voicelines, cinematic and comic and up until now there hasn’t been any reason to even bring up his relationships or his sexuality.

If the comic was exactly the same but it was a woman in the picture and that was his ex, literally no one would have cared or even questioned it.


Tracer had no signs of being gay… No one has signs of being gay or straight.


What story would you want behind being gay?

Except when you’re a rich family, a dictator or a bad guy there must be a motive that drove them to that and a capability for it.

So, if you don’t mind me asking, what was your motivation for becoming Bisexual and how did you achieve that goal?


i hate when ppl use this kind of format especially when it’s for this kind of topic :roll_eyes: you can’t just reverse the sexualities as if being gay hasn’t been a stigma for the longest time. it still isn’t accepted by as many ppl as you think. and not to be a pessimist but i don’t think it will ever be the social norm especially when there’s a whole religion that’s against it

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I was kind of hoping the community as a whole would roll their eyes at the obvious diversionary play by Blizzard and keep the pressure on them to clean up their act. Not descend in to pointless politically charged debate that at the end of the day accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Hoping, mind you. Not expecting.

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