That would help actually…

I reckon Blizzard should have released these changes little by little, not everything at once. The Reaper buff and the Brigitte nerf could have ended GOATs by themselves, tanks weren’t in a great spot to begin with. The only way to be impactful playing tanks was if you have 3 supports in your team.

I think a lot of tank mains got really discouraged after readin’ the patch notes, we were askin’ for buffs to some of them then this happened.

I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

I feel like a fat kid in a cookie shop.
Mmmm. Cookies…

Noe the tank mains can join the sombra mains as those who had to suffer from pro players problems.

I can’t understand why reaper needs SO MUCH self heal… It’s like impossible to beat him with certain characters. There is no such thing as out-playing your enemy, or having at least a small chance at beating him because you’re playing better.

If you are a tank, you die. Unless reaper is throwing, I don’t understand how someone with a tank is supposed to ever win against him. You must have a long ranged character take him out, and at that point, it’s reaper vs. that long ranged character, not the tank.

A main tank is supposed to be the anchor. Not an ult charge battery. 20% wasn’t enough. 30% still wasn’t enough? Forget everything between 31-49%, let’s just go right to 50%?!?!!! How about fix reaper’s teleport into something better, or an entirely different ability before buffing his life steal to absurd levels?

30% was fine. Fix the teleport. Maybe increase it to 33%. 40% would have been way too excessive. 50%?.. Winston already runs from reaper. Maybe he could help someone take him out, but now, if he stays, he will benefit the enemy reaper with heals more than he would his team trying to help him.

Winston, and every other tank is an ult batter and giant health pack now.

Brigitte has been OP since the game has been out. Fixing her ult and inspire would have killed goats on its own. No reason to change dva, who could be countered just fine if you outplayed her. No reason to change reaper, without fxing the teleport. And I guess doomfist is completely forgotten?

We don’t even need new characters if certain ones we have in the game currently are throw picks.

And, you know what I do when I see reinhardt, when I’m playing a tank? I walk right up to him at point blank range, and fire. He’s going to die quickly, because when you’re in his face, that shield isn’t doing anything.

Most of the time, his charge is on cooldown, and if it’s not, and he separates from the team, I’m throwing a bomb in the air, right back towards his team.

Overwatch needs to be about counter-playing your opponent. Not solely counter picking. With the exception of Brigitte, it was exactly that. Now that Brigitte isn’t a problem, reaper will force you to not pick any tanks.

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The way the math works out, McCree’s damage versus armor will be about 12 more per reload than it is currently. Not really that big a deal when tanks have several hundred HP to work with.

Uhh… The most used hero in the game, with one of the highest winrates in the game, and he’s down? Wut?

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Sorry I’m not buying it, whichever team has the best Rein is gonna win. One of them wiffs an Earthshatter and the other one lands his, game over.

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Reaper is still not very good. He needs better self-heal because damaging armor heals him pitiful amount and damaging barriers does nothing. Many heroes are too small to lifesteal from reliably. Most can get away from Reaper.

My main tank is Orisa so I know how this outcome going to go.

TBH this is sadly the issue with the dev team.

They do extremes.

Rather than do it healthy way: buff or nerf one side and see how that plays out and then decide if the other buff/nerf is needed still.

They go full speed ahead with nerfs to one and buffs to other w/o care.

wish theyd stick to adjusting one at a time and wait to see results and if more is needed THEN do the other after a few weeks.

I am kinda upset about Dva getting a 1 to a 2 second cool down. I wouldn’t mind the armor nerf as much because of this. But this makes Zarya and Hog the only tanks not affect. (And Zarya is a major part of GOATS)


(i was gonna make a whole list why reaper needed this buff but it was gonna be TL:DR)

Hog oneshots reaper. So does a Rein charge.

Don’t worry my friends, I will be
feeding death blossom.


Rein was already suffering due to creep in almost all areas, and remember the stealth nerfs for his animation cancelling which pretty much destroyed shield hopping and made his attacks slower?

No shield hopping, worse armour, is the most directly affected by Reaper and dps meta is coming…

Fun fun fun.

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The game went downhill after Valkyrie 1.0, it was never the same after that disgusting meta.

You really dont know much about Reinhardt and why he has such a high pickrate, first of there are only 2 real anchor tanks that can be used in any situation. Reinhardt and Winston and Winston is a dive tank, so doh he has a high pickrate since there are only 2 anchor tanks compared to what? 20 DPS in the hero roster (Not counting Orisa or hammond since well, situational). Second he is used because how the meta is played out.

Slow and not very mobile heros > Reinhardt is picked
Fast mobile heros > Winston is picked.

If you watch OW league, do you ever see a Reinhardt on Winston going loco? No their are just meatball tanks that cover their team and enable the pushes.

Also, back in the day before all the buffs to DPS and nerfs, overall the damage of all hero’s basicly got buffs, while reinhardt never gotten any buffs.
Winston only had his shield deploy timer buffed.

Overall the damage of DPS has increased over the passed 15 seasons by 25% or even more. But tanks remained the same.

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I guess you forgot Orisa exists, along with the developers.

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I did mention her, maybe read somthing first. She is only usable on defense.

Not, and shouldn’t be entirely true. She’s literally described as an Anchor Tank and was put in the game to give Rein some competition; that she doesn’t do it doesn’t make her niche, it just makes her bad. That ‘acceptance’ of her being ‘niche’ rather than straight up bad doesn’t really help anyone.

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