Role q evil must be purged

It’s more an issue of specific heroes

And what you say could be fixed through LFG. So Role Lock was not needed for that

Which is shown by the great balance that happened right after it was implement where the game went into one of the worst metas in the game’s history, aka Double Shield?

Which is perhaps the biggest drawback. OW when it first came out was known for all the unique heroes and creative ways you could play the game and which heroes you could play. The devs completely left this original design, gradually adding more and more restrictions to the game and we end up with the stale game we have today.

Even if it made balancing more simplistic, Open Queue had way more potential when and if it was balanced decently.


Because people are as sholes
In the beginning of role queue I had 8 min wait time for a DPS role.
Imagine a OTP widowmaker does want to wait so long.
She will queue for support as ana (1min queue time) and after her first dead she will change to widowmaker.
An Abusive mechanic is created.

Dunno at that time I stopped playing the game.
In the two months after implementing role queue. Ow has lost more than half of its twitch viewers and it never recovered after it, because flex players like me stopped playing the game.
That why I think it is funny if people say deleting open queue or role queue is good for the game.
It is like saying console players should stop playing on console.
It is so dumb.

For that you can thank papa Jeff.
Because the Devs wanted to see high level game play which defies the odds.
Like genji against zarya.

He mentioned it in a comment about the upcoming ranking system. I don’t know if it was in season 1 or 2

That is why the ranking in ow1 was determined, by comparing your stats with the average stats of your hero.
With that mechanic OTP had the advantage with ranking up, because if you have more playtime with one particular hero you stats are of course better than average.

That is for sure, but tell that not to me, but the uncreative otp

I am not having any difficulty understanding

the statement I replied to was an opinion stated as if it were a fact when it was and is not a fact

no forum member has the knowledge or authority to legitimately make this statement


I’m confused, where was this mechanic available?

Because in LFG you were stuck to the role you signed up for, you couldn’t switch unless you were in the “Flex” role.

Ah okay, well it was known as one of the most unenjoyable times in the game’s history. It was caused by the introduction of Sigma and Role Lock.

I get your point, and honestly completely reasonable. I think if they had just never added Role Lock this would have never been an issue, but they have and there are going to be some people that will freak out and leave.

This is why I think a possible way to go about it would be to revert back to Open Queue entirely, but also implement more effective ways for people to group up because the issue people have isn’t that people won’t go 2-2-2, it’s that playing with strangers can be a gamble.

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Sorry my fault. I have different definitions for lfg from an other game.
But it doesn’t matter if the role of an OTP is Not fixed. You get it that the OTP will abuse the mechanic to shorten his queue time.

Jupp Pandora’s box effect.

What I think is problematic is the open favouritism for role queue.
I have no problem that role queue is the main balance mode.
But why do I stay not automatically in open queue after a OQ match.
Sorry with role queue it works but not with OQ. Seriously?

It’s basically OPEN 5v5 or bring back 6v6 for me.

The locked 122 format was never the way. It’s over-constrained. No-limits and some types of open 6v6 were under-constrained. The sweetspot is offtank and offsup type design.

We proposed so many solutions to balance at the teamcomp level, like semi-open or “too many shields” “too many builders” type constraints.

They had years to get it right, but had the wrong people on the payroll.


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All good :+1:

It was fixed. There isn’t a mechanic for them to abuse because they are stuck in the role that they queue into the group for.
So that means that it would be impossible for them to, say, queue as a tank in LFG and then switch to their DPS OTP character once the game starts.

Oh yeah, which is the most obvious issue that there is when people say to just “Queue for Open Queue”.

I am glad it was put back into the game, I was among the first people, at least on the Forums, to advocate for it. However, the devs treat it like a seasonal competitive mode in that they don’t care about what happens to it very much.

Exactly. I think this might be the only mode that does this, outside of Comp I think. Mystery Heroes does it, TDM does it, Total Mayhem, etc.


Now I am confused. Where is the difference between your lfg and the current role lock?
Imo lfg is lfg is only intention to play a role, but you are not stuck with that choice.

GOATs was far from balanced, moira/lucio death ball was far from balanced, teams going full flank and supports having no counter play to them was not balanced.

Face it, Role Queue was needed, and I’m happy that I NEVER have to deal with 4 dps arguing amongst themselves who needs to swap. (I always went Moira and out did everything they did regardless to prove a point.)

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Blizzard straight up came out and said it ages ago, giving numbers per type, per region.

We also did a pretty extensive study into various different polls of which was more popular. Over 95% said roleQ, and that was consistent across different forums, and times.

You also can look at where t500 ends on both queues.

You can also ask people in low population regions, and see where the cutoff is by rank you can expect to be able to get a game.

They are all evidence, and they are all valid.

When we went looking we couldn’t find a single thing showing openQ to be more popular. The evidence was overwhelming in the other direction.

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I ask the personal attacks cease.


Open queue should never been added to keep BroFlakes quiet. It should have simply been removed. Keeping it has caused too many issues to placate so few people.

Meanwhile they’ll straight up nerf a hero into oblivion at the drop of the hat no matter how popular they are.


The absolute majority of players are in the lower ranks. Does anyone think lower ranks would care to form a cohesive comp? They don’t and it never happened in my rank when ow1 still was oq. When rq was announced I was overjoyed, because it meant we could have proper comps.

All this. No more 5 dps and 1 support games. No more GOATs, or it’s variants.

Now we just have to accept that sometimes you get OTP in their roles and refuse to ever change. That’s the only thing I am like >_< over.

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All this meant was you are trying to find 4 people to satisfy 2 dps.

Funny thing you will never find 4 equal skilled players in other roles.

Which is why this trash 5v5 happened

And guess what you still can’t find 3 people for 2 dps.

You simply don’t have tanks to satisfy this imaginary team dps players want and the game is garbage trash for it.

5 people in openq in various composition equally skilled are way better than current state of unfair matchups.

Not really, I was a support main in OW1, and I’d lock a support just to see the other 5 people instalock DPS and then start throwing fits about who gets to DPS and who needs to swap. It’s the reason I would go Moira, and just out DPS/Elim them to prove a point, that all the DPS in the world does not matter if you can’t stay healed up, and that one support is do-able but was annoying.

:joy: Don’t try and change the topic from Open Queue in OW1, to how bad the match maker is. That is a horrible way to advocate for OQ only.

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Lol, You know that after the implementation of role queue, ow has lost over 50% of its playerbase.
If the majority who hates role queue left the game, then of course the minority who likes role queue is the new majority


People say 4dps 2supps or 5dps 1supp in oq, and it was right. Now I see even more tanks in oq than in rq.

People somehow start with like 4dps 1supp vs 3dps 2supps, but often end up with like 2 tanks vs 3 tanks to win the game.

Also, people are oversensitive about comps. I find 4dps 2supps or 5tanks 1supp in OW1 all were fun in their own way ONLY IF it is balanced well. 222 the standard was rather boring like goats for me.


Please provide proof with claims. Role Queue haters are a minority, and just plain don’t want to work with other people and do their own thing in the game, leading to loss after loss after loss for them. That’s not RQ’s fault.

The fact that open q queues are a ghost town should tell everyone all we need to know about the chances of them coming back.