Role q evil must be purged

No. You don’t have the statistical evidence to claim a majority like you just did here. You’re basing your claim on your memories and feelings, which form a feedback loop with your biases and reinforced by nostalgia. Other people have memories and feelings – concerning the subject at hand – that are diametrically opposite of yours.

I do know and I used it correctly.

It is not even close to what happens.

You do have to talk in the group in order to coordinate who picks what role in OQ. I can skip that entire interaction by simply pressing RQ.

“I dont like this feature in the game that other people like, so it should be removed even though a huge part of the playerbase likes it because im the main character” - Typical entitled gamer.

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“I say it is so that must mean it’s true”…

C’mon m8, I quite literally spelled it out for you as to why it wasn’t.

Once again…
“I say it is so that means it’s true”

Where is your reasoning that solo-queueing doesn’t put you into a group of strangers?

I’m talking about LFG…

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The game felt like literal hell before role queue, lmao. This feels like huge nostalgia glasses to me.

Which is why it got awarded Game of the Year, because it felt like literal hell to play…



Nah. Definitely not. What if you end up with a team of DPS mains vs’ing a team of 3 tank mains and 3 support mains?

Good luck with balancing that mess…

Both mode have their pros and cons, and I would prefer to keep them both available.

I mostly play all-role role-queue for the challenges, so I get about 8 tank queue for every 1 or 2 dps or support queue. Open queue is what I use to play dps or support to finish up my weekly challenges.

I’m a support main, tank secondary, with dps as my least play role. So I really don’t mind constantly getting tank role queue, unless it’s one of those days where I don’t feel like tanking.

My role queue are usually the balance standard comp, whereas most of my open queue are often one of the followings:

  • 3 tanks, 2 support
  • 2 tanks, 2 support, 1 dps
  • 1 tanks, 2 support, 2 dps
  • 0 tanks, 1 support, 4 dps

A majority of my open queue games are with 2 or 3 tanks comp.

Nah fam… OQ gotta go. I still have nightmares of having to heal or tank for 5 dps.

#WhalesAhoy #NerfShopPrices #OptOutOfBackfill #Return2CP #FixMatchmaker #RememberOW1 #RememberWhatTheyTook #RememberPapaJeff

as I stated, very few people in the game proper played GOATS

imo 222/122 was and still is THE worst change ever made to the game, hands down


Why its easier to balance then free for all mode where currently in open queue the meta still is 2 tank 3 support

I disagree, because imo the game was in its very best state of balance just before 222/122 was inflicted on all of us despite only being needed in OWL

Meta is a perception not necessarily shared by all players

you see it as 3 tanks and 2 supports, others do not

I see many many many different combinations when I play or watch role-less queue matches

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Sorry. There was a period of time where it was not terrible. OW won GOTY in 2016. Role queue was implemented in 2019. So around three years for the game to sort of morph to needing a little bit more help.

Unfortunately weve already lost that battle. Just pray they put the 6th teammate back in before its too late

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Everything you described comes from it not being a serious game mode anymore. I myself prefer open q, but i along with my rather diverse stack of heroes do not play it because the game is no longer balanced for open q, making it a glorified meme mode like in arcade.

Its the same reason ill cry for the return of assault maps but wont play them in arcade


And i disagree it was a trash multi tank meta of 3 tank 3 support because dps was usless its why they had to keep giga buffinf tank buster heros like reaper sym and rat and it still didnt work. There where litteraly bronze level players in gm1 because of how bad balance was.

Okay and tanks are stronger dps straight up.

Okay and doeant change that fact that the most effective tactic is 2 tanks 3 supports.

Okay doesnt change whats the most effective

Wow isnt that another blizzard level decision. Delete the game mode people prefer to force them to play the game mode they dont like. You might have what it takes to become an overwatch dev


I’d also like to increase the cost of the Battle pass to $25 and Legendary skin bundles to $40

And yet more people played it, to the point that devs didnt have to scam whales with recoloured skins to make a profit. Imagine that

For example in 2018 ow not only made some record profits, but had 20 million unique users. A number that has not been seen since


dps have never been useless in this game, actually, and generally is the most popular character type to play among the overall playbase

they had to?

Not at all

the developers decide on their own what to change and how to change it

this is an opinion stated as if it were fact, when it is not a fact

again - this is an opinion, not a fact, despite being stated as if it was

and it is not an opinion all players share

see above

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