Hog oneshots reaper. So does a Rein charge.

Donā€™t worry my friends, I will be
feeding death blossom.


Rein was already suffering due to creep in almost all areas, and remember the stealth nerfs for his animation cancelling which pretty much destroyed shield hopping and made his attacks slower?

No shield hopping, worse armour, is the most directly affected by Reaper and dps meta is comingā€¦

Fun fun fun.

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The game went downhill after Valkyrie 1.0, it was never the same after that disgusting meta.

You really dont know much about Reinhardt and why he has such a high pickrate, first of there are only 2 real anchor tanks that can be used in any situation. Reinhardt and Winston and Winston is a dive tank, so doh he has a high pickrate since there are only 2 anchor tanks compared to what? 20 DPS in the hero roster (Not counting Orisa or hammond since well, situational). Second he is used because how the meta is played out.

Slow and not very mobile heros > Reinhardt is picked
Fast mobile heros > Winston is picked.

If you watch OW league, do you ever see a Reinhardt on Winston going loco? No their are just meatball tanks that cover their team and enable the pushes.

Also, back in the day before all the buffs to DPS and nerfs, overall the damage of all heroā€™s basicly got buffs, while reinhardt never gotten any buffs.
Winston only had his shield deploy timer buffed.

Overall the damage of DPS has increased over the passed 15 seasons by 25% or even more. But tanks remained the same.

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I guess you forgot Orisa exists, along with the developers.

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I did mention her, maybe read somthing first. She is only usable on defense.

Not, and shouldnā€™t be entirely true. Sheā€™s literally described as an Anchor Tank and was put in the game to give Rein some competition; that she doesnā€™t do it doesnā€™t make her niche, it just makes her bad. That ā€˜acceptanceā€™ of her being ā€˜nicheā€™ rather than straight up bad doesnā€™t really help anyone.

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Yet 90% of the complainers were plat down. I had areguments with almost every goats complaint post on the fourms most of them were actually silver and gold to be honest.

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you are making charging a reaper without dying sound easy like if you put your shield down no one will shoot at you

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But apartently bronze-plat players did (doubtful here). We had a new bronze-plat player complaining about it, starting a thread about it, every day. I would argue with them and say it does not even apply to them. Then others with locked profiles would come in and tell me i must not be playing the same game.

I played in gold-masters ranks last season. I rarely saw it unless i was playing in high diamond masters. Even then it was rare along with it being rarely pulled off right. It was pulled off so badly when it was tried I could just go bastion with half decent teammates and just shread the tanks. The other team would never cordinate properly and the other dps would just flank the healers lol.

I personlly ran it one time successfully and properly in placements my 9th game in my account that placed 3386. In masters its never done completely right but rarely as well.

Another thing I would like to add is the fact that I placed on 5 accounts last season; 3896 masters, 3386 diamond, 3216 Diamond, 2566 plat and 2889 plat. This alone shows how screwed up the system is. Its litteratly a slot machine if you get good teammates or not. Its a rng grind. Dont tilt, play your best, grind and hope to get good teamates is what ranked is about. Of course this is all once your skill gets to a certan point.

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They are promoting DPS (McCree buff and now a Reaper buff) and the majority of the roster is DPS.

Yeah, they totally donā€™t take sides /s :expressionless:

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Sheā€™s got it the worst from the armor nerfs. Sheā€™s a throw pick at this point. Tracer, reaper, sombra deletes you everytime and thereā€™s nothing you can do about it


I think people either get way too hung up on what the pros are doing and/or are way too quick to parrot what they hear from prominent figures.

You saw all these people demanding ā€œhigh mechanical skillā€ characters for instance and Iā€™m sure some people had grounds to ask for that but thereā€™s no way all of the people with the bronze accounts who kept asking for this were high mechanical skill players. Jeff even made a joke alluding to such when they unveiled Ashe. ā€œyou guys have been asking for some characters for players with high mechanical skill, and I know of course thatā€™s all of you guys, everyone in here.ā€


Good reply finally a quality response. There is hope. There are level headed people on these fourms.

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It is when ALL the DPS are added together. Ask yourself this questionā€¦

Who does Rein Counter in this meta?

This is the problem. dps mains think its fine to balance the game around supports being nothing but mobile health packs and tanks players mobile shields and ult charge for them.

We lost half of the tank player base to the doom, brig fiasco, now this. Just hod down right click. Fun gameplay much wow. Also have no impact past your shield and hope the dps behind do something. Great design.


The only Result of Forcing a 2/2/2 Role Selection would be a skyrocketing time to find a game. When i use the LFG-System for a 2/2/2 team the 2dps and 2supports slots are filled in seconds, but the 2 Tanks slotsā€¦ up to 5 Minutes until you find two tanks for your team. Now make the qeue for every match being played a forced 2/2/2 just wont work, cause there is way less people playing tank and support (obviously because there is less heroes).

U write about the actual LFG, if the only queue system (aside for arcade and custom games) become this RoleQ, the thing change dramatically.

How does this change anything? you need 2 players playing tank and as the experience with the LFG-System shows you need to wait minutes to get two tank players. Result: The Time to find a match will sykrocket.