Bro, let it be. Stopping kicking Rein players while their down. You are getting your changes, they wonā€™t be reverted. Go flame another thread, stop antagonizing with your low hanging fruit skill arguments, nobody cares.


Tanks are not dead but might be playing more Zarya than Rein. Thatā€™s if I decide to continue playing, just tired of watching my favorite heroes get the nerf hammer patch after patchā€¦

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Hearing this coming from you of all people makes me sad.

Rein has a low skill ceiling? What a joke lol. Main tank is by far the hardest role. The main tank does everything. Takes all the aggression. Moves the team. Holds the line. Maybe in gold and plat main tank is easy. Diamond+ main tank is the carry position


b-but they donā€™t have to aim!

Times change. I will always main the tank class, but with these kind of changes, itā€™s hard to always Crusade. I will probably Crusade on my alt account when I feel like playing Rein, but on this account, my main account, I will probably be playing more Hog and Zarya.


Reaper and mccree are destroying tanks now with ease.

Playing tank is very unforgiving.

lul im sorry you canā€™t come up with anything other than: ā€œgo somewhere else loser i donā€™t even want to read what you have to say!ā€

Explain to me what exactly it is about any of the things you listed thatā€™s even remotely difficult when you have a 2000HP shield designed to be a damage sponge. What part of holding down right click and pressing your movement keys is demanding? And not just demanding, but is also apparently the hardest to learn.

^this dude is a troll, ignore him.


would you play mercy if all you were ever allowed to do what hold down heal?

I just came here to say, wanted to return to the game. But might as well stay away. Winston, Rein main hereā€¦

Even tough Winston will do somwhat better damage against armor. He is already basicly a paper, with a big $&# hitboxā€¦ for a tankā€¦ (Same goes for reinhardt, he will be a shield carrier basicly worse then before. Just press right mouse button and hope others help you because the second you lower your shield you will blow up)


he has a different opinion, what a troll.

didnā€™t you make a thread about quitting a few months ago? come back when you have something of value to say.


Run. run far away. Itā€™s still raining tank hate. Tanks are getting harder and harder to play weekly.

Yeah i tried the game the last few months, but ever since Brigette joined the gameā€¦ The game went downhill fast.


I believe the main problem will result from tanks having less sustain and Reaper having way more at the same time. Adding to that Blizzard didnt seem to consider one of the main problems is the everlasting healing powercreep going on since Anas release. Dont get me wrong Ana is fine but all of that insane healing stacking on tanks is a huge problem.

He wonā€™t though, ticks are 6 damage heā€™s not helped at all by this.

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Hammond does 5 per shot. So once again, Hammond gets no love. But gets more super counters

What is hard about controlling 11 people? Out maneuvering the other team? fighting all 6 enemies the entire game? The shield doesnā€™t last long under focus. Main tank is about imposing your will on the other team and controlling the pace. A good main tank will 1 v 6 the entire game without dying so that his team can do whatever they want.

The hard part about rein is the micro movements and the timing that determines the entire game. A single wrong step or a second of hesitation kills a push. The better rein will win 100% of the time and which ever main tank controls the map wins the game, granted that the rest of his team can do their job. Which is why main tank only starts to matter in diamond

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Wait, so how does this nerf work then? I dont get it.

Basically if you did between 7 and 10 damage before you now do 1-3 more damage, more on critical.

Winston only does 6, so is still halved and he canā€™t crit.