Revert Mercy please

They could use:
“Amplifying biotic stream! (friendly)
" Valkyrie-Kampfprozeduren aktiviert! (hostile)"

Yeah sure lets make the easiest most no-brain support in the game even easier like she was before, not that she was ever hard to begin with :confused:

Imagine watching an NFL game where a flag was thrown after every good play. Then you have to wait a bit to see whether it counted. That’s what playing in a match with Mercy 1.0 felt like.

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When the workshop was on PTR and people were making Mass Res workshops, I realized just how boring Mercy was compared to now, also how much more of a sitting duck and passively you had to play. Even super jump wasn’t doing it with Mass Res.

Valkyrie has such a wide variety of usage, with the combination of super jump. I can contest point for 15-20 seconds with Valk, kill the Widow if our team is preoccupied, boost my entire team, have an out button if I’m getting low and can’t get help, more mobility, better sight of the fight, can easily finish off low targets that went for cover, bait ultimates with either Valk or super jump, just to name a few.

There’s just so much more variability to Mercy now. I always had aggressive plays with her, and her rework amped that up for me and I love it.

Mass Res was cat and mouse, which was fun, but now she always has a cat and mouse play style, including being the cat in some scenarios. Mass Res was more passive, trying to let your team do all the work, ulting if things got bad.

She has a much more variable play style and higher skill ceiling now. Those who continue to play Mercy with that original passive play style and want her ult to do the work for her will continue to struggle and hate it instead of adapting.

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You do know you’re part of that, right?

I mean, you do have an account and profile picture after all.

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Wow you’re so smart. I hope I will have you in my team and we’ll win some matches :slight_smile: nope, you’d ruin my game thx

all i want is 60 hps back

If you look at her winrate and pickrate, Mercy is just a middle of the pack support who isn’t meta but also isn’t non-viable either. She’s not really in a place where she needs significant changes.

That’s just like your opinion man. Mercy is in a decent spot right now.


Thanks. :+1:

Yeah, I don’t want to play games with you either, because I too think our chances of winning would be lower.

You seem a bit too immature and I rather play with those who are more level headed.

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It’s a shame that pick rate and win rate statistics weren’t used to justify the horrendous rework in the first place. :roll_eyes:


Stats don’t matter when it’s FrUsTrAtInG

(meanwhile, Mei cackles in the distance)


So u want old mercy that Rez the 5 ppl at the same time because u want to press q and win the game yah I can call a hospital right if u have brain damage and she is good right now yah she doesn’t have the best healing in the game but let me tell u that Moira healing is 65 and Ana is 60 and mercy is 50 but mercy is the only healer that can damage boost with out and ultimate and has nano boost but it’s an ultimate and Moira ultimate damage and heals at the same time so no if u think that old mercy will fix the game it will just make it worse sure it will be fun for u but this game is not only for u

Mercy is…decent right now. I will admit that they sucked all the fun factor out of her character now just to please people that can’t play around mass Resurrect. At this stage, she’s a good heal bot, but I hope with 2-2-2, they’ll take another look at her.

valk is cancer as ult and makes it so she cant have good st healing.

swap it to a low duration long cd E and move rez back to ult. You can adjust how often rez is up, it wont be up at start of match (which many ppl hate for undoign early pick), and she can actually have an “oh i need more healing at this moment” cooldown like most every other primary healer has… (ana has bionade, moira has heal orb, bap regen burst)

valk early on WAS ultimate worthy, but it has been nerfed so much to a glorified cooldown skill.

dont need mass rez back (it was nice, but again not a req.) but valk needs to go away from her ult.


Even with Mass Ressurect, she was low tier for the longest (because even with it, it was countered by another ultimate) and balanced by everything else in her kit (could only heal/damage boost one at a time, squishy, pitiful at defending herself). It was only really changed due to one tricking/pro complaints because there were ways of balancing the ult, but they went in a different direction…


Actually, they literally heal more than her in one go
Moira can double her healing output at the press of a button
and Baptiste can mitigate killing blows altogether

While Mercy can Ressurect she can only do so after the fact and only by putting herself at risk


Moira also has her heals on a resource she has to recharge as well as an 8 second cooldown. She also doesn’t have the utility Mercy can bring

That’s because lamp is just broken in general. That’s more of a Bap is super powerful problem rather than a Mercy is too weak problem. Not to mention Bap has to reload his heals and can miss since his healing is a lobbes projectile

Yes, that’s what is called a weakness/trade off. Almost every character and powerful ability has one.

But instead of you trying to lead me off onto a tangent about Rez, I’m going to double down on my statement about Mercy’s healing.

Mercy’s healing isn’t going to be as strong as Moira’s or Baptiste’s, because Mercy has super consistent heals that won’t stop as long as Mercy keeps healing. Moira has a resource and lengthy cooldown on her healing. Baptiste has a reload and can easily miss his projectile based healing.

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Mass Rez mercy worked better imo. Because then a Mercy making a BAD decision on Rez’ing wasn’t happening. Let alone a Mercy in Moth-mode, is not flying around at random, while a soldier 76 or Widow is trying to pick her out of the sky. I gotta say. That protecting the key healer for the game is frustrating since they implemented it.


And id take a different trade off.

In fact here are the things I’d do

Remove her self healing/lower it, make her primary healing beam more like moiras secondary fire, increase cooldown of ga, remove infinite ammo from valkyrie, reduce flight speed and duration,

and then buff Mercy by having one single target instant resurrect every 30 seconds. The 30 seconds I see as enough of a trade off.

Baptiste gets to have IF on a 20 second cooldown that not only protect him but also his teammates while not requiring him to be stunned without any way to cancel it, along with the drone having as much hp as mercy but without a critical hitbox and the cooldown starting as soon as it is deployed meaning he can potentially have a 12 second cooldown on it with 6 seconds of uptime.

Make her heals less consistent and have some sort of aim required like a beam, and the rest of the stuff i mentioned I think is more than enough so that her “iconic” ability is retained.

Fact is that what the developers said they wanted to do with the rework was not done.

Mercy is still incentivized to hide to resurrect, and she does not have an extra ability to use in combat. SHe has an ultimate on a cooldown that required several nerfs even with a 30 second cooldown (mainly because they thought it was a good idea to make it have a reduced and refreshed cooldown with valk).

WIth her mobility being much more depictive of Mercy, having to sacrifice it for resurrect is a bit flawed imo.

I dont think they should revert her by any means but if its a trade off you want ill gladly give up all the things i mentioned and more.

Though in all honesty I think they should remove resurrect altogether.

I’m going on a bit of a tangent but if you want to read a long-drawn out opinion on what I think you are more than welcome to read it here (though you probably wont)