Role q evil must be purged

It’s the cause of all matchmaking issues in the game.

Not to mention you having two seperate rank modes with a dwindling population.

Exercise role q from the game and see it become healthy than ever.


I prefer that they keep role q and open q seperate.

Open queue back in it’s original form of being forced on everyone led to some of the most scuffed matches and it always nearly ended up as either 2-2-2 OR you’d have 4 dps 1 support or extreme variations that wasn’t fun.

So no thanks let’s keep role q. you have open queue if you wanna do that scuffed play.


That’s just a myth most games were way more balanced pre roleq.


Source please?


I love role queue. I hate open queue. It’s usually either no supports (in my experience, maybe not other peoples’), or I’m the only one and everyone heads into downtown Detroit while ignoring the objective. Obviously I’m not playing with masters here, I’m just average.

It feels way more chaotic and more of a mess. Since I’d never play open queue after my initial experiences, I’m not even someone you can count as part of bifurcating the queues and thus contributing to longer wait times. I’m not sure that removing either one would improve the other (there’s probably people in open queue that would never step foot in role queue). Just comes down to preference, but I can see why others enjoy open queue while I do not. I wouldn’t want either mode gone.


Trust me it’s not just you and when it was just you it was always “Go mercy”


You forgot the dps telling the other dps to go support.


Hey guys! Remember 5 dps on one team begging for a healer and tank?

Yeah let’s go back to that scenario!
It was great wasn’t it???


That’s a big myth, what isn’t is it was way more toxic. Just play open Q no one’s stopping you


I remember 5 dps and one support games very well.

It was a breathe of fresh air to get guaranteed a standardized role setup.


Not sure if you’ve played recently but most of my games there will be 3-4 support players and will often run 3 support. It’s tanks people try to force others to go to. Supports are ridiculous right now.

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I would imagine the trend lines from steam charts are no dissimilar to Battlnets trend lines.

Albiet in different totals and peaks.

Yet the game never died when there was no roleq even with launch brig.

With roleq the game has been on constant death spiral cause the truth is there are no tank mains and any hybrids you got with no roleq is not there.

That doesn’t sound ideal either. In a situation like that I’d be basically throwing a game since I’m not good at DPS/tank, and adding another support (me) would obviously be a bad call.

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Want to give Open Queue a shot in the arm? Free it from having the same loose* matchmaker as Role Queue has. I’ll come on over despite everything that I hate about Open Queue.

*and “loose” is generous

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They need to ban role q for week and do this.

You will have the best games ever

If your team doesn’t have supports and a tank in open, they are high key throwing. This is why rq was created in the first place. I play both and each has their pros and cons. If I get potato teammates in open who do dumb ish like go all DPS, I’m not babysitting them as the sole support. Games like those are what make me queue back in rq after. Only real benefit to open for me is being able to play tank and not be the only one.

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OQ right now is more balanced than that crap RQ is. RQ will never be balanced and people will forever complain about it.

My matches have at least 1 sup in OQ and that’s it. It’s sufficient to carry a team.

Also, you can chill in OQ.


Role q has bigger playerbase.

Maybe just make QP strictly open queue and comp mode strictly role queue.

Erm…no thanks, why not just keep both queues?