Revert Mercy please

I say revert her HP/S nerf since it happened before rolequeue/lock. After that, she’ll be the perfect support again

No thank you. Whilst I definitely prefer mass Res over current Mercy, I’m not going to pretend as if 1.0 didn’t have its own issues. I’d be far more enthusiastic if you were to advocate for a rework which involved some sort of mass Res.

Imo, since Blizzard are never going to ever acknowledge their mistakes and current Mercy is pretty fine right now besides requiring tiny buffs to make her more impactful, I’m just going to say, just give her back 60HP. :man_shrugging:t4:

It’s selfish and hypocritical to dismiss the players who also prefer old Mercy. I’m just saying. :man_shrugging:t4:

This ain’t an argument.


Given the context, it was pretty obvious that they weren’t referring to her balanced state and was clearly citing their personal view on Mercy.


Not to mention it happened with the other supports (sans Brig and Zen) got buffed. I mean, would have been nice to see how the buffs fair before going through with the nerf.


Mercy has never been more fun for me, my team (who doesnt have to die for me to have an ultimate) and the enemies who dont have to spend the whole match searching for me - while I am in spawn on Gibralta last point or Anubis second point. :blush:


So the hero should be op just because you play her?

Mercy 1.0 was never OP though. She was quite nearly a troll pick until invuln while ressing was introduced.


Haha, no. Mercy is fine.


I think you have Mercy confused with Moira… but anyhow, when you literally almost cannot fight back effectively and can do nothing but evade, there is definitely a skill in that, and choosing when to employ rez for instance. It’s not mechanical skills, its pure positioning and c/d management, which are real skills.

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Uh no, how about a rework, uh no reverts, rework. Posting in 3rd freakin thread, is this a raid?

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Yes mercy needs a revert idc if anyone likes it or not, she needs it.

See if the ultimate goes back to the old Rez that means that the mercy one tricks will come back to and u say that she was low tire that is wrong because if look back at overwatch when mercy had her 5 ppl Rez is game wining and ppl have to use ultimate harder let say like a mccree aimed ever shot and killed 5 ppl he played it perfectly why should u get rewarded buy just pressing q that is not ok and let say mccree killed the mercy first and u are at last point and it’s 2 cp the response is like 10 seconds and u will press q and make a winning fight for the enemy team in to a lost fight she needs help I’m not saying not to buff but if the 5 ppl Rez comes back then the rank will be unbalanced because ppl will one trick mercy all over again

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No, it’s reasonable and a reality check to dismiss these creatures who keep hammering Blizzard and everyone else just because they miss an unfair and broken (in more ways than just balance) ultimate. Because guess what? No matter how much you cry, scream, beg, cover your ears, and spam: Mass Rez was bad for the game and ain’t comin back.

Honestly, you’re right. In a post that is only empty opinions, I should have known they weren’t talking about actual balance. Silly me.

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And here we go. You just proved my point. Anyone can easily dismiss each respective iteration of Mercy as unfair and broken. Likewise, anyone can also one iteration of Mercy is more fun and fair than the other. In regards to simply stating opinions, neither are wrong and neither should be above the other.

In this case, citing the feelings of Mercy players who like her kit right now does not suddenly dismiss the feelings of those who like her pre-rework. Except, that’s exactly what Blizzard did…

Literally just your opinion. I’ll just respond with, Mass Res was much healthier for the game than E-Res ever was and the feelings of old Mercy players shouldn’t be dismissed just cuz people also like her current kit. And vice versa. In other words, again, this isn’t a good argument. Maybe try arguing something smarter?

You started to do this by saying mass Res was broken but what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Mass res is not coming back tho, and that’s how it should be.


Mercy 1.0 was not op. Early rework valk was.


I love the idea that everyone “loved” mass rez Mercy.

YOU loved her, and that’s fine. But to assume everyone preferred her that way? No thanks. I prefer her now more than ever, and while she may need QoL fixes I do not want mass rez Mercy back.

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What they said was confusing. They said to Mercy 1.0, which definitely wasn’t her best.

Except Mass Rez was literally broken. It was so broken tons of people used it to stat pad and abuse the SR system. There was a point where people who would only fish for 5 man rezzes the whole match instead of properly using it would gain upwards of 40 SR while only losing 12 SR. It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact and there are multiple records to prove it. Mercy with Mass Rez wasn’t even overpowered, it was just cheap and bull****. Mercy 1.0 couldn’t compete with the utility other healers could bring, but there was such an influx of ACTUALLY boosted Mercy players that she was picked more than any other support in GM, even in a meta that Zen (near the end of Season 4), Lucio, and Ana dominated in. She NEEDED the rework, to bring up her power levels while removing the broken mess that was Mass Rez. Two birds in one stone.

You clearly never played any sort of competitive mode before Season 5. Mass Rez was not only cheap to play against because of it’s burst teamfight potential (opinion), but it was an actual cancer on the SR system because of how 5 man rez fishing would literally boost players (fact with evidence that you can do a quick google search on).

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