Role q evil must be purged

We need a new director first.
Nothing gets better until the leadership/direction gets better.

Popular and useful are 2 very very different things.

…and they have never been useless

popular means they get selected even if a player might perceive a tank to be stronger

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My queue times remain pretty much the same . I actually have longer support queue times than dps queue times.

What on earth is this statement :joy: You must be smoking some heavy stuff mate.

If anything, Blizzard has catered more to supports than any other role.

The whole role q is made so dps can roleplay without begging for supports and tanks.

It’s like Asking 4 people to roleplay for 2 people happiness it’s unsustainable.

Nope, not sure where you got that idea. Role queue was made to streamline balancing and remove unintended synergies that plagued the game. That’s all. If your theory was correct then open Q would actually be the better choice for dps players.

If this was true the game would have died a long time ago. Right now, I can queue for dps and get faster queues than if I queue for support.

The only ones not having a good time right now are tanks. And that is pretty much entirely due to certain support mechanics, flying heroes and how the tank matchups have turned into a swap fest.

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And you have the option to play open q.
If you don’t like role q don’t play it.
Where is the problem ?

I feel that happened long before role queue was implemented.

At one point people didn’t care and also left a lot of game especial if the team where heavy imbalanced. If you have a team with 2-2-2 and the other team had 4 dps and 1 support/tank the game was already over from start.

More then enough people didn’t wanted to switch and just wanted to play dps.

So… you want to force everyone into open queue, because most people prefer role queue… smart, that will surely save the game…


Player game mode distribution from 2020

yea haha that is fun experience. had it so many times indeed.

I know of no valid data to support the claim of “most people prefer role queue”

If you have some to offer, please point us to it


what streamers play is not valid data to support the claim that was made


No point in talking to you like. Unless you get numbers from blizzard, you won’t admit that other factors clearly point at me being right. Keep naively closing your eyes and hide behind your favourite arguments matey. Doesn’t matter, im pretty sure RQ stays as the most popular comp mode.

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Twitch stream audience is not majority

There you go all your copy paste of links is waste.

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Whatever you say mate. RQ is sure to stay.

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I have no issue with someone claiming that it is their opinion that 222/122 is the more popular mode

I have issue when it is stated as if it is a fact, when no valid data I know of exists to support it

no forum member has the knowledge or authority to legitimately make such a statement as if it were fact


Just because you are unable to understand the context of my opinion doesn’t mean i’m not authorized to make it. Show me what forum ToS i broke. Until you do, im authorized to legitimately make any statement i want.

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If you didn’t like Open Queue, you didn’t have to play it.
You could use LFG.

So why was Role Lock needed?


To prevent OTP players from leaving a game, because they did not get the desired role.
It made role balanced matchmaking easier.
Ah good example was the first underworld pve Mission. Many people left early in the beginning and were replaced with an ai. That sucks.

For flex and creative players role queue is hell.

Oh and in ow1 the most played mode was role queue ranked, especially in in the US.
But I would take that with grain of salt, because through role queue ow1 lost the majority of their publicity.

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