Running Candidates for Hero 30 (Updated, Anubis takes Number 1)

  1. Anubis (Updated)
  1. Sanjay

  2. The Archaeologist

  3. Member of D. Va’s Squad

  4. Unknown

  1. Unknown Jetpack cat.


No I mean really unknown, Completely out of the blue

  1. Unknown Jetpack cat.
  2. Unknown


Sorry I had to find logic in these choices


seriously, where is the contest?


I’ve been hoping for the Scourge of Numbani as a main tank that competes with Rein.

(I don’t believe he’s dead, Doomfist be lying his face off).

No He’s been caught.

Doomfist got caught, too.

Hes been caught or killed?

I mean, he can pull out a Doomfist and break out from the prison.

But DF is the leader of Talon and this guy is a thug

I thought they mentioned in Bastet the possibility of Hakim working for Talon.

Seem more of an info thing

Their mercenaries/ crooks aka not part of Talon


Yeah, you’re probably right.
I just figured it was foreshadowing or something.

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My best guess the next hero Is going to be a tank but likely more around shields just basing off this patch ( like Zarya)

Is it weird that I want the new character to just be new and not someone we already have info? Like, just want someone who hasn’t been seen or has shown up somewhere else?

Tactically that’s been the last two heroes

Not at all. I find the new unseen heroes to be a lot more exciting that previously known ones.